It (2017)


privileged excrementlord
Too long and mediocre. Some real stupid plotting, too.
"Let's take him to a small part of the cave so he'll have to get small!" They were literally using a part of the cave that was too small for Pennywise while coming up with that stroke of genius. Why wasn't Pennywise shrinking a bit to get in there and rip them all to shreds? wat
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Trakanon Raider
I thought this was (marginally) better than Part I, not deserving of the bashing it is getting. Grown up Ben and Mike were a bit dry characters, but the others came of well enough. The final fight I thought was actually well played, consider Pennywise isn't out for the coup de gras, but prefers to feed on fear.

Anyways, if you liked the book or the first movie, check it out.

Trailer for Doctor Sleep looks good too.


Tranny Chaser
I thought it was really, really bad.

It had a good mix of practical effects and CGI. The sound design was really good. I could see its budget up there on the screen. It was just too fucking long and the dialogue was awful on top of it not being scary at all. The first 20 minutes were really efficient getting everyone to the Chinese restaurant quick but then the pacing shits the bed. There's no tension building and they are constantly undercutting the horror aspects with jokey one-liners and general sillyness. It's not all bad by any stretch and there's a number of scenes and ideas that I like but goddamn they're all buried in this films bloated run time.

edit - I wish they had told a new story with a new batch of kids
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FPS noob
Yeah theres 30 mins of good It near the end buried in 2 hours of mediocrity/garbage. The movie just doesn't work, from pacing/flow/writing/characters/setting. It feels like they are in a virtual reality sim or something, they barely interact with anyone outside their little clique and Pennywise is absent for most of the movie. Its weird how they took all the stuff that was GREAT in the first movie and ignored it.

The ending is a bit Lord of the Rings too, just kinda drags on...and on... and on. There is maybe 30 seconds of unspeakable Eldrich Horror near the very end, there should have been 15-20 mins more of that. The trailers imply you find out a lot more about It's backstory, how it started, where it came from, why clowns, etc. NOPE. Nothing. Its just a retard who doesn't really seem to have any rules at all (well, I guess there was one rule at the end that is stupid as fuck) and makes the dumbest decisions always.

At one point in the movie Mike tells the Losers club that they each need to go off on their own to do some personal shit, goddamn it Mike haven't you seen any horror movie wtf are you doing.

Stephen King makes a little cameo thats weird, I guess he cameo'd in the TV series long ago same role?
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Buzzfeed Editor
I won't be able to see this until it's released on demand, but that's disappointing. Muschietti had an awesome track record going with Mama and It Chapter 1, one of my favorite new horror directors.

Aychamo BanBan

Saw it. Didn’t like it. Very boring. The part with the fortune cookies coming to life was impossibly dumb. I literally fell asleep for 20 minutes towards the end and missed nothing. No magic. Nothing scary. Bad. The only thing that gave me chills was when Beverly was in her old apt and the grandma became very tall and came at her.


Tranny Chaser
The only thing that gave me chills was when Beverly was in her old apt and the grandma became very tall and came at her.

If they were willing to go hard on the murder of Adrian Mellon they should have gone closer to the book in that scene -

Oh God it’s Hansel and Gretel it’s the witch the one that always scared me the worst because she ate the children—

“You and your friends!”
the witch screamed, laughing. “You and your friends! In the cage! In the cage until the oven’s hot!” She screamed laughter, and Beverly ran for the door, but she ran as if in slow motion. The witch’s laughter beat and swirled around her head, a cloud of bats. Beverly shrieked. The hall stank of sugar and nougat and toffee and sickening synthetic strawberries. The doorknob, mock crystal when she came in, was now a monstrous sugar diamond.

“I worry about you, Bevvie… I worry a LOT!”

She turned, swirls of red hair floating around her face, to see her father staggering toward her down the hallway, wearing the witch’s black dress and skull cameo; her father’s face hung with doughy, running flesh, his eyes as black as obsidian, his hands clenching and unclenching, his mouth grinning with soupy fervor.

“I beat you because I wanted to FUCK you, Bevvie, that’s all I wanted to do, I wanted to FUCK you, I wanted to EAT you, I wanted to eat your PUSSY, I wanted to SUCK your CLIT up between my teeth, YUM-YUM, Bevvie, oooohhhhh, YUMMY IN MY TUMMY, I wanted to put you in the cage… and get the oven hot… and feel your CUNT… your plump CUNT… and when it was plump enough to eat… to eat… EAT…”

That would have made an impression on the audience.
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Trakanon Raider
Going to go along with most of the recent comments and thoughts that the pacing was a mess and the movie was way too long for what they presented. The real issue for me is that the movie didn't really get across just how intertwined IT is with the town and that Derry itself is arguably a central character to the story. IT basically molded a perfect hunting ground where people, literally because of the hold IT had over the town, were disinterested in the plight of others. They didn't help those in obvious signs of distress, the majority of the town was depressed, and they seemed to forget bad things like strings of child murders in record time. The first movie vaguely alluded to this and the second didn't even bother, considering Derry was like a ghost town with the adult Loser's Club really only interacting with each other. Anyone who has read the book can understand just how deeply interconnected IT and the town were just given what happens during the ending. Ruined the atmosphere for me.

They also criminally misused Bowers. Even worse then the nineties tv series and I didn't think that was possible.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
We saw this last Saturday. Way too fucking long. Visual effects were cool, but it was funnier than it was "scary".
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NeoGaf Donator
The Thing reference was cringe. Pulled me right out of any immersion I was in. It has cemented itself in the horror genre already. It doesn’t need to throw any homages to another horror story just for the sake of looking right at the camera and saying “eh? Eh? Remember that part of the movie?

Overall pretty “meh” movie. I was talking with my friend afterwards and we both agreed there were parts of the adult portions of the book we really didn’t remember because all the stuff with the kids is vastly superior as story goes.


Millie's Staff Member
If they were willing to go hard on the murder of Adrian Mellon they should have gone closer to the book in that scene -

Oh God it’s Hansel and Gretel it’s the witch the one that always scared me the worst because she ate the children—

“You and your friends!”
the witch screamed, laughing. “You and your friends! In the cage! In the cage until the oven’s hot!” She screamed laughter, and Beverly ran for the door, but she ran as if in slow motion. The witch’s laughter beat and swirled around her head, a cloud of bats. Beverly shrieked. The hall stank of sugar and nougat and toffee and sickening synthetic strawberries. The doorknob, mock crystal when she came in, was now a monstrous sugar diamond.

“I worry about you, Bevvie… I worry a LOT!”

She turned, swirls of red hair floating around her face, to see her father staggering toward her down the hallway, wearing the witch’s black dress and skull cameo; her father’s face hung with doughy, running flesh, his eyes as black as obsidian, his hands clenching and unclenching, his mouth grinning with soupy fervor.

“I beat you because I wanted to FUCK you, Bevvie, that’s all I wanted to do, I wanted to FUCK you, I wanted to EAT you, I wanted to eat your PUSSY, I wanted to SUCK your CLIT up between my teeth, YUM-YUM, Bevvie, oooohhhhh, YUMMY IN MY TUMMY, I wanted to put you in the cage… and get the oven hot… and feel your CUNT… your plump CUNT… and when it was plump enough to eat… to eat… EAT…”

That would have made an impression on the audience.
Mrs Kersh, lol that scene was a hoot. did they do any of the "interludes" in either movie? the really disturbing part of why people are hating on this film, is that it actually sounds like it was mostly faithful to the book.


Tranny Chaser
Mrs Kersh, lol that scene was a hoot. did they do any of the "interludes" in either movie? the really disturbing part of why people are hating on this film, is that it actually sounds like it was mostly faithful to the book.

The interludes are some of my favorite parts of the book. Not doing more than an easter egg or two was such a mistake.

How about this. Between the first and second films we film as a YouTube short Mike's grandfather telling him the story of The Fire at the Black Spot. Grandpa is in a hospital bed, Mike is at his bedside and it's not much more than dialogue. Given how much money they spent on Chapter 2 fuck 'em, film the whole thing, but that's not necessary. Just have two actors tell a ghost story basically. It would be crazy good advertising for the film and help flesh out the history some. You could do the same thing with the story of the Bradley Gang. Adult Mike and an old timer (short timer) telling a cool little story about Derry's history.


Millie's Staff Member
The interludes are some of my favorite parts of the book. Not doing more than an easter egg or two was such a mistake.

How about this. Between the first and second films we film as a YouTube short Mike's grandfather telling him the story of The Fire at the Black Spot. Grandpa is in a hospital bed, Mike is at his bedside and it's not much more than dialogue. Given how much money they spent on Chapter 2 fuck 'em, film the whole thing, but that's not necessary. Just have two actors tell a ghost story basically. It would be crazy good advertising for the film and help flesh out the history some. You could do the same thing with the story of the Bradley Gang. Adult Mike and an old timer (short timer) telling a cool little story about Derry's history.
no interludes? christ, that ties everything together and are the most entertaining parts of the novel. did they at least include all the first encounters with pennywise? kitchener ironworks? the standpipe? tracker brothers?
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Tranny Chaser
no interludes? christ, that ties everything together and are the most entertaining parts of the novel. did they at least include all the first encounters with pennywise? kitchener ironworks? the standpipe? tracker brothers?

Little ironworks, no standpipe, no tracker brothers.
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Aychamo BanBan

no interludes? christ, that ties everything together and are the most entertaining parts of the novel. did they at least include all the first encounters with pennywise? kitchener ironworks? the standpipe? tracker brothers?

My friend, is the book an easy read? I just got it in the mail and it’s fucking like six inches thick. I want to read it but I’m not a big reader. It’s literally the thickest book I own!
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Millie's Staff Member
My friend, is the book an easy read? I just got it in the mail and it’s fucking like six inches thick. I want to read it but I’m not a big reader. It’s literally the thickest book I own!
its something like 1036 pages long, yes its going to take a while, when it came out i read it almost nonstop and it still took me a week to go through it. however it is a good read and you wont mind spending the next few weeks on it. keep in mind, this is the abridged version, in a Playboy interview back in the early 80s, King said the book was originally going on 3000 pages, thankfully, some poor bastard edited that all down to just 1000.

woops, it was 2000 pages
“King works on a Wang word processor, which is currently linked by telephone hookup to an IBM model belonging to writer Peter (‘Ghost Story’) Straub, with whom he is collaborating on a forthcoming horror novel titled ‘The Talisman,’ scheduled for publication in 1984. (Other work in progress includes a novel about burial customs, ‘Pet Sematary’ – no typos in the title, it’s derived from a child’s spelling – ‘Night Moves,’ an anthology, and ‘IT,’ a horror magnum opus about a monster in the sewers that may top 2000 pages on completion.
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