IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I don't think I'd ever entertain a counteroffer unless I was in like an alavaz alavaz situation. Where I did like the company and the job but I just couldn't deal with the lowball salary. Because to me you want to leave a job for a reason. GM could have counteroffered me 2x my salary and a promotion and I still would have left.


<Bronze Donator>
Cool man. I do hope it works out for you, despite my negative comments about the process
Generally, I agree with everyone's points about not entertaining a counter offer. Maybe I'm being lazy, maybe I'm making the wrong decision. It's not terribly hard to find a new job as an experienced software developer. I'll be closer to inconvenienced than fucked if I do end jobless/replaced or back at square 1.


A Mod Real Quick
One thing I've always thought is whenever I've searched for jobs I've had interviews lined up by the end of the week and usually I get offers at most of my interviews (actually, all of them, but technically I've only done a handful). So I like to think even if I make a bad decision, finding work won't be so hard.


Got something right about marriage
I don't think I'd ever entertain a counteroffer unless I was in like an alavaz alavaz situation. Where I did like the company and the job but I just couldn't deal with the lowball salary. Because to me you want to leave a job for a reason. GM could have counteroffered me 2x my salary and a promotion and I still would have left.

Well that's just crazy talk. You take the 2x salary and promotion and tough it out for another year so you can go job hunting at your new salary and title! Don't be an Amateur!
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
One thing I've always thought is whenever I've searched for jobs I've had interviews lined up by the end of the week and usually I get offers at most of my interviews (actually, all of them, but technically I've only done a handful). So I like to think even if I make a bad decision, finding work won't be so hard.

I bitched about it in the job hunting thread but this was not my experience lol. I got tons of interviews and a handful of offers. But the process was pretty much a shit show and getting ghosted mid process is very common.

Not to mention how retarded a lot of interviews are. I'll never forget going in for a performance engineer job and being told to specifically whiteboard some python bullshit despite the job exclusively being in C and web endpoints. I solved their dumbass code problem and asked them what the point of doing this in python was and got ghosted...
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<Silver Donator>
I'm an independent firmware dev and was recently wrapping up a project earlier than expected so I turned on my resumes on Indeed/Monster to see if I could make some new contacts. Apparently there is a new phenomenon in the industry as I am contacted all day long by Indians who can barely speak English and are just copy/pasting job postings and then representing themselves as having been retained by the hiring company.

They call first, which is annoying as fuck, I Google screen them, they always hang up, then email and/or text. All of the emails from all of the shit agencies start out with "Hi!! I hope you are doing well!!" Then a shitty copy/paste of the job bullets with yellow highlights. Jobs may or may not have anything to do with my background. It's absolute cancer.

I've turned off my resumes, blocked every one of the parasites email addresses and screen all of my calls. What a pain in the ass.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah they do that. I got a call yesterday about a cable installer gig. Like, what in the fuck about my resume made you think I'd be a fit for that. Nothing, really. Keyword "network" = spam this dude with all "network" tagged jobs.


<Silver Donator>
I get them all the time.

BrotherWu BrotherWu what kind of firmware do you develop? You're probably the only other firmware dev on the board

Most of my career has been in Automotive. ADAS Vision and Displays, Powertrain, SIR, Telematics. Since going independent a few years ago, about half has been Automotive and the rest has been IoT and video. I get some work myself, some with guys I know who have also gone independent and some through design companies that will do complete product development. There is a lot of work to be had in vehicle coms and stacks but it can be kinda tedious. AUTOSAR is huge right now but it's about as much fun as stapling your face to the carpet.
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<Silver Donator>
On an hourly basis, yes. Roughly double a typical salary. The trick is to keep those hours coming in.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Do any of you have to deal with fighting your various teams/departments in preventing them from buying stupid shit? By stupid shit I mean platforms and tools that will, "solve all of their problems" even though these people have minimal if any understanding of how they actually work or what they really do.

I am fairly close to our central procurement process now so this stuff comes my way a lot. A lot of my current tasks revolve around reducing technical debt so we can scale more efficiently. As our revenue has been growing 30%+ each year for the past 4. So consolidating weird one off processes into python applications, consolidating data sources and creating uniform data practices.

You would not believe the amount of dumb shit teams seem to buy if they have access to money. Most of this was before we forced everything to go through a procurement team that vets the product and the need for it. But still. For example. Marketing generally is full of typical marketing people but they have like two really sharp data guys and one web developer. Who has been creating our entire website alone for years.

So we are locked into a 3 year contract because marketing bought this last year when they had their own budget for this. Business Intelligence (BI) & AI Analytics Tools | ThoughtSpot then promptly stopped using it when their web developer told them to fuck themselves as they expected him to learn how to use it and create all the kewl metrics they wanted. Now it gathers dust and we still pay for it. Of course they bought the enterprise package at $20k a year or some shit.

I recently killed their greenplum servers they had for some time and never used. Because derp derp what's a database?

I got really tired explaining to Sales that they couldn't buy Tableau which would solve all their problems as we already have a BI platform and they all do the same shit. If you want something out of it you need to decide what you want out of it and then we can work on building it out.

I mean fuck man. Maybe more of ranting I guess...


Trakanon Raider
I work for the government. Buying stuff to solve all the problems right after you bought a similar thing that solved all the problems last year is all the rage. Except I'm a contractor and my input means fuck all. So now I just make sure that 15 different overlapping products stay running because each has their own little enclave of stakeholders that it is near and dear too.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Anyone dealt with people that dominate scrum meetings? Assume every company has one or two.

My status is like 60 seconds max. Sometime two minutes if I have a roadblock. We have these two dudes that always take tEn minutes each. Yes I've complained. Just venting.
before the meeting go to a white board. As people are talking just write out the number of minutes /secods everyone take.

Noddle: 0:45:
TJT: 1:00
Chaos 5:09
timmy: 1:30

Don't say anything, don't argue, if anyone ask just tell them you are writing the meetings time for no reason. Leave it there for the next day

Do it again the next day.

By the the third time, the problem will self correct itself. Usually people who take too long on scrum, have nothing to say.

If it doesn't, then leave after the first 5 minutes, just go to your desk.


Got something right about marriage
I feel like Lendarios' "advice" is always a bad idea, always something he would never do, and always something he secretly hopes would get people fired.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I'm a team leader.
I did this for a week, because one of my guys was taking too long. He stopped.

The other team leader uses a phone Alarm and it goes off in two minutes. He uses it at the beginning of everyone speaking, he resets it back to 2 minutes.

Scrums are not for 1 guy to take over. The team leader should cut him off and say .. Take it offline after.
but hey, what do i know.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
It's so passive aggressive
Of course is passive aggressive.

Your other option is on the next retrospect meeting, to flat out tell your team, that taking more than 3 minutes on scrum is counter productive, that they are doing scrum wrong if they allow 10 minute per people.

either way confront it, or it wont change. people who do that LOVE doing that, it makes them feel important, contributing.
In my experience is the ones who have nothing to show for, are the ones that take too long in scrum.