JJ Abrams to direct new Star Wars movie


Irenicus did nothing wrong
A movie about kids, Jedi council meetings and intergalactic politics? That shit is what made Phantom Menace so awful.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Yoda movie review:

"millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."


Trakanon Raider
Yoda could be interesting if its set during the time period of the creation of the Jedi Academy on coruscant. Gathering Jedi masters from across the galaxy to form a school for wayward force users, while having to deal with politics of the Senate. Less action based and more based on the actual teachings and philosophy of the the Jedi order. Kinda like a history piece.
holy fucking shit you just pitched an idea for the worst movie of all time. or, the phantom menace. either way, it's awful.

Phoenix Prime_sl

Its really either that or you get Yoda being a total Jedi badass that everyone hated from the prequals. Is there ANY way to make a good Yoda film? Most likely not. If someone can prove me wrong then feel free too.


Trakanon Raider
Its really either that or you get Yoda being a total Jedi badass that everyone hated from the prequals. Is there ANY way to make a good Yoda film? Most likely not. If someone can prove me wrong then feel free too.
the answer is no, you cannot make a good yoda movie. therefore, they should not make it to begin with. but they will, and it will be terrible, and people will pay millions of dollars to see it.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Maybe something about what happened with Yoda between episode III and V? how he turned into a Crazy Senile little guy from a bad ass jedi master im sure he had to have gotten into an adventure or two in the middle there.


Buzzfeed Editor
You can do a politics and Jedi councils movie that isn't fucking awful. The generalized plot isn't why Phantom Menace was terrible. It was the writing and the direction. Give that same plot to a competent writer and a director capable of coming out of his own ass and you have an entirely different result.


Trakanon Raider
You can do a politics and Jedi councils movie that isn't fucking awful. The generalized plot isn't why Phantom Menace was terrible. It was the writing and the direction. Give that same plot to a competent writer and a director capable of coming out of his own ass and you have an entirely different result.
dude, seriously, the entire point of the star wars movies were action. the plots to the original 3 movies were better written than the prequels, but they weren't fucking "the godfather" either. it was there to bridge the general storyline from one action sequence to another. the characters were much more interesting in IV, V, and VI, and the overall plot meshed very well with the action, but when you watch a star wars movie, you don't want to feel like you're watching CNN. that's one of the biggest flaws with the prequels: nobody fucking cared why the rebels were the good guys and the empire were the bad guys, that's just the way it was and it worked for the story in the original movies. i don't want to watch a star wars movie to see a senate council meeting for 3 hours and see if they add a rider to a bill they're trying to pass.


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't think the choice to include the politics stuff was so much the error as the way it was written and the players involved. No one ave a fuck about the Trade Federation because no one knew who the fuck they were and they were one iteration short of being JarJar clones. It felt silly and boring, when the movie wanted you to believe it was direly important and intricate. I don't think the audience has no patience for that kind of stuff, I think they just demand better quality writing. You can have that story running a thread through an action movie, no problem. You just can't do that if you are George Lucas and don't have the skills or the desire to pull it off well.

In the first movies, those politics were there, just more succinct and direct. You knew the Empire was bad because of Tarkin, Vader, and the Death Star. No need for 3 movies explaining the complex motivations of Senate power struggles only to just have a Jedi duel anyway. The politics were defined when Alderan blowed the fuck up.


Molten Core Raider
Yoda is like 1000 years old, surely somewhere in that thousand years he had some shit go down. Why couldn't he have spent a couple years whoring around the galaxy with a sassy calamari and their ewok best friend Wallaby.


Millie's Staff Member
Chaos is right, you can have a politics heavy film and still have it be action packed, just look at any episode of Game of Thrones for an example. could we give the Yoda thing a rest, nobody wants a Yoda movie. if they did they would have made a yoda cartoon series by now.


Millie's Staff Member
its as action packed as the original star wars movie

here are some good quotes from lawrence Kasdan on the SW sequels.
got that article from egotastic today
Talk about a Big Chill (get it? because that was the name of Kasdan's....eh, nevermind). While giving an interview to IGN about what his role as producer and writer of the new Star Wars movies will entail, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi co-writer Lawrence Kasdan kind of passive aggressively made sure to let everyone know that he thinks the prequels are garbage too.

"I was pleased that there would be new ones, that there was a chance to capture some of the spirit of the original trilogy that I'd worked on. I thought there's an audience out there - my grandchildren, lots of original Star Wars people - and there always will be. It's only good that we try to do some more great ones."

Kasdan also gave his blessing to all the new collaborators he's going to be working with on both the sequel trilogy and the standalone character spin-off films:

"They're going to be fun. J.J. (Abrams)'s a great director for the first sequel. Perfect. We're very happy to have him. The writers I've been working with - Michael Arndt, who's going to write the sequel, and Simon Kinberg, who has, like me, been sort of consulting - they're great. I've never really collaborated a lot, and I've never been a room with a bunch of writers thinking, "Well, what should this thing be?" It's fun. It's really fun. And J.J.'s a writer. Yeah, lovely guy. I'd met him but didn't know him. But now I'm totally enamored by him. He's really funny and so enthusiastic."

And while talking to Hero Complex, Frank Oz both elated and disappointed me by confirming that he'd love to return to be the voice of Yoda, but also that 'at this point you can't go back to the puppet.' Why can't you go back to the puppet? Look at what Guillermo Del Toro has done with puppets. Or why not a CGI/puppet hybrid like from Where the Wild Things Are. Eh? Ah? Meh.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Stolen from Fark.



Musty Nester
Maybe yoda was born regular sized, but 600 years ago he had a duel with rick morranis and got honey I shrunk the yoda'd.

We just don't know. I NEED TO KNOW.