Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)


Molten Core Raider
Lol @ another Ninja T-Rex.

That aside, feels like I've seen the movie now. 6/10. Was alright. 2.15 felt like they were stretching the 3rd act. Should've stayed under 2 minutes.
  • 1Worf
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Gunnar Durden
Abysmal mockery of a beloved franchise. All the sheeple will eat this shit sandwich right up and ask for more. Can't wait for JW 3, space dinosaurs with lasers! Yea that'll be so awesome!

Yeaaaaaaaah dude, fuck the man and his movies. The sheeple are blind and stupid, maaaaaaaan.

I find your posts more interesting when you just spam screenshots with pictures from reddit.
  • 4Picard
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Tranny Chaser
So the premise is that it's a couple years later and the island that they spent serious bank turning into a massive theme park is so volcanically unstable the whole place is gonna go up in a matter of days?

I mean sure yeah natural disaster and all that, but magma hardly sneaks up in people anymore.
  • 1Worf
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Just proves that the T-Rex did that insurance company a favor when he ate their guy hiding on the crapper in the first one. Apparently he sucked all kinds of ass at due diligence.


Avatar of War Slayer
What if the Volcano isn't a natural disaster but Thanos bringing an infinity stone up from the middle of the earth. BOOM, Avengers and Jurassic Park cross over. BONUS, Chris Pratt in this movie is actually Starlord's twin long lost brother.

At the end Hulk lands on the island and starts riding a T-Rex.

  • 2Worf
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Just like Godzilla, the t-rex is the hero of the movie. At the end of the first one he was just saying, "WAAAAAAIT FOR MEEEE!!"


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Story looks like shit.

Original teaser was more interesting. Sounded like "evil scientists" would be a big part of it... maybe still is, but the trailer looks silly.


Gunnar Durden
This will go the lost world and 3 route.

Pratt will go for “save from lava” but there will be secrets behind it all. People wanting to use the volcano to force them to bring Dino’s back


Mr. Poopybutthole
Wow, saw that trailer and I was absolutely blown away...

By how fucking godawfully terrible the entire premise looks. I was fine with Jurassic World basically just being a rehash of the original with the dinosaurs cranked up to 11, but this looks like unimaginable shit. Like, suddenly Isla Nublar is volcanically active despite the fact that InGen would have surveyed the island extensively before investing BILLIONS of dollars into the island (TWICE), and what kind of shit-brained moron thinks they need to rescue the dinosaurs? That volcano is God saying 'Alright you morons, im gonna help you out this one time and take care of this problem for you' and humanity is like 'NOPE WE WANNA BE RETARDS FOR THE FIFTH GODDAMN TIME'.
  • 2Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Holy crap this movie will be terrible.

There's about zero chance the volcano blowing up will be anything other than the end action scene of the movie, and any time a trailer (much less the first trailer) spoils almost the entirety of the climax, the movie is dogshit.
  • 2Solidarity
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I get that it's hard to come up with a story of dinos going on a rampage without the audience thinking, at some point, "where's the military to just blow these fuckers up?" so you need to have some reason to avoid that thought... but this is definitely not the way to go about it. As bad as JP2 and JP3 were, at least the premise for those were a bit better (from what I remember).


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Let's just get all these dinos on a boat. Then we can go for the whole original Alien angle when they get loose, only with showing them off in full CGI glory doing terrible shit to the crew. When Pratt gets injured in the mayhem he can give Brice shorthand lessons in bonding with the should-be-extincts so she and Blue can save the day. People will swear they've gone back in time to 1979 while throwing gobs of money at us.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Because it's not actually a volcanic eruption, it's another one of Dr Wu's hybrids. Jurassic World 3 will be them trying to break into his secret lab on Isla Sorna to stop Dr Wu from setting off a doomsday weapon that will return the environment of the earth to what it was 100 million years ago.
  • 3Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Wow, saw that trailer and I was absolutely blown away...

By how fucking godawfully terrible the entire premise looks. I was fine with Jurassic World basically just being a rehash of the original with the dinosaurs cranked up to 11, but this looks like unimaginable shit. Like, suddenly Isla Nublar is volcanically active despite the fact that InGen would have surveyed the island extensively before investing BILLIONS of dollars into the island (TWICE), and what kind of shit-brained moron thinks they need to rescue the dinosaurs? That volcano is God saying 'Alright you morons, im gonna help you out this one time and take care of this problem for you' and humanity is like 'NOPE WE WANNA BE RETARDS FOR THE FIFTH GODDAMN TIME'.

My response after my former employer telling me I have to save my partially trained velociraptor from a... volcanic eruption on an island I abandoned because of runaway dinos eating shit. Along with all the other dinos in some inane Noah's Ark mission.

"lol no."
  • 1Solidarity
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