Justice for Zimmerman

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Aren't criminal trials all about character assassination rather than proving guilt?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Wow, I'm privileged as fuck. This isawesome.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
The one time that I was a juror, I will never forget the prosecutor wheeling out a tv from the wall to show evidence. The cord wasn't log enough for him to get to where he wanted, so when it hit the tether he looked at it and then pulled harder. The cord popped out of the wall and the tv gave way. After that he spent 20 minutes trying to turn it on, wondering why it wouldnt work. He then had to call a tech, who 15 minutes later brought in a new fucking tv only to discover the old one was only unplugged, and silently have to wheel it off like it was broken.

Probably the most awkward 45 minutes of my life.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
No, can't make it better any more. Most of the world's precious resources have been consumed by the Boomers, we'll never get it back. China will rise, America will fall, and soon everyone in America will have the intellectual capacity of Trayvon's girlfriend.


Vyemm Raider

This article spells it out pretty well: The race angle in this case was injected by people not involved in the case who basically see every single incident of white on black violence as a new excuse to dredge up shit like Emmitt Till from the 50s and 60s because large swaths of Boomers, black and white, can't move past that shit, even now, 50 and 60 years later.

My point: The world will be a better place when all the Boomers are dead.

Fuck Boomers.
Racism won't die with boomers. Some of the most racist people I met growing up were the Latino and Black kids I went to school with. Asians too. Racism seems to exist in every group of people on this planet EXCEPT white people because of the deeply ingrained "white guilt" most white people have.

If you examine the evidence ( without checking your privilidge), racist conclusions pop up. It's unfortunate, but humans are nasty tribal creatures and no amount of librul brainwashing can change that.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
If you examine the evidence ( without checking your privilidge), racist conclusions pop up. It's unfortunate, but humans are nasty tribal creatures and no amount of liberal brainwashing can change that.
i speak out of personal experience. I've been a liberal my entire life and i noticed that I suffered from the same aliment that racist suffer from. if an individual or a group of people does not conform to my standard of non-racist behaviour i found myself irrationally reacting to those group of people. Some justify this action by the basis of positive intolerance is good because it fosters "better future" but over time I realized that it's irrationality overrides a lot of my cognitive ability to process information and logic.


Vyemm Raider
Liberalism in this country has many parallels with religion. You're introduced to it as a child. It's arguments are largely based on appeals to emotion. And, like religion, it needs an endless supply of money. Your money. And you must give them your money (or have the state tax it away) because you're privileged.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So GZ was taught all about SYG in school, but on Hannity GZ said he didn't know what SYG was.

Good find, prosecution.
I don't follow this trial, but I saw something about this today. My reaction...are you fucking kidding me? I don't know how old he was when he went to school, but he's the same age as me. I went to school at 25-27, and I couldn't tell you shit about what I learned in school. And I graduated in the top 10% of my class.

Saying he got an A in a class however many years ago means he retained all information in that class is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Even worse is apparently they trotted out the professor, like he's somehow going to remember some asshat from however many years ago. Yeah...ok.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I don't follow this trial, but I saw something about this today. My reaction...are you fucking kidding me? I don't know how old he was when he went to school, but he's the same age as me. I went to school at 25-27, and I couldn't tell you shit about what I learned in school. And I graduated in the top 10% of my class.

Saying he got an A in a class however many years ago means he retained all information in that class is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Even worse is apparently they trotted out the professor, like he's somehow going to remember some asshat from however many years ago. Yeah...ok.
He took the courses in late 2011 IIRC.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Wait, so what happened, they were using Skype to have someone testify and broadcast the number/address or something?
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