Lance Armstrong To Confess?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They compete every day/week/month/year in it. Every sport is as dirty or dirtier because the punishment is peanuts if you get away with it. And they do get away with it.

Honestly, I think he's looking for a way to confess without looking like the con-artist he is: Go before The Oprah, kiss her rings, and spout some shit about the cancer fucking with his head and his need to raise awareness by cheating to get money to feed the kids. Or some contrived bullshit.

We can go one of two ways: Actually test/ban for EVERY possible PED like a Republican trying to cut welfare, or open the whole thing up under doctor supervision and let the monsters have their fix. This middle path we're on, where we pretend to test and punish, while pretending like there's some moral honor we uphold to the past, etc, is laughable. The owners/leagues know that if they were honest and banned PEDs, their product would decline; at least until it normalizes back down to realistic levels. We know that won't happen because owners need their money.
Spot on. Same thing in baseball and the olympics really.

Lance is a complete piece of shit. LiveStrong is a complete piece of shit, regardless of the message, because the company was created to profit off the name/recognition of Lance before doing anything beneficial with the money. I forget the numbers, but the amount donated to cancer research was a fucking joke.
Described by the 12 page article in my first link above. But who needs information when you can be a sports talk radio styled opinionated blowhard about it.


Trakanon Raider
Livestrong did provide some funding for research, but that stopped in 2005 as Famm's article said. They also continue to help people cope with cancer and have various support programs for it, but again that article indicates that the majority of it is farmed out to other organizations. For the most part, Livestrong's mission is to raise "awareness" of cancer and little else, and has been for the better part of the decade.

Everyone heard of cancer? Yeah? Well, I guess we can shut it down now.

Seriously though, I think it's going a bit far to say that Livestrong is a "complete piece of shit", but that Outside article did lay out what it is and what it does. 10% of it is about raising awareness about cancer and helping people deal with it. The other 90% was marketing/PR for Armstrong, unfortunately. Your money would be put to much better use donating to just about any other cancer organization.

Beef Supreme_sl said:
We can go one of two ways: Actually test/ban for EVERY possible PED like a Republican trying to cut welfare, or open the whole thing up under doctor supervision and let the monsters have their fix. This middle path we're on, where we pretend to test and punish, while pretending like there's some moral honor we uphold to the past, etc, is laughable. The owners/leagues know that if they were honest and banned PEDs, their product would decline; at least until it normalizes back down to realistic levels. We know that won't happen because owners need their money.
I'm not clear on what middle ground you seem to think that athletics in general is on. Athletes are regularly banned for incredibly minute quantities of PED's/substances that they inadvertently ingested with supplements and hair growth formulas and shit. It's not possible to test for "EVERY possible PED" because the dopers will always be a step or two ahead, like with EPO back in the late 90's and early oughts. Am I missing some PED that athletes are allowed to use or a blind eye is turned to?

I agree that the North American pro sports leagues are an exception to greater and lesser degrees (some have no off season testing, or allow heavy doses of painkillers or cortisone and the like). But most other competitive athletes are tested like fucking crazy these days.

Beef Supreme_sl

Livestrong did provide some funding for research, but that stopped in 2005 as Famm's article said. They also continue to help people cope with cancer and have various support programs for it, but again that article indicates that the majority of it is farmed out to other organizations. For the most part, Livestrong's mission is to raise "awareness" of cancer and little else, and has been for the better part of the decade.

Everyone heard of cancer? Yeah? Well, I guess we can shut it down now.

Seriously though, I think it's going a bit far to say that Livestrong is a "complete piece of shit", but that Outside article did lay out what it is and what it does. 10% of it is about raising awareness about cancer and helping people deal with it. The other 90% was marketing/PR for Armstrong, unfortunately. Your money would be put to much better use donating to just about any other cancer organization.

I'm not clear on what middle ground you seem to think that athletics in general is on. Athletes are regularly banned for incredibly minute quantities of PED's/substances that they inadvertently ingested with supplements and hair growth formulas and shit. It's not possible to test for "EVERY possible PED" because the dopers will always be a step or two ahead, like with EPO back in the late 90's and early oughts. Am I missing some PED that athletes are allowed to use or a blind eye is turned to?

I agree that the North American pro sports leagues are an exception to greater and lesser degrees (some have no off season testing, or allow heavy doses of painkillers or cortisone and the like). But most other competitive athletes are tested like fucking crazy these days.
Hah, fair enough. That was my point though; for all the recognition for LieStrong, it used very little to actually DO anything. Because of LieStrong's clout, they had a moral obligation to do more, not less.


<Prior Amod>

INB4 he maintains his innocence and all the cycling "crazies" blow a gasket. This is honestly in the who gives a shit category.

I'm trying to think of this somewhat logically. What possible reason would this person you are describing as a "self serving egomaniac" have to confess when it would mean having to give up a ton of cash?

Don't tell me out of the goodness of his heart. The loudest outcry is from people who already expressed their view that there is no redemption for this man.


Golden Knight of the Realm
he won't confess, he would have to forfeit lots of sponsor/prize money I believe. But he also will never be allowed to compete again at a high level if he doesn't confess. Me, I appreciate what he did for the sport, brought it into the main stream in the US, he was competitive and so what about the doping, everyone was doing it back then. I am glad that he is busted though and that this whole shitstorm happened because it is cleaning the sport up (as much as is possible). However, that does suck a little too since the tour is not as fun to watch due to the lack of superhuman efforts on a day to day basis...
I tried to find the blood tests or urine tests that implicate Lance but I was unable too.

Where is the evidence of his guilt? Idc if Lance is guilty or not I just find it strange that people would push so hard for his guilt but not show any proof.

Most of what I was able to google was people cutting deals to be able to compete again in exchange for saying Lance did drugs.

I'm a bit skeptical of testimony given in exchange for leniency unless it's physicall corroborated elsewhere in some manner. Nothing to do with this case specifically, just something I feel in general.


Trakanon Raider
I tried to find the blood tests or urine tests that implicate Lance but I was unable too.

Where is the evidence of his guilt? Idc if Lance is guilty or not I just find it strange that people would push so hard for his guilt but not show any proof.

Most of what I was able to google was people cutting deals to be able to compete again in exchange for saying Lance did drugs.

I'm a bit skeptical of testimony given in exchange for leniency unless it's physicall corroborated elsewhere in some manner. Nothing to do with this case specifically, just something I feel in general.
What part of "they couldn't even test for EPO for half of his Tour wins" is so fucking difficult to comprehend?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Saint Armstrong obviously was the only one on the Postal Team and pretty much all of cycling who didn't use. He is the 2nd son of God, sent down to bring us all with him to the heavenly kingdom. Duh


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
he won't confess, he would have to forfeit lots of sponsor/prize money I believe. But he also will never be allowed to compete again at a high level if he doesn't confess. Me, I appreciate what he did for the sport, brought it into the main stream in the US, he was competitive and so what about the doping, everyone was doing it back then. I am glad that he is busted though and that this whole shitstorm happened because it is cleaning the sport up (as much as is possible). However, that does suck a little too since the tour is not as fun to watch due to the lack of superhuman efforts on a day to day basis...
There is a recent report out there saying he will only partially confess. Whatever that means. I think as its been stated here he probably will play the oh noes I didn't pay attention to every supplement, injection whatever, and that's on me. Just so he doesn't get sued by his former sponsors etc.
What part of "they couldn't even test for EPO for half of his Tour wins" is so fucking difficult to comprehend?
What does that have to do with anything I said?

I realize you are super invested in cycling and all that. To me witness plea bargain / settlement statements alone aren't enough to convince me of anything in the absence of physical evidence of some sort. They should work together to tell a story where the individual pieces of evidence alone might not be conclusive or make sense. It's not that I'm particularly fond of armstrong, I know nearly jack shit about him. It's just a general way I view evidence.

Witnesses can be so unreliable for so many reasons especially when they are trying to gain leniency for wrong doing.

He sure knows how to make bank, whatever happens.
That could be a possible reason to confess I suppose. I wonder how many people would buy a tell all book about all the officials he bribes and read it just to see what names get named.

That's the thing I don't understand, I read somewhere when I was looking for any physical evidence, that there was allegation that he did test positive but bribed an official.

I'm sure a money trail would exist for that if it happened. That would be a great way to completely destroy him. Find those buried drug tests or trace the money used to cover them up.


<Prior Amod>
LoL @ Emoer getting angry over something totally unreleated to what the post was about that he was angry about. Eomer you rage so hard about Armstrong it's borderline creepy.