Lance Armstrong To Confess?


He said what his lawyers told him to say which included that he used everything that he could get his hands on during his 7 TDF wins, that he's pretty much an asshole and still managed to come across as lying through his teeth (because he is) about half the time. He's fucking weird, like sub-human with the strange faces and smirks at the most inappropriate times, and Oprah was clearly enjoying it when she had him squirming. Great entertainment.

Oh and he also comes across as completely proud of the fact he was so good at doping and getting away with it and is just itching to be allowed to brag about it.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I could only stand about 20 minutes of it... it was painful to watch. The good was he seemed to completely come clean on what he used and when he used it. The bad was that he seemed evasive if not outright lying about the influence he exerted on his team members. It was pretty obvious he was trying to avoid legal pitfalls with his answers. He really didn't seem genuinely sorry about all of the people he fucked over, which shouldn't be a surprise coming from someone able to pull that shit in the first place.

When he was giving honest answers he would say things like "ABSOLUTELY I did not use anything during the 2009 or 2010 Tours", when he was lying he would be very hesitant and give some weak denial. There was a pretty stark contrast between the two types of answers.


<Gold Donor>
Got into a massive argument with a friend last night that stated Armstrong and Woods are equally terrible people. What a fucking buffoon. Armstrong is the biggest sack of shit I've ever seen in sport - Woods was a low life person, but he wasn't cheating anybody out of anything (except his hot ass wife) - and he didn't turn around and sue everyone around him who ever said a cross word about him. He came forward pretty soon after the golf club shit happened and admitted to being a hopeless sex addict. Who isn't? I hope Armstrong goes broke, loses everything, and his cancer comes back. Who the fuck has ever died from dick cancer anyway..
Not a lot of remorse. Not understanding why he 'came clean', is he so single minded he has to be able to compete at something anything to feel alive? He did all this so he can run triathlons?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not a lot of remorse. Not understanding why he 'came clean',is he so single minded he has to be able to compete at something anything to feel alive? He did all this so he can run triathlons?
Sadly, probably so.

The tl;dr version of the interview:
LA: "I used PEDs and I was a dick. Haha, good times. We good now?"
OW: "Umm, how about all those people you fucked over?"
LA: "LOL, I sure did fuck them over, didn't I? We good now?"
I'm so glad I never wore one of those faggot yellow bracelets that Christians and soccer queers for the last decade wore as an accessory. I always disliked Lance. What a cunt
NPR is reporting his net worth is $100M, and a $1.5M lawsuit was registered today against him for suing over reporting doping. The line to get even with him in court is gonna get long. Still no clue why he confessed, he coulda disappeared quietly and kept his loot, now it sounds like he'll lose it all. He has some serious mental issues and a lack of self preservation. Wonder how many perjury counts he can rack up.


<Prior Amod>
Wouldn't he still be cleared in those cases since they had no proof at the time and were just saying he was though the words of others? I dunno how that works, seems like a lot of gray area to deal with. I don't care what happens either way, just curious.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wonder how many perjury counts he can rack up.
Well, he did let the statute of limitations run out on his previous lies during a deposition before confessing. My guess is that he loses significant cash in lawsuits, but doesn't get criminal charges. Which is fine, prosecution for lying about PEDs has been expensive and futile (see Bonds and Clemens). I'd prefer we use our judicial resources elsewhere.


So no matter what he still walks away with 50+ mill. Poor guy.
That all depends on how long the civil lawsuit line will be. Marion Jones, for one, lost every penny she earned in endorsements and other paydays when it came out she doped. Hard way to learn that contracts made in bad faith are as good as toilet paper.


<Prior Amod>
I don't think he's going to be sued for any contracts he made is he? Basically just the people he sued for saying he dopped?


I don't think he's going to be sued for any contracts he made is he? Basically just the people he sued for saying he dopped?
Nearly anyone who made a contract with him when he was doping can sue him for the money and will win. I suspect more than a handful of large companies that had endorsements with him will avoid doing so in order to stave off negative publicity.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Read that he got ~$40 million from the US Postal Service when they sponsored his team, and they have joined in someone's lawsuit against him. I'm gonna guess he loses at least 80% of that $100 million. And his legal fees could easily eat up the last 20%.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Read that he got ~$40 million from the US Postal Service when they sponsored his team, and they have joined in someone's lawsuit against him. I'm gonna guess he loses at least 80% of that $100 million. And his legal fees could easily eat up the last 20%.
Well, if the government is involved in this lawsuit, I'm sure they will spend 100 million trying to recover 40 million.