League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Okay...so I played Master Yi for the first time since he got reworked...oh...my...god he's broken as fuck.

The rengar tried to duel me at level 1. I got first blood. Warwick came to gank at level 4, rengar was 3, I got double kill and double buff. Our ezreal dc'd. Won the 4v5. I built Mogs 3rd item and GA 4th item because I knew I had to get tanky otherwise it was GG. My team was pretty bad besides Leona (She would ult/stun warwick anytime he ulted me) but man...that game was fucking fun.

(I know this is a quite the brag post but I'm a little drunk atm and it's my first time playing Yi so I was like...wtf this is amazing!


Potato del Grande
They didn't really have any stuns on their team which happen to be the hard counter to Yi. One stun and a little bit of focus and Yi goes splat.


Lord Nagafen Raider
True, just warwick and syndra, and her stun is VERY hard to land on a Yi. But still, that damage he does at even level one is ridiculous.


I hate people. Last game we had an Ashe that didn't listen to myself or top make calls. Resulted in several fights that we lost simply because Ashe decided to farm instead of helping out. Favourite part was when an inhibitor was about to die to super creeps, the Ryze and myself on the team asked Ashe to help and he didn't move from farming the center lane because "Ryze was already bot", needless to say the inhibitor went down and we lost shortly thereafter.
The fucking lol community is so toxic. I've been playing mostly aram now; I got lured into it by everyone telling me "It is super casual, people barely even talk."

No fucking way. We get into a match with straight up assassins, so as we're trying to form a strat and the Sion asks what he should do. So we say, probably go bruiser, because there's a lot of really painful guys on the opposite team, and we had two ADC to carry.

He doesn't; he gets fucking destroyed a few times. I'm playing Riven, go tanky + with normal dmgy essential items, and start initiating and rolling. I die because I'm of course getting focused, but it takes them quite awhile to do it and I still will usually get a few kills while our carries will live and clear the lane and I'll rejoin them.

We end the match; Sion ended up with a lot of kills, because he builds normal and HE LIVES BECAUSE I CAN INITIATE LIKE A MFER and then just harasses me for the rest of match.

It's like, do you not understand how this game works? Do you really think you somehow carried us? Do you somehow not understand that me being extremely difficult to kill + initiating made it so you could kill unharassed with Varus and Sivir?

I'm not the best player, but I at least try to not being a retard, and try to work with the team. If we need a good bit of poke, I might swap it up. I don't sit to get hit by skill shots. I can initiate and do it well; I can combo etc. I try to be BETTER.

But jesus, why even try, when a group of 17 year olds queues together and just fucking destroys you. And I don't mean by beating you in the match, but by being an annoying retard troll who thinks that "winning" the game means annoying the fuck out of your own teammates.

And not that it matters, but I had a beta lol account; I have Silver Kayle and Human Ryze and UFO Corki to prove how long I've been playing. But because I was offline for awhile, you can't even see all of my accumulated wins. Like, my history is just wiped. (I've mentioned this before.) So anytime so asshole wants to get mouthy and feels like he has no logic to stand on, he points out my win total.

I always have to take breaks because I'm not the type of person who can just turn the cheek and continue. I mean, I'll put them on ignore and continue, but it's so god damn frustrating a good bit of the time. I am definitely not the best player, but above all I want to work with everyone else, and no one gives a shit. It's the whole argument we had in the WoW thread, where some people come in going, "It's a game, I'll play how I want" while there are 4 other people relying on you to play in the best way possible so you don't waste everyone's time. But conforming to a character build or a meta is too much in the vein of forcing some people to play a certain way.

LoL seriously kills my soul every time I log in. There should be a button to go back in time and falcon punch their mother for giving birth to such an asshole.

I should say, that in general I have thick skin. I can give shit AND take it but there's really something about the combined troll antics of kiddie idiots + a 40 min loss in a game + the opposite team YOLOing you that drives me up a wall.

Edit: Also didn't mean to suggest the guy was a blatant idiot; he knew enough as to how to play Sion and did get kills, though he did a lot of stupid things. The game was just super frustrating because of the shit he and his friends pulled. (3 queue with my 2 queue) Sivir and Zilean went super aggressive and would get caught out freaking constantly, and Zilean would only ult himself so he could run forever, hit w and q, die then do it again and DIE AGAIN. Whereas if he had stayed and waited for me (or even his other buddies) and ultted me or ANYONE ELSE we would have won in half the time. But no one ever sees how they can better their own game. So stupid.


Trakanon Raider
I know it's little consolation after a frustrating experience.. but when it comes to teammates 'not knowing what is going on' you have to realize those people are on the other team just as much (slightly more, technically). Focusing on your teammate's mistakes in strategy, or assuming they will do the obviously right thing in a fight is counter productive to your own enjoyment. Assume your teammates are idiots, that your opponents are smarter then you and play accordingly.

Them raging/harassing you is a different animal entirely, but as dumb as it is, people don't rage nearly as much at people with a good score or when the team is winning. So, carrying your team or just doing good tends to eliminate the majority of the situations you described.

I get some matches that bug me too, the most hilarious recent one being when someone bitches about something like my build, showing just how dumb they actually are in the process. Ex: building a manamune on ashe, have done it many times in SR and ARAM, copied it from seeing Genja do it to bring it to my attention, and have owned many times with it since muramana adds ridiculous damage to Ashe's entire kit, but it takes a bit to build it up. In a win, I'm praised as a hero. We lose, and they are raging at me for being mentally incompetent, lol. In this example, at end of game, had manamune, infinite edge and zeal with berserker boots. They literally said 'omg, you built zeal and manamune on ashe, one of the worst scaling ADs in the game.. how fucking stupid are you?' I didn't even know how to respond, it was like.. yea, you kinda answered your own question. The muramana adds as much damage to her autos and abilities as a bloodthirster or IE for less gold, and lets her spam volley the entire game. He rages about 'rushing' zeal (had finished it after having manamune, BF sword and zerker boots.. a little earlier then normal, but not rushing it), said I needed the move and atk speed to help kite since no one would peel the gap closing assassins off me.
'lol, you're ashe, you kite all day'
'uhh.. that's what I said. At normal speeds if they can dodge a volley (fizz) or gap close in and burst me (zed) then I can't kite. It was either buy zeal or never get involved in the fight at all.'

Point is, most of the time I ignore them, but if they really keep at it and get under my skin, I generally make a statement or two in defense. If they still don't get it, I just shake my head and move on.


I know it's little consolation after a frustrating experience.. but when it comes to teammates 'not knowing what is going on' you have to realize those people are on the other team just as much (slightly more, technically). Focusing on your teammate's mistakes in strategy, or assuming they will do the obviously right thing in a fight is counter productive to your own enjoyment. Assume your teammates are idiots, that your opponents are smarter then you and play accordingly.

Them raging/harassing you is a different animal entirely, but as dumb as it is, people don't rage nearly as much at people with a good score or when the team is winning. So, carrying your team or just doing good tends to eliminate the majority of the situations you described.

I get some matches that bug me too, the most hilarious recent one being when someone bitches about something like my build, showing just how dumb they actually are in the process. Ex: building a manamune on ashe, have done it many times in SR and ARAM, copied it from seeing Genja do it to bring it to my attention, and have owned many times with it since muramana adds ridiculous damage to Ashe's entire kit, but it takes a bit to build it up. In a win, I'm praised as a hero. We lose, and they are raging at me for being mentally incompetent, lol. In this example, at end of game, had manamune, infinite edge and zeal with berserker boots. They literally said 'omg, you built zeal and manamune on ashe, one of the worst scaling ADs in the game.. how fucking stupid are you?' I didn't even know how to respond, it was like.. yea, you kinda answered your own question. The muramana adds as much damage to her autos and abilities as a bloodthirster or IE for less gold, and lets her spam volley the entire game. He rages about 'rushing' zeal (had finished it after having manamune, BF sword and zerker boots.. a little earlier then normal, but not rushing it), said I needed the move and atk speed to help kite since no one would peel the gap closing assassins off me.
'lol, you're ashe, you kite all day'
'uhh.. that's what I said. At normal speeds if they can dodge a volley (fizz) or gap close in and burst me (zed) then I can't kite. It was either buy zeal or never get involved in the fight at all.'

Point is, most of the time I ignore them, but if they really keep at it and get under my skin, I generally make a statement or two in defense. If they still don't get it, I just shake my head and move on.
I also build a muremune on ashe, because, (someone correct me if I am wrong) you gain mana for mana spent, meaning that having her frost aura on and having it go off has you gain a charge. It does delay your build, but it lets you have increased poke and sustainability, which to me is a big thing on ashe, and I think it still transforms earlier than a good deal of other champs who also take a tear. (I'm sure someone will tell me I am wrong.)

We actually won the match above that I mentioned; I obviously didn't do everything, but it seems like a big thing to me that you can have someone charge in with a shield and stun a few people; someone could tell me I am wrong, but it enabled us to win, but because I had fewer kills than the other guy, and because he doesn't understand what a tanky initiator can do for the team, *I* was the one who sucked. I don't need recognition or anything; that's not what I mean, but as you said, they equate getting kills to doing well. They don't pay as much attention to the Alistar knocking the opposing teams carry underneath your turret, or Rammus taunting them onto him while you steamroll them as Kat, etc. That's infinitely frustrating. The majority of chars I like to play tend to be those times; the ones who set up plays and actually CARRY the CARRIES.

I don't know why it drives me so nutty; but there are days I just log off with no faith in humanity.

And every time the one telling you you suck is the guy with the worst fucking build ever, but do your job right and even he'll probably steamroll the game and start criticizing your play.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, it transforms pretty quickly on ashe because her Q does proc it.. So, before turning it into manamune, your auto attacks already proc the charge effectively. Frost shot has a low enough mana cost, that with the regen from Tear, you won't run out of mana just keeping it turned on the whole game unless you are doing some aggressive volleying (casting every time it's off cooldown, like in an early siege of tower) but it's still better then without. I've seen a lot of people use some points in utility masteries for mana regen or mana regen runes on Ashe, whereas I just go 21/9/0 when I run tear and never have mana issues. I'll often go W, Q, W, E, W, R ranks early on, leaving Q at lvl 1 so it costs less too.

I also tend to prefer tanky initiators (or initiating supports) and notice basically the same thing from many people. They have no clue what the people around them are doing unless it's dramatic. Like, saving a carry's life when he's running away at a sliver of health. Or, setting up the initiation on a gank for them. In an actual teamfight, though? Ha! They can barely watch their own character efficiently, much less what you are doing in the backline or who you peeled off of them. Unless an assassin gets on them, they are getting blown up and THEN you peel off of them, they'll never notice what you did.. only that they 'owned them' with their faceroll damage.

The best ones are those who completely ignore assists.. "you are 1-5, you shouldn't be saying shit about strategy" When I'm 1/5/22 on a tank and they are only 4/3/7 on a carry. *shrug* sometimes it's annoying, but more often then not I find it funny these days.
You don't build tear on Ashe* because of how fast or slow you can stack it. You don't build it because it delays your damage for entirely too long and essentially loses your team mid game unless you go into it with a huge advantage. Now if you're still talking about ARAM then it doesn't really matter what you build because its ARAM and nobody takes the mode seriously. Tear as an item on any champion is falling out of favor pretty fast because of the stack time nerfs. The only competitive champs that are really still building it as core are Ryze (because his whole kit revolves around mana) and Jayce who requires the Manamune --- Murumana transform to get his mid to late game poke. Karthus/Kassadin/Orianna/Nid who had great synergy with tear are pretty much ignoring it now and living with just RoA or heading back to Chalice for their mana issues.

*Unless you're Genja. He still loses most of the games he does it though.


Question 3: Some of the new heros (the troll? jungler?) sound like fun. Can I play my first few games to save up in game currency to buy him?
I'd recommend starting out by just hitting up the free-to-play rotation. 10 champions are free every week, and they're usually fairly well split among the roles (a few adc, a few mid, a few junglers, etc.) - try them out there. If you find one you really like and want to play more, save up to buy it.


You don't build tear on Ashe* because of how fast or slow you can stack it. You don't build it because it delays your damage for entirely too long and essentially loses your team mid game unless you go into it with a huge advantage. Now if you're still talking about ARAM then it doesn't really matter what you build because its ARAM and nobody takes the mode seriously. Tear as an item on any champion is falling out of favor pretty fast because of the stack time nerfs. The only competitive champs that are really still building it as core are Ryze (because his whole kit revolves around mana) and Jayce who requires the Manamune --- Murumana transform to get his mid to late game poke. Karthus/Kassadin/Orianna/Nid who had great synergy with tear are pretty much ignoring it now and living with just RoA or heading back to Chalice for their mana issues.

*Unless you're Genja. He still loses most of the games he does it though.
Yea I started going chalice with Nid instead; just feel it does more for me than a tear would.

And yea, I figured someone would come and tell me tear was bad! I like it simply because it gives me the ability to harass and poke more effectively - but I'm also aware that as a carry and someone who needs to build something like IF rather fast if the game doesn't go in our favor early I might have crippled myself. I don't build it because it stacks faster on her, rather I feel that it's one of the saving graces if i decide to get a tear for one reason or another; IE that yea, I got a tear, but at least it'll max where the muramana can do something for me, instead of some people who take it and never see it transform.

I've just always played a char that I feel can really stabilize a team; I'm also not amazing with ADC. I've learned to poke well, to stay in for a few basics, etc, but the hardest thing for me is figuring out when to actually engage or when to GTFO. And that's a bit thing for a carry. Get out and you might have salvaged something from an otherwise ace/terrible turn around OR you might have made it so that you lost a few of your guys whereas had you run in you might have ended up with more kills. I've seen it go both ways; I've run in and gotten pentas and the entire team has lived and we've pushed and won, and then there are other times where I've done that and I've been one of the ones dead. And obviously, there's probably a multitude of things going on there, but watching an LCS you can obviously see who knows when to retreat and who knows when to get in their faces.

I played a game as Cait recently; admittedly it was aram (which, lately, many of my examples will be because I wanted something more casual but god it is worse than normals with the TROLLS) and I don't quite remember our group makeup, except that the only guy capable of being tanky on our team was Cho, and instead he went super AP.

I poked like a MFer, set up traps to let us get kills and to keep them out of the bushes, and stuck on champs to kill them, but when all was said and done, I was the first focused and did not end up with a lot of kills. (A decent amount, but obviously you expect the carries to steamroll games.) We'd asked the Cho to go somewhat tankier, since we DID have a carry and that way he could initiate, but instead one or two of us would die from dives and he would clean up.

Weirdly, it's possible that we won because of him in a roundabout way; the team might have expected a tankier Cho and (like they should have) they focused me, then got raped by Cho when it turned out he could do considerably more damage than they expected. That game also had a weird occurrence where the enemy team TF ult'd into our bushes between our turrets; both turrets were up and I was freezing the lane ahead of our first turret. I wasn't aware he was there, but one of our guys running back from the nexus encountered him. He pinged the map then died to TF, before his buddy killed him. They bitch at me, but I had no idea what was happening. Had I been aware, sure, I'd have helped, but by the same token I was completely flabbergasted why they would fight an enemy IN THE BUSH in between two turrets when they could have run out and gotten him nuked.

It happened fairly fast, and because TF had ult'd from fog of war into a bush it was impossible to detect until someoen ran into the bush but meh. I felt like a tool despite the fact I was fairly sure I was not at fault.

And that's the thing isn't it Commander? That aram ISN'T serious, and you shouldn't be super hardcore about it yet there's always some asshole (and because we dual queue we get into matches with a 3 queue) so it's him and his friends making the match as annoying as possible.

I'd like to win them, so when I enter an aram I look at our comp and the enemy's comp and see where I can best fit in. I'm the only poke? Take some mana regen items so I can do it longer and more often. No tank? Start building tankier if it's possible. They have a lot of stuns? Coordinate dives onto their annoying char. We have a lot of stuns? Coordinate stuns for the most benefit.

And it's not like I am bitching the entire match, or even TALKING. I got bitched at because what I said was, Zilean come to us, because he was out in their territory while the rest of us were running back.

And obviously I know I'm looking at this the wrong way. The only way these guys win is if they piss you off; they don't need or even necessarily want to win the match.


I played a game as Cait recently; admittedly it was aram (which, lately, many of my examples will be because I wanted something more casual but god it is worse than normals with the TROLLS) and I don't quite remember our group makeup, except that the only guy capable of being tanky on our team was Cho, and instead he went super AP.

I poked like a MFer, set up traps to let us get kills and to keep them out of the bushes, and stuck on champs to kill them, but when all was said and done, I was the first focused and did not end up with a lot of kills. (A decent amount, but obviously you expect the carries to steamroll games.) We'd asked the Cho to go somewhat tankier, since we DID have a carry and that way he could initiate, but instead one or two of us would die from dives and he would clean up.

Weirdly, it's possible that we won because of him in a roundabout way; the team might have expected a tankier Cho and (like they should have) they focused me, then got raped by Cho when it turned out he could do considerably more damage than they expected. That game also had a weird occurrence where the enemy team TF ult'd into our bushes between our turrets; both turrets were up and I was freezing the lane ahead of our first turret. I wasn't aware he was there, but one of our guys running back from the nexus encountered him. He pinged the map then died to TF, before his buddy killed him. They bitch at me, but I had no idea what was happening. Had I been aware, sure, I'd have helped, but by the same token I was completely flabbergasted why they would fight an enemy IN THE BUSH in between two turrets when they could have run out and gotten him nuked.

It happened fairly fast, and because TF had ult'd from fog of war into a bush it was impossible to detect until someoen ran into the bush but meh. I felt like a tool despite the fact I was fairly sure I was not at fault.

And that's the thing isn't it Commander? That aram ISN'T serious, and you shouldn't be super hardcore about it yet there's always some asshole (and because we dual queue we get into matches with a 3 queue) so it's him and his friends making the match as annoying as possible.

I'd like to win them, so when I enter an aram I look at our comp and the enemy's comp and see where I can best fit in. I'm the only poke? Take some mana regen items so I can do it longer and more often. No tank? Start building tankier if it's possible. They have a lot of stuns? Coordinate dives onto their annoying char. We have a lot of stuns? Coordinate stuns for the most benefit.

And it's not like I am bitching the entire match, or even TALKING. I got bitched at because what I said was, Zilean come to us, because he was out in their territory while the rest of us were running back.

And obviously I know I'm looking at this the wrong way. The only way these guys win is if they piss you off; they don't need or even necessarily want to win the match.
I get a lot of what you're saying, and duo/three man queue bullying can be pretty annoying. But you said it yourself, aram ISN'T serious, so I find it kind of weird you're trying to force cho into being the tank (i'm aware he was the only one on your team that could) but why? He is viable even just going AP - as you said, he ended up cleaning the enemy team out and you won the game. Now if someone is doing like AP Ashe build yeah, I can understand trying to correct it. But you seem to throw out that aram isn't a big deal/nothing serious but also get bothered when people aren't taking it as serious as you do, or conversely MORE serious than you do. Just kinda comes off like your level of "seriousness" is the only acceptable one, /shrug.

Also, you can see where a TF is porting in fog, but you have to be looking at the spot he's landed on. Plenty of times I've had a TF port near me in a bush inside fog, and it shows you the little ring of cards he's tp'ing to. Once that eye of sauron pops above your head it should alert you he's ulting somewhere and kind of have your head on a swivel. But people will get mad at shit regardless, and almost any assortment of a queue team will gang up on an outsider rather than call out their friends for fucking up. After all, the random is a stranger and it's easier than pointing out mistakes your friend made and risk offending them.


A Man Chooses....
Just wasted twenty minutes of my life. First pick and last pick are duoing. They agree to a swap without telling anyone. Mordekaiser is picked second and goes mid. Long story short, we end up with a Mordekaiser Ashe bottom lane and neither player will help the other. Ashe goes 3-11 and it's a surrender at 20. Dear fucking god this game is dumb.


Trakanon Raider
I've somehow managed to psych myself into enjoying blowouts where I have some over the top negative thing happen to my team. (like an AFK, a lane getting completely destroyed, feeder, whatever). Try to understand that over the course of enough games you will get wins that you didn't realize were from the other team having a full retard member or two, and ride out the wave.

Its like blackjack - even though you have a 52% chance of winning, sometimes the dealer is on fire and you just have to step away from the table and go do something else. In league, sometimes you hit like 6 retard games in a row - so make a rule to stop at 3 retard losses in a row. or 3 in a day. Also - this kind of sucks for people with normal jobs, but if you get hot, don't fucking stop playing until you lose. I've gone 10/11 a time or two in ranked and you just have to ride the wave, then gtfo when your ship starts to sink.


I get a lot of what you're saying, and duo/three man queue bullying can be pretty annoying. But you said it yourself, aram ISN'T serious, so I find it kind of weird you're trying to force cho into being the tank (i'm aware he was the only one on your team that could) but why? He is viable even just going AP - as you said, he ended up cleaning the enemy team out and you won the game. Now if someone is doing like AP Ashe build yeah, I can understand trying to correct it. But you seem to throw out that aram isn't a big deal/nothing serious but also get bothered when people aren't taking it as serious as you do, or conversely MORE serious than you do. Just kinda comes off like your level of "seriousness" is the only acceptable one, /shrug.

Also, you can see where a TF is porting in fog, but you have to be looking at the spot he's landed on. Plenty of times I've had a TF port near me in a bush inside fog, and it shows you the little ring of cards he's tp'ing to. Once that eye of sauron pops above your head it should alert you he's ulting somewhere and kind of have your head on a swivel. But people will get mad at shit regardless, and almost any assortment of a queue team will gang up on an outsider rather than call out their friends for fucking up. After all, the random is a stranger and it's easier than pointing out mistakes your friend made and risk offending them.
Oh I'm not trying to come off that the way I play is the only way; maybe that is how I am and I'll try to see if i can correct that, but these matches tend to be ones where the team seems to get along at the beginning and you try to strategize, then when you start figuring out what is happening one guy will say, "Yea no, I'm doing this because I can."

The game with Cho for example, I said nothing to, until he started bitching about the fact that my Cait wasn't getting many kills. At that point we asked that if he went tankier he'd be able to initiate and allow me to get beefier, but he essentially said, "No, I'm going AP because fuck you, that's why." Similar to the match with Zilean, where I pinged the map and said to join us so we could go forward en masse but he just bitched. I just don't get it; it's a TEAM SPORT.

ARAM isn't serious, but I feel like an ass if I use it to test out some random ass build. It's not ranked, and the only thing you can lose is extra IP for not winning, but I'm not going to do Lulu AD unless I have the blessing of my group. There are 4 people who are asking you to at least play decently; you don't have to min/max, or 100% conform to a specific meta and hey, take a few nid spears in the face and fine.

The issue is more that 9/10 times the guy who will call you out is probably 1) Wrong and 2) Probably not doing all he could be anyways, so to me it always feels like a, "Huh? You're bitching because my Cait is low on kills but you went AP on Cho when what we needed was a tank? Well maybe I'm a support Cait and I'm just poking everyone low so you can get the kills, yea that's it!" (And maybe that's how I should have spun it, haha)

I don't expect people to play how I do; I duo queue so really I don't say much except to compliment someone honestly. Most of my grumbling happens in skype. But when one of the trolls starts ribbing me, it's a real WTF moment since I guarantee that guy is doing something fucking weird anyways.

As another example, we had an all AP team the other day (Nid, Lulu, LeBlanc, Eve and Anivia) against a team with MF, Vayne, Ashe, Riven and Taric. Three caries, 1 bruiser and a support. Not to mention 3 stuns. We figured we were at a disadvantage but amazingly, the team strategized and agreed Lulu should go AD (She got a penta) and because of my poke (I can actually nid spear like a motherfucker, especially on aram; she's one of my oldest and best chars) we actually almost won. ALMOST; Riven and Taric had too much MR and because of their initiate even if we killed a carry or two they were still alive to push the lane. But it was one of those times when no one gave up, no one afk'd, and we just sucked it up.

And the end we say "GG" and then go to the end; my team, despite the loss, still had a good time because everyone was polite and just believed in the win and we were saying so afterwards. Other team starts INSULTING us - like, what? We said GG, no one insulted them, we complimented them and our own team and suddenly we're just taking abuse. I assume they were angry that they had taken so long to win, but wtf?

Nowadays I feel like the only option is to mute someone immediately at the first sign, because otherwise I just get really angsty.

Edit: As for the TF, yea I'll just have to be more aware. I wasn't expecting it, and TPing into our bushes did nothing for him, except place him firmly between two turrets - didn't seem like a smart move.

Sorry for the wall of text; coming home and doing a few LoLs to unwind isn't really working anymore, lol. I did pick up some Ommegang quad ale so we'll see if that helps improve the situation.


Bronze Squire
Ya, shit can be stupid sometimes. I personally hate the whole "gg" thing because everybody says it all the time whether it is a stomp or not. IMO aram/normals are where you try out different or unusual builds. That being said, that also doesn't mean you go feed or play stupid etc, so I think we will just have to disagree there.


Trakanon Raider
While I certainly understand your frustration, I have to point out that Cho going AP isn't horrible by any means. Chogath's AP ratios are very high(100% on his Q, 70% on his W and R, and 30% on his E auto attacks), and he does some crazy damage when he builds that way. He can still build relatively tanky with rod of ages/abyssal/zhonya's/rylais and do good damage, though. But, his 'tank' abilities are predicated on his peel and threat level. His peel is the same whether he builds tanky or not (he either stuns someone diving the carries or doesn't, and he silences or not, his items have no real effect on that). The only thing that changes is the damage he can take, but if he builds too tanky, he has less threat and less reason for the enemy team to bother attacking him at all.

So, when you say he went pure AP, if he built some combination of at least two of rod of ages/abyssal/zhonyas/rylais, he was still getting relatively tanky.

Being able to land a Q with 300ap on a squishy target (doing upwards of 600 dmg) might mean they just get instantly blown up before they can do anything, which is a perfect initiation for the team.

I only mention it to point out that you might have been on the other side of what frustrates you, unintentionally. You were thinking he had to do something a certain way, and were mad when he didn't even if it might have been perfectly viable. Same thing as someone complaining when you (and me!) build tear on ashe in an ARAM.

Point is, when you see things from someone else's perspective, it often helps minimize your frustration in games. Not saying that every time is like this, just that keeping that open mind and being less judgmental will also help you keep things in perspective when someone bitches at you. i.e. 'ah.. he's just mad and misguided/frustrated/uninformed, I've been there before' and then you ignore it.


Ya, shit can be stupid sometimes. I personally hate the whole "gg" thing because everybody says it all the time whether it is a stomp or not. IMO aram/normals are where you try out different or unusual builds. That being said, that also doesn't mean you go feed or play stupid etc, so I think we will just have to disagree there.
This is what I was trying to say; I might not have communicated it effectively? I think aram lets you do different things, but that doesn't mean any sense of cohesion or a sense of purpose goes out the window. I mean, the end result is that you win right? Trying something new is different from doing whatever and playing stupid because it's aram and that's the mantle of it.

@ Enzie - Yea, you're right in many regards. I am fairly judgmental if I see we're having issues; since we play in Skype we'll often talk amongst each other and never really talk to the team unless someone asks us something or otherwise addresses us. So we'll often have something retarded happen, and take a look at our team and their team and try to interpret why what happened did and go from there. (And please also understand that I am absolutely the first person to say I am not the best player, and there are still times when I am in skype when I'll say, "Why did I do that? That was retarded." And if someone in the group calls me out I will literally say, yea absolutely, I'll do better.) So I imagine that yea, as soon as Cho decided to bitch at me, I immediately shot back with a testy comment because he was doing something I didn't agree with. (And admittedly here as a carry there felt like little I could do; I have a few defensive things I could do but I still rely on other members to boost me before I can start obliterating people.)

For the record though, he didn't have *any* tank items except Athene's. He was going for a super AP build, which for him meant Athene/Rabadon/Lichbane/Deathfire and two others which I don't quite remember but weren't tanky. Had one been a Rylai's/Rod I'd have been less picky. The other issue is that yea Cho still has tanky ratios, and did decent damage, but because he kept popping people up and running backwards, he ended up just cherry picking kills instead of being a threat that needed to be eliminated. The upside and saving grace was that because he was still doing some silencing/popping we could at the very least kill a few and get the rest down far enough that Cho could move forward again and clean up.

The end result is exactly what you're saying though; I am not amazing, and neither are you, so do you really have to call me out on my Cait, when you're not exactly 100% here either?

My frustration just lies in the fact that people are just assholes. Play bad or play well but don't be an asshole.

The humorous thing is that he probably suffers from the same thing I do with ADC; he built like a carry but had a hard time figuring out when to move forward and when to retreat, so the end result was that he threw a few things out and then hung back, resulting in the other group members dying over and over, but him being alive to kill the rest. But that's such a tenuous thing, because then that last person is low health and depending on how long the timers are, you might not be able to push the lane at all.

Anyways, don't be an asshole. I like competitive play, and I can cop to a bad play, and try to do better and admit to failings, but fuck me if I can hang with the kids who have no manners.


Potato del Grande
I personally hate the whole "gg" thing because everybody says it all the time whether it is a stomp or not.
GG started way back in video game history before LoL etc. It's more of a courtesy than anything else IMO, kind of like boxers touching gloves at the start of a fight or saying "good fight" afterwards and not necessarily an expression of "wow that was a really close and challenging game".

As far as people talking trash in all chat when you tell them "GG", don't forget it's LoL and just because you didn't have an angry person on your team doesn't mean there wasn't one on the other team... also don't forget that online video game communities (and online communities in general) have basically turned into heaping piles of shit that might occasionally have a little air pocket where a few nice people can reside. Everyone likes to talk about which game has "the worst" community but from my experiences playing a wide range of games they're all the same with the only difference being total playerbase.