League Of Legends


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Do not start the jungle with Lee Sin, jesus christ. Especially so if you're still new to the game. He's one of the most mechanically demanding characters you can pick and you'll spend most of your time fighting with his buttons rather than learning how the jungle actually works.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Do not start the jungle with Lee Sin, jesus christ. Especially so if you're still new to the game. He's one of the most mechanically demanding characters you can pick and you'll spend most of your time fighting with his buttons rather than learning how the jungle actually works.
I agree with Sidian. Best time to learn a champ like Lee Sin is the noobie levels when games hardly matter... Lee Sin teaches you basically everything you could need to know and you'll continue to learn new tricks as you grow. The champ hardly gets stale and never caps out.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Right, but beginners are going to be spending far more time and attention just trying to use his buttons properly than they will learning to time buffs, when to gank/counter gank, when to pressure a turret, dragon control etc. Use someone nice and basic and safe (xin, warwick, vi, etc), learn how the jungle works in a larger sense, then worry about finding a char you like for the jungle.


Bronze Squire
Right, but beginners are going to be spending far more time and attention just trying to use his buttons properly than they will learning to time buffs, when to gank/counter gank, when to pressure a turret, dragon control etc. Use someone nice and basic and safe (xin, warwick, vi, etc), learn how the jungle works in a larger sense, then worry about finding a char you like for the jungle.
I suppose but I am usually the opposite. Tell me it is the worst champ/class or the hardest in the game and I want use it and out perform the rest...so I guess it really depends on the person. Going to be up to them.


2 Minutes Hate
I would suggest playing Lee Sin top before you try to jungle with him then. You should be playing an easier champ in the jungle so you can learn and focus the decision making process. If you go Top with Lee Sin, you'll just have to focus on last hitting and exchanges.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nobody focuses on jungle control, buff timers, or objectives until at least Plat I.


2 Minutes Hate
I wasn't even thinking that far. I was thinking more like being able to be aware of your minimap and seeing someone over extended or learning how to go from jungle camp to jungle camp.

I played some LOL last night for the first time in 4-5 months I think. Played Jayce top. Man I suck (still suck).


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I wasn't even thinking that far. I was thinking more like being able to be aware of your minimap and seeing someone over extended or learning how to go from jungle camp to jungle camp.
True, I agree, Ronne seems to think beginners should be learning to time buffs and stuff lol.. they dont even do that in gold!


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Nobody focuses on jungle control, buff timers, or objectives until at least Plat I.
Ive been in bronze 5 games where people had that shit on lock down, literally timing everything to the second and teams being in the right place at the right time, and diamond 5 games where every person was a train wreck about jungle clue.

Each player has the things they know/focus on, and sometimes teams happen where people click because they think the same things. People in higher elos are usually just aware more things, and execute on them better.


<Silver Donator>
Just to clarify, I'm not really "new". I started playing between S2/S3. I really don't take the game too serious, but I have been enjoying jungle shaco lately. I normally play top lane.

Sebur helped me a little bit last year with some tips as Jayce top. I still suck, but whatever. Also, I don't want to play lee jungle. I don't want to play the OP champs because I don't give a shit about making it to diamond. I think Shaco and Fiddle are the two most fun champs, so I play them.


Tranny Chaser
Speaking of Shaco wasn't there talk of a revamp back in 2013? And I fuckingknowSion's had one coming for goddamn ever.


Bronze Squire
Speaking of Shaco wasn't there talk of a revamp back in 2013? And I fuckingknowSion's had one coming for goddamn ever.
Don't remember Shaco to be honest but I do remember Sion. I know a problem with Sion apparently is his identity. They really weren't sure what direction they wanted to take him.

Just read the Mao changes....oh my god, he might be useful now! His ult moving with him is pretty amazing.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Don't remember Shaco to be honest but I do remember Sion. I know a problem with Sion apparently is his identity. They really weren't sure what direction they wanted to take him.

Just read the Mao changes....oh my god, he might be useful now! His ult moving with him is pretty amazing.
maokai changes seem questionable. He received some nerfs to his baseline, and having ult follow him allows more counterplay. It could be better, but it certainly wont fix any of his problems.


Bronze Squire
His ult being movable is pretty damn good, the only thing I see lowered baseline wise was his E...but it also got a slight slow added. You also have to keep in mind that there are suppose to be item changes coming as well to help out the tanky/utility junglers. The changes are in the right direction though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Been focusing on Mid while I level up my summoner. Started with Lux and got decently good with her, now playing Kayle and doing pretty well. What's another mid I should start learning?


<Silver Donator>
Kayle is stupidly OP, Lulu's harass is insane and she's a bitch to gank and Ziggs apparently is fotm OP. I don't think I've been up against a good Ziggs.

I'm glad Nid's nuke spear got nerfed, but kayle just needs to be deleted.

Kat is a really fun mid if you're doing draft pick, and Swain is a blast once you hit 6. I really suck at mana management, so that's why I like playing Kat on the rare occasions I play mid.

edit: I don't know how the fuck people play fizz. I spend 110% of the game OOM.