League Of Legends


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Adcs mid was standard until after s1 dreamhack where fnatic rolled the tourney using support and adc bot.

What game were you playing? Adcs were stuck mid because at the time that was thought to be the safest farming lane setup. I mean bigfatjiji was considered the best player in the world for a while in s1 and his go to pick was ashe mid.
The thing I remember best about s1 was alistars roaming everywhere always. I played tons of yi mid and warwick jungle back then. Maybe I miss remembered, but I recall there being lots of mages mid. I was at 1600-1800 elo mostly
Mid being primarily mage oriented came about after dreamhack. The meta shifted to double ap in the solo lanes for the most part. Lots of Kennen, vlad, ryse, and kassadin. Adc support bot, and then the tank style junglers.

Of course the meta wasn't as hard and fast as it is now back then. I played a ton of ap sion mid myself. But if your team was running an adc at a decent level of play then the majority of the time they ended up in mid.


Silver Knight of the Realm
People forgetting release Nocturne, holy shit that was terrifying. Only thing I remember being stronger was release Xin.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I consider League of Cleavers worst because there was literally no way around it. You could ban out or occasionally not see one of the OP champs when they were stupid, but Cleavers were in every game on every character for a few days.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
League was too immature in Season 1 to even care about that broken shit and Black Cleavers was implemented during preseason testing. Broken shit was expected. I would rate Black Cleavers higher simply because it wasn't champ specific.

But back to Sejuani, I honestly don't see her being too broken. She is definitely strong but the nerfs on PBE will only give a slight hit (imo), meaning Riot doesn't consider her too out of wack atm.

Nightblue3 claims, and I agree, that Fizz is the most OP jungler atm.

The only problem Sejuani has is that she can be outscaled and is not technically a "carry" jungler. I've had plenty of Sej games where I'm double-digit kills and can soak up enough damage for my derp team to pull a win, but sometimes you get that freak game where even being fed can't make you carry hard enough. I had a Sej game yesterday where all 3 lanes "lost" but I went 9-6-15 and had a full 6 item build. Literally couldn't carry a win even though it would have been so easy if the team just grouped around me.

Fizz on the otherhand is a carry jungler that has insane damage AND builds tanky. You won't get outscaled. 6 item fizz can 1v1 anyone. If you go late you can win games without needing your team to group with you.

Since the Cinderhulk update I'm 8-5 with Sej. (62%)
Since Fizz became a meta jungler I'm 21-11 with him. (66%)


A Man Chooses....
I'm 30-6 with Sej in ranked. One of those losses was a 4v5 from the start where I still went 11-4. A couple of them were basically won but someone on the team decided to be a dumb shit. You should never lose a team fight with her when your flash is up, because you WILL kill whoever your priority target is if you want to. I've been going Righteous Glory over Warmogs now and it is retarded.

Need to pick up Fizz though. Haven't played him in like a year.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My Sej stats are tarnished since I played her pre-Cinderhulk and had a negative win rate. I'm 12-11 with her for the entire season.

Diving into the stats a little more, Sej is clearly strong at all levels of play, being picked 20% of the time and banned 15% of the time and rocking a 57% win rate overall.

Fizz has a much lower win rate for jungle (51%, 16th highest) but he has the 4th highest ban rate of all junglers @ 35%. Literally banned 2x more often than Sejuani. He's played 9% of the time. So Fizz's representation in games (Ban + Pick %) = 44% whereas Sej is at 35%.

Fizz is being recognized as a much bigger threat than Sej even though his win rate is not as high.

Jungle Fizz has a 54% win rate when games go over 35 mins.
Sejuani also has a 54% win rate when games go over 35 mins.

Jungle Fizz has a 48% win rate with games 30 minutes or less.
Sejuani has a 59% win rate with games 30 minutes or less.

The graphs on Champion.gg only go to 35min game lengths but Sej's graph is declining whereas Fizz's is sharply rising the longer games go.
I would like to see a 40+ min stat but I would imagine Fizz win rate is higher than Sej by that point.

Fizz averages the highest kills of all junglers.
Fizz average KDA: 8.77/6.36/6.99 = 2.48
Sejuani average KDA: 5.6/4.73/12.48 = 3.82

Fizz has a lower KDA from less Assists obviously which supports the argument he doesn't necessarily need his team to pull out wins whereas Sej does.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Fizz is still played mid and top, and I'm pretty sure top Fizz is what's drawing a lot of those bans because he's just the newest split pushing bruiser hotness instead of Irelia or Jax.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Perhaps, but the data on Champion.gg shows:

59.21% Role Rate
21221 Analyzed This Patch

27.96% Role Rate
10022 Analyzed This Patch

12.46% Role Rate
4469 Analyzed This Patch

He's picked for Jungle 2x more often than Top.
His win rate in Top lane is ~49% which is only a couple points less than Jungle though.
While some of the bans might be because of Top lane his main role this patch is Jungle so it's probably safe to assume that most of his bans are targeting that role.

Also to note: This champion.gg website only analyzes Platinum+ games. Stats change wildly at lower MMRs.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
lol. Nice man, I had his stream open but didn't watch that game. Saw him playing on a smurf and closed it. Looks like your top & bot were the main problem though but also giving over 2 Barons, yikes.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It was on PBE. He's testing some of the new items. The biggest problem was our Varus just deciding to afk at base towers 10 minutes in.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Fizz has been a stupid strong character for a long while. Huge mobility, really good innate scaling. His weakness is and always will be the fact that good CC use and team comp make him worthless, but the same can be said about any assassin really. He's a lot like AP yi was in that regard. People always remember the times he goes crazy, but they don't remember the times the enemy team counterpicks him and he goes and feeds. Lots of shitlords don't counterpick in solo though, It's why hes a character thats perfectly fine for the competitive scene, but pretty strong for solo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
CC does counter him to an extent but what makes him stronger now is he isn't building as pure AP assassin anymore. He gets 2 damage items and 3 defensive items. He won't 1 shot you anymore like AP fizz but he is still deadly and now much more durable.

Edit: Diana picked in 1st game of LCS since IEM.

Edit2: Gilg plays Zac, right? Zac was just picked by Fnatic


Lord Nagafen Raider
Roccat v Fnatic with some new picks too. J4 Top into Hecarim. Fnatic taking Zac jungle.

What's your prediction Gilg?


Tranny Chaser
He's probably good enough now? I played him a zillion times in Nemesis and he jungled fine. His ganks were fine. A full one-second knock-up on his elastic slingshot combined with a +% health jungle item is really, really good for him.

I wish he was just a little more fun to play. The blob mechanic in its current state, even when just jungling, is pretty annoying. Those things fly everywhere.