League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
Huni is such a monster. It's ridiculous.

My Zac now has 25% CDR + 5% from masteries, I think he's definitely viable. He's just not a free win like Sej.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sort of. Zac and Hec ults both scatter enemies, Liss and Annie you want contained. I mean, still shit tons of AE which is always good.


A Man Chooses....
I don't play Zac personally but every one I've played with has been terrible. If new jungle item changes that, I guess that's good.
He plays differently than the other tank junglers. Managing your passive and sticking to targets in team fights is a much different experience. He's been my main and I love playing him but you have to land skillshots and his midgame is entirely based around getting CDR, which is hard at the moment.

Edit: CW's team fight is ridiculous.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Watching all the new picks due to the latest patch is making this LCS pretty fun. Interesting to see how Sej will play in LCS.


A Man Chooses....
These people building sightstone on tanks make me cringe. You get too far behind on levels/gold to spend 800 gold that early on such minor combat stats. You can only tank if you're tanky.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Damn, PoE makes me want to play Syndra again. I didn't even think how Ludens Echo could help her.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty sure vision war in competitive play is different than the solo queue strategies. It looks like pro's have decided on x2 Sightstone x1 Farsight Orb and a bunch of Sweeping Lens.


A Man Chooses....
If you are jungling and can get a Sightstone without gimping yourself it's really, really good.
Of course. I built sightstone on Zac throughout Season 3, and I still play Lee now primarily because I love the sightstone. I was bitching about losing bramblecoat because I love the ward. But I tried Sightstone on Sej and she just did not get tanky fast enough, whereas if you go Cinder into RoA you essentially become completely unkillable by about 17 minutes.

I think this holds true for competitive as well. He never became useful on Sej because he always just blew up in team fights. You need a big HP item immediately for the bonus from Cinderhulk.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Hey Gilg, I was trying your ROA path on Sej and it is pretty nice but I switched to going for Righteous Glory instead.

Sej has shit AP scaling to care about RoA and Righteous Glory is just so OP for mowing down enemies. Even though Sej has slows and CC she is still a melee range champ. Righteous Glory also has immediate 650 health instead of needing to wait for it to build up like ROA.


A Man Chooses....
I build righteous glory too, but I build ROA first. Cinderhulk into RoA, mercs. into Randuins, Thornmail, and then Righteous Glory. I used to get Warmogs but I think RG is just better now, and unless they are double damage AP(ie, not an AP tank top) then you don't really need MR. They can't burn through 5500hp with magic damage anyway.


A Man Chooses....
Well, she needs mana to clear, and you can give over blue buffs once you get Catalyst(same principle as you see people building it on Nid, some people go Tear on jungle Nid but you can't go tear on Sej). Frozen heart doesn't synergize with Cinderhulk at all. So you get your Cinderhulk, get Catalyst, grab your RoA around 17 minutes, and at that point you can 1v1 most people. 25 mins with RoA/Mercs/Cinderhulk and a Randuins on the way is pretty much the point where they can no longer kill you. I think the 80 AP vs the active on RG is worth it just to speed up her clear speed early, then just fit RG in where you would normally put Warmogs.

80 AP+22 starting(most common for Sej) puts her over 100, which gives he 3% more %hp on her W and 40 more damage on her E.


A Man Chooses....
The whole point of her is Qing over walls into camps, Wing, Eing, and destroying them quickly then moving on. If you're playing her in a mana efficient way you're slowing your clear and missing out on being able to actually keep up with solo laners in exp because you farm so incredibly fast. Catalyst means you can always do another camp, always have enough mana to gank/clear, and stay healthy enough that invades don't bother you. The extra mana on RoA vs RG is a relatively big deal for just this reason. The reason she is so broken is because she can gank very well at level 3 at 3:15, clear as well as literally anyone, crushes team fights, and keeps up in gold and levels. Literally no other jungler can do that except maybe Rek'sai. I'm routinely 20 farm up on the other jungler despite ganking as much or more than he does. She's just a monster. You can clear a cannon wave in 3 seconds and get every minion. It makes no sense. You go top, win a fight, your laner backs, and you can shove it all the way from his tower to theirs and have it reset before he gets back. It just feels stupid.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well I've been building RG 2nd and the mana it gives seems just fine for me. I do exactly what you say on camps (Q->W->E) and my farm is usually pretty high. Maybe I fall behind a little bit due to the lower AP but idk, seems like I clear fast enough. I know that Mister Oink prioritizes MPen over AP and he's a Sej Mid Main so it seems if you want faster clears that Liandry's would be better than ROA in terms of damage.


A Man Chooses....
Liandry's is better for damage to champions but it costs you 400hp, 650 mana, no jungle healing, and the 80 AP offsets the damage difference somewhat(magic pen doesn't work on mobs) plus it's 100g cheaper. The whole point is to synergize with the Cinderhulk 25% bonus hp and her monstrous clearing. With my build you end up with 5200+hp, tons of resists, and over 200 AP and you have a ton of sustain in the jungle. I know no one else is doing it but I've tried the other builds(sightstone, FH, Randuins/locket) and nothing makes you feel as strong in those 20 minute fights as this build does, and it just goes from there.

Try it out, it may not be for you. But like I said before, this is the most overpowered I've ever felt playing a champ. You can literally carry a team that is failing by yourself just by crushing teamfights. If you get fed you can literally 1v3 their backline and win while your team takes on their frontline.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
My end game build is usually Cinderhulk, Mobi boots, Righteous Glory, Randuins, Spirit Visage, Warmogs. I get ~5.8k health and am super fast with RG active and tons of health regen with RG/SV/Warmog.