League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really don't think it's the fault of Dyrus at all. Enemy teams are camping the fuck out of him and TSM accomplishes nothing from it. Mainly because Santorin is playing like trash and not getting Bjerg or Turtle fed.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Teams can have bad tournaments for whatever reason. My issue with TSM is that they just had 4 crushing defeats. These results are so bad I wouldn't be surprised if there are talks of roster moves. I kinda doubt there will be a move but with Reginald you never know.

Only other explanation I can see is that TSM just aren't suited for the current meta at all. Bjergsen is playing champs he's never been known for.

They have a lot of work to do for sure


Silver Knight of the Realm
My issue is that they didn't adapt in the least bit. Literally every game they dove Dyrus at 3-4 minutes, then killed him over and over. Here's an idea, either put Lustboy down there with him, or kill their top lane just as much. They let Mundo sit in lane while Santorin did whatever the fuck he was doing. If you're going to let the EDG jungle kill your top over and over you have to make them pay somewhere else.


Trakanon Raider
Hey, bot has 3 ganking me. Wild Turtle "Ok, let me freeze top lane and do nothing and have bard afk with me top"
Hey, bot has 3 ganking me. Santorin "Ok, these skuttles are important bro. Don't worry I will do toucan next and spend the next 5 mins blue side jungle. You will be fine"

x this 3 times. lanes are still froze, bard still afk top and Santorin still jungling. Almost 4 mins of nothing but 3 people bot lane and shit done mid/top/jungle.

Dyrus should have just said fuck it and took all of red side jungle and gone mid and stole cs. Would have been as useful if not more than another fucking urgot. Why even pick bard if you are going to spend 90% of your time sitting behind your adc? He should have at least roamed mid and put pressure there. I would take Corkie vs Mundo top lane anytime.


Trakanon Raider
I'm a huge TSM fanboy, but I can't fathom what would cause that level of shit play at MSI. I have to assume there is infighting after arriving in Florida?
Opponents outplaying them. Sure, to be expected at international play. But they 100% knew what was going to happen every game, but still just kept putting their dicks in a vise and acting shocked that they were getting Unsullied.


A Man Chooses....
Snipe killed Dumbledoge....fucking DoA is glorious. This is after his perfectly timed IHOP Kalista joke before. Phreak could learn something.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Just about everyone's feelings towards Dyrus this tournament; guy gets the shit end of the stick to often. One can only assume Regi is having them beat and starved like Vietnam POW's when they get back.



God is dead
Glad Bard failed twice today. Hopefully see less of them in solo queue. Have never won a game with a Bard on my team.


TSM's last game was a troll game because they knew they couldn't make the elimination round. That said, holy fucking shit, is their a gif of Dyrus's mega whiff on sion ult? I was howling after that shit. I understand ther eis some massive deflection going on because TSM played terribly as a whole, but seriously, dyrus is god awful..


Trakanon Raider
TSM's last game was a troll game because they knew they couldn't make the elimination round. That said, holy fucking shit, is their a gif of Dyrus's mega whiff on sion ult? I was howling after that shit. I understand ther eis some massive deflection going on because TSM played terribly as a whole, but seriously, dyrus is god awful..
Well it wouldn't have been a wiff if Bard didn't ult the people Sion was about to hit.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's the mark of a true quality team in LoL: your 8k gold lead isn't safe against us. SKT T1 taking that game was pretty cool.


A Man Chooses....
By the time Worlds rolls around Huni is going to be the best top in the world. He's so fucking good for 1 split of experience.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Their whole team is pretty impressive considering the lack of experience. It will crack me up to no end if they suck next split with Rekkles.