League Of Legends


If there's talk of Turtle trade I want in on that conversation

Not just in it, fair trade proposed


Lord Nagafen Raider
Damn my team is insane (already have highest projected pts), thank god I was able to get on to finish my draft. Not too hyped about Turtle & Froggen as my first two picks (yay autodraft) but /shrug, we'll see how they fair.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, no screw you guys, I'm keeping Turtle for the time being, see how he preforms week 1 and maybe 2. :p


Also, no screw you guys, I'm keeping Turtle for the time being, see how he preforms week 1 and maybe 2. :p
Fuck it, gimme my Turtle damnit
....guess I'll just have to kick your ass then, though problem with that is if I do well part of your team does well too lol

I need some cheering up after that Ducks game


2 Minutes Hate
Honestly, what they should of done was have you pick champs, not actual LCS players. Would of been more interesting.

The problem with LCS Fantasy is that there aren't enough players for you to have bench players and subs and trade value. As you can see with my autodraft team last year, I never had to make a swap on my lineup except the one time one of my dudes got benched once.

Any fantasy game that allows you to win by never logging in is just dumb. At least with picking champs you have to do some research on what is popular in the pro-meta and what the matchups could be. You could also make it very very interesting where you had to pick the games where you champs will be played.


2 Minutes Hate
Watched the new champ spotlight. Looks like an amazing fun champ to play that I'll never be able to utilize properly. Not gonna stop me from trying.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea Im pretty pumped for Ekko but I'm afraid he's going to be sink or swim too often (really bad games or really good games, not too much middle ground). His AoE damage is very limited/situational and his tankiness is also very limited. This is unlike my other favorite AP Assassin, Diana, whom has on-demand shield and great AoE damage. Ekko reminds me a bit of Yasuo. His Ult/Stun is somewhat conditional where you need great timings but if you pull it off you win games so easily. I'm afraid Ekko will be perma banned in ranked, or maybe people find him difficult to use and will claim he's "bad" like they did with Yasuo originally. I was able to get in 2 months of Yasuo games before he was deemed "instaban", I'm hoping the same happens with Ekko.


2 Minutes Hate
I'm more interested in his builds and placement in the meta. Everyone assumes that he's going to be an assassin mid lane player. But if you look at his base damage and ratios, they aren't that high, plus his cooldowns are long.

Just to compare:

P: 231(.7) every 3 attacks per target
Q: 120(.2) first then 160(.6) if you hit a second time. (This isn't that bad if you can hit both.)
W: Shield (330(.8)) (his auto hurt sub 30% hp though)
E: 170(.2)
R: 500(1.3) Ok this hurts.

P: 250(.8) every 3 attacks it cleaves.
Q: 200(.7)
W Shield 200(.6) Damage 210(.6)
E AOE small/pull
R: 220(.6) low cooldown dash

I think with all that utility, it would be interesting to see a more of a bruiser build.

edit: More analysis
His base Health is on comparison with Wukong, Panth, Zed, Mundo, Blitz
His health per level is with Chogath or RUmble, has a higher base health than Cho, lower than Rumble
His base HP5 is pretty high. It's with Vi, and only 6 champs are higher. Compare to Heimer with 11 and 1.75 per lvl with the highest.
His HP5 per level is .9 compared to Tryn, Olaf and Vi, only Darius, Braum and Heimer higher.
His base Mana is low, kind of mid range around Hec, Alistar and Malphite
His Mana per level is mid range with Khazik, sej, kayle, fizz etc.
His Mp5 and Mp5 per level is average it's exactly like Syndra, Xerath, Viktor, Malz Cass, Karma, Ziggs, etc.

His base AD is interesting, it's 59 which puts him around Gangplank, Nasus, Zac and 1 AD below rengar, olaf, fiora and yi.
His AD per level is average, on par with a lot of ADCs like Cait, ez, corki, quinn, varus. kog, MF and a lot of other characters like Rengar. Middle of the pack.
His base armor, armor per level is in the upper 25%
Hit base mr, and mr per level is just like every other champ in the upper 33% or so.

His base stats don't excell at anything, but there aren't any weaknesses either.

What if you build him with AS and on hit effects? His E applies both spell effects and on hit effects. Worth playing around with anyway.


Bronze Squire
From what I gather he can be played in multiple lanes. That being said, I agree, I don't see him as a traditional assassin but I can see it working. I think he would be better suited for top lane or jg. I feel like in mid he would have too big of a window to get taken advantage of but it is something I need to mess around with and see in action. I could maybe see him being more of a Maoki tanky kind of build. Will be fun to see!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea Im pretty pumped for Ekko but I'm afraid he's going to be sink or swim too often (really bad games or really good games, not too much middle ground). His AoE damage is very limited/situational and his tankiness is also very limited. This is unlike my other favorite AP Assassin, Diana, whom has on-demand shield and great AoE damage. Ekko reminds me a bit of Yasuo. His Ult/Stun is somewhat conditional where you need great timings but if you pull it off you win games so easily. I'm afraid Ekko will be perma banned in ranked, or maybe people find him difficult to use and will claim he's "bad" like they did with Yasuo originally. I was able to get in 2 months of Yasuo games before he was deemed "instaban", I'm hoping the same happens with Ekko.
That is about what I am guessing as well. Its probably going to be one of those some guys just "get" him and will freak out and kill everybody like you see with yasuo and the majority will just be disappointing with him. He may be a good tourney pic though at the high skill levels. This champ seems like somebody you have to recognize your spots and pick them more carefully because he is just not going to go and bamf somebody to death instantly unless they are already really low.


Blackwing Lair Raider
From what I gather he can be played in multiple lanes. That being said, I agree, I don't see him as a traditional assassin but I can see it working. I think he would be better suited for top lane or jg. I feel like in mid he would have too big of a window to get taken advantage of but it is something I need to mess around with and see in action. I could maybe see him being more of a Maoki tanky kind of build. Will be fun to see!
That is one advantage of him being an AP character there are quite a few decent AP tanky brusier type items that if you can't figure out the assassin part can still make yourself useful in fights.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nightblue was just gifted Ekko during champ select and picked him for jungle lol.

His jungle was nerfed a bit from how it was originally on PBE but will probably still be good due to the mobility. I think he definitely be great mid and maybe top. I'm not sure how well he'll do against bruisers but he should be decent against tanks, pretty much like Yasuo.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What if you build him with AS and on hit effects? His E applies both spell effects and on hit effects. Worth playing around with anyway.
My build is likely going mostly AP with some tanky if necessary.

Primary vs AP Mid:
Abyssal>Ludens>Lich Bane>Void>Decap

vs AD Mid (Zed):
Zhonya > Lich Bane > Void > Decap > Ludens

vs AP Mid (Syndra):
Abyssal > Void > Zhonya > Decap > Ludens

Tanky Top:
RoA > Rylai > Lich Bane > Void > Decap/Luden/Zhonya