League Of Legends


Didnt get champion mastery points for the last 3 games I played on Olaf. I dont get why this game is so fucking buggy.

Did I get the points and they still just havent updated hours later? did I not tweak the clients nipples before I left the game to apply the points? Will they just suddenly appear out of nowhere? stay tuned on dragon ball z


Lord Nagafen Raider
Finally got my first S+ game. Talon mid against Ekko. I got First blood at level 2 (we were both lvl 2 and I guess he forgot talon dmg). Kind of snowballed from there. Full items, decent farm (we had tons of fights). Fun game overall.


A Man Chooses....
It literally doesn't make any sense. I go 12/2/17 on Sej with the 3rd most damage and second most gold, S+. I do this on Zac and get an A+.


Yet Zyra gets an S with less wards placed(despite her having sightstone), less damage, and a worse KDA and kill contribution. I cannot figure out how the system evaluates.


Bronze Squire
Who still plays Zyra though? Go play a zed/lb/kat and you have to work way harder to get S vs a Zyra who nobody plays which would be way easier to get an S. It also factors in everybody else who plays that champ in that role and their performance which is part of how it gives a grade.


Trakanon Raider
I finally rewatched the C9 vs. TSM game. TSM should be embarrassed for pussyfooting around for that long in the mid/late game.


Trakanon Raider
TSM is done. Just fucking shoot it in the head already. The dick sucking of Bjergsen alone makes me wish TSM would lose every game. He got shit on nonstop at the MSI. And is really a nonfactor in team fights. They need a coach who isn't worried about his fucking gauged earrings and tight pants, and has balls. Look at the different team's coaches and it seems the ones who are more successful aren't the ones who have coaches who are of the effeminate type.


Trakanon Raider

Bjerg's a terrible shotcaller. He has great technical skill and knows his matchups, but tactical calls are always at the most basic.
Lustboy needs to become more comfortable speaking english to become the shotcaller, because there is no one else on the team that can take up the mantle.
And loco needs to stop putting santorin on early aggressive junglers. He might play aggressive in scrims and soloqueue, but he doesn't on stage.

That being said, they'll still win NA, because bjerg is still better than anyone in NA in mid.


Got something right about marriage
C9 looked like Team Coast in that demolition. That's gotta be the first time I've ever seen C9 never even kill a turret. And it was Dig who did it to them...


How much do you guys think these NA LCS games even mean? Does it even matter?

I guess I've lose hope on NA winning anything on a global stage either way. NA is just entertainment for me but damn some of the fans on the reddits and shit go crazy over it like these guys are world class.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think anyone in NA has a chance against the top Korea/Chinese teams, nor will they for the foreseeable future.

But f europe!

that rumble ult by dyrus in the dragon fight was so good. this is why dyrus will always be TSM's top.

oh wait, no... he overheated and never cast it.

"I fat fingered my rumble ult in lane and missed my chance to solo kill then I fat fingered shield overload in fight and didn't ult"


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Had a 4v5 from very beginning where player never loaded.

Won it.

Don't think I've won a 4v5 in Gold MMR (where player never loaded). I've won 4v5s where players DC mid-game but these types of wins have been super rare.

Usually I stream all my games but I didnt this time. Damnit!

It was actually a bit too easy, probably not even worth watching again lol.




A Man Chooses....
So what do people think of Ekko? He's banned a lot but he doesn't seem overly scary to me thus far.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
He's fun but I'm 0-4 with him atm. (1 loss was a 4v5 though). I've been able to get fed 2x but couldn't carry. He's very reliant on team comp and teamwork. Might be great in LCS/Competitive but suffers from "vayne syndrome" in SoloQ. I still want to play him but need the perfect comp. I've also never had an Ekko carry a game against me. I've seen 1 Ekko win by being carried and I've won against many fed Ekkos.

The Ancient_sl

Despite his AoE stun he seems to fall off pretty hard late game. All I've seen him to successfully is catch lane opponents off guard with burst.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So what do people think of Ekko? He's banned a lot but he doesn't seem overly scary to me thus far.
He seems more fun that I expected. Mostly been playing hexakill mode this weekend so played him a bit in that. He has pretty good poke/good mobility and his shield stun thing is pretty useful. Overall he was getting banned a lot on hexakill because even newbies with him were wracking up some solid high kill games. His ult will take a while to get used to I once accidentally ulted and killed 4 people I was just trying to rewind to get out from getting smacked by one guy and it jumped me back into a pack which promptly exploded from my ult.

Seems pretty reasonably durable due to some of the AP items available and his damage seemed competitive although in most cases he is not going to le blanc you instantly but he also is not made from tissue paper and his shield from his bubble thing is pretty decent so he can brawl a good bit.