League Of Legends

Started playing again after a year break. Got my ass handed to me the first few games because i wasn't used to the change in aggressiveness from DOTA2, but finally got back to the flow. Owning it up with kayle top.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I am surprised so few top players play Kayle. Playing her full ad ( not that ap/ad mix crap with nashors etc ) is so fucking brutal, especially early.
If played right shes a beast early game. She can beat basically all the top lane bruisers. If you stack ap/ad and a dorans ring start, at level 1 her E does over 110 damage each hit. That's a range auto attack with splash that does 50% more damage than the average level 1 nuke. Carrying me out of elo hell 1 win at a time.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vi is fun as hell on the PBE, they already nerfed her numbers a little bit, but I'll grab her as soon as I have the IP for sure. Another nice champ for my top lane roster




Lord Nagafen Raider
MissBehavin' play LOL as well? I might pop in the NA servers sometime next week. Still lowbie though.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So Frozen Fist, great Ezrael item or greatest Ezrael item? I think maybe greatest. Qs with AE snare/damage is just the best thing ever.


Bronze Squire
So Frozen Fist, great Ezrael item or greatest Ezrael item? I think maybe greatest. Qs with AE snare/damage is just the best thing ever.
Oh ya, which is why I have been using Chaox's build to much success....boots/3pots>rush BT>brut>gaunts


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Longsword 2pot start is best now I think. Level 1 boots just don't matter much anymore. Let's you shop for vamp scepter and probably avarice blade on first B. Avarice is actually pretty tits now if you get it early. Lots of free gold, and nothing wrong with building static shiv on a lot of people.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I think Avarice is a little underrated at the moment. Youm's got buffed a bit (still niche but melee AD are in a better spot anyway), Atma's builds out of it and is still solid on a bunch of champs, and Shiv can be a nice addition to poke damage, especially on Ez or MF.

I still start boots + 3 pots out of habit sometimes, but flask + whatever else is almost always as good if not better.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I pretty much flask + pots + ward on every Mid or Top I play now a day, just let's you stay in lane for a long time as well as be completely safe from jungle ganks for the most part. For non mana users I'd either Boots3 or armor3 + 1ward. Or hell, even the flask/pot/ward build on non-mana users is still strong.

Jungle I usually have to go machete + 5 pots.

Support I like to start Beads + Pendent + 2 wards + biscuit/ward, let's me get that philo very early and still gives plenty of wards and sustain in lane.

Haven't really figured out what I like best on most ADC though. I could see Longsword + Pots being good, but I still like boots+3 just because it allows you to be very safe in lane + can escape and/or chase better since most junglers can't boots early and if the enemy adc/support dont have boots you're just always faster then them.


I've done a few Olaf games now, I find him really really strong jungle. I've found out that he's so strong jungle actually that you can start with minimal items, like 2 health pots and still clear the jungle. I cleared jungle in like 5mins or something with just a doran's blade, never went back,no health pots etc. I use 38% atk speed runes and standard 21/9/0 build. Max the axe throw and always throw it at your feet. It's dmg/second is probably the best in the game early game. (with blue the cooldown is like 1 second and it does up to 260 aoe dmg). Once you power grind through that, if you get the elder lizard item (the one that burns aoe dmg) take it with red buff to a lane, throw one axe, destroy entire creep wave, run off and jungle on the way to ganks. Jungle rotation is just Blue>wolves>wraiths>golems>red gate back boots/whatever else then gank available lane. also possible is just get blue>wolves>wraiths>golems>gank>red (if you do this, start with an extra health potion).
Jungle fizz is kinda retarded but fun also (with atk speed runes his w hits HARD) and he has great ganks. Fizz in general is just a fun character, a good ADC destroyer. He has the ability to get behind the line and burst them down before they can run off or counter. His "combo" will 1 shot most of them.


Vyemm Raider
is there a good summary of s3 changes, new items, etc? i haven't played really in about a year, but still watch LoL on twitch/own3d on occasion.


Golden Knight of the Realm
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The Dauntless One

Lord Nagafen Raider
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Just shows how many people came back to the game with Season 3.