League Of Legends


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm really excited for the new Japan server to open. The idea of playing LoL on 5 ping has my dick hard. Going to be like a whole new game.


<Silver Donator>
Is it too much to hope for Stixxay to get 6 points or less in his next game?


Trakanon Raider
So, who wants a better top/jungle/support? I want to make some trades, damnit.

edit: yes, I'm saying Huni/amazing/vander are all up for potential trade. I'm too weak at mid, so I'm mainly looking for an upgrade there, but also adc. I've got some bench options and free agent ideas for replacements in those positions where I wouldn't be losing that much is why I want to do trades. Would also trade my mids/adcs if I was getting one back in the process.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So, who wants a better top/jungle/support? I want to make some trades, damnit.
I can't help you at either position. Huhi is just as good as PoE, and since Froggen is out due to visa issues, I won't have a mid either. At ADC Altec is just as good, or better, than my guys too. I would have been on board to do a trade but the options don't work out.


Week 3 Power Rankings!

Week 1 Power Rankings
Week 2 Power Rankings

Disclaimer: These are my opinions. My criteria weighs total points scored for week/lifetime higher than match victories.

8Last Week: 8
TSM Greenmoon (Sebur), 176.89 | 524.26:

Moves:-Remi, +Hai

6th in Points scored this week, 7th overall, 0-3 record.

I am starting to feel bad because this team did so well other than being held back due to managerial negligence. Ryu didn't play and no replacement was substituted. This news was available for at least a couple days on the Fantasy website. There was no player available that could have given this team a win this week but picking up Sencux would have put this team within 0.08 points from winning the match and also would have had the 3rd highest points scored this week. Sencux is a risky pick up but since he's currently 7th in total points for mid laners, and without many other options, he might have been the only free agent to get.

That said, this team could easily do better but the manager is holding it back. There is only 1 other team at a 0-3 record, Gilg Picks Eurasians. That team has not met expectations and is falling hard, maybe next week we'll see a change at the 8th spot. For now I have to keep TSM Greenmoon in 8th simply due to negligence.

7Last Week: 5,-2
ZTEAM (Infurio), 147.42 | 543.79:


8th in Points this week, 6th overall, 1-2 record.

With zero moves made for the 2nd week in a row, management has either died, doesn't care, or just has tons of faith in Fnatic. This team lives or dies with Fnatic, and this week that meant death.

Fnatic should not be valued too highly this split. They are tied for 5th in the standings, putting them in the bottom half. Having Fnatic players is a risk and is the main reason this team failed to pull out a victory. With weaker teams it becomes all about matchups. Week 3 they played G2 whom are probably the best team right now, and also Splyce who are doing better than expected. Week 4 should see a better performance as Fnatic play 2 teams with a combined record of 1-11.

I recommend keeping Fnatic players in for week 4 and expect this roster not to change yet again, but I can't see this strategy working out in the long run.

6Last Week: 4-2
Gilg Picks Eurasians (Graiban), 158.54 | 505.58:

Moves:-Vander, -Jensen, -Renegades, +Noxiak, +Apollo, +Origen

7th in Points this week, 8th overall, 0-3 record.

This team baffles me because the rosters every single week have looked really good, but the players continue to under perform. Biggest mistake here was replacing Vander with Noxiak. That move alone made this team much weaker. Apollo for Jensen is a wash, but overall Apollo scores better. Origen is a huge pickup over Renegades and makes up a little bit for the Vander flub.

For comparison, Vander averages 14.54 points per game (nearly 30 per week) whereas Noxiak averages 8.20 (16 per week). Having Vander still would not have given this team a win, but he would have only been 3 points from victory.

Big issue this week, like ZTEAM, was having Fnatic players.

I think this team can still come back, the roster is just full of talent, but with the managerial flubs, bad luck, and having the lowest score overall as well as lowest score per week for two weeks in a row, I have to put this team toward the bottom for now.

5Last Week: 7,+2
Diana's Lunar Rebels (Ravishing), 185.49 | 579.28:

Moves:-LOD, -RF Legendary, +MrRallez, +Keith

5th in Points this week, 5th overall, 3-0 record.

Just like last week, my wins are more from luck and ease of schedule than anything. Maybe I was too harsh dropping myself to 7th last week, I had more faith in some other teams, but with the managerial issues that are afoot, and being only one of two undefeated teams, I will place myself back at 5 which is where I originally had myself in the Week 1 power rankings.

Origen carried the team this week with an excellent performance, but they are tied 5th in the standings, so it's still a risk relying on them. Keith faltered and Hauntzer did exceptionally bad. Some big changes need to be made to get above 5th. A loss is expected week 4, as this team plays the only other undefeated team, Sid's Spectaculars.

4Last Week: 6,+2
Frown Town (Dejekt), 241.42 | 633.07:

Moves:-Kikis, -Hybrid, -Perkz, +Soaz, +Hylissang, +Hjarnan

1st in Points this week, 3rd overall, 2-1 record.

This team made more bold moves this week, and they paid off this time. Going from 4 members of G2 down to 1 seems to have worked. Even though G2 performed exceptionally well this week, this team is a lot more balanced now which should mean consistency going forward. It's probably worth keeping Perkz in the lineup though but Hylissang has been consistently better than Hybrid and Soaz is keeping even with Kikis. Keep an eye on matchups and only over extend with the G2 lineup if it seems they'll have another blowout week.

With some intelligent moves being made this team has been rocketing to the top.

3Last Week: 3
LiftLift's Trash (Enzie5), 226.45 | 612.19:

Moves:-Shiphtur, +Mash

2nd in Points this week, 4th overall, 1-2 record.

This team has found it's groove, remaining in the top 3 for points scored for two weeks in a row. It'll be hard to improve from here, but anything can happen. Right now the goal needs to be improving the record and just maintaining consistency. Too many bold moves could be a detriment.

With a roster consisting of no more than 1 player from any single LCS team, this team is very well balanced and should remain very consistent.

The biggest detriment could be the manager. He eagerly wants to blow up the roster which could spell disaster, or maybe it's the push needed to get into 1st or 2nd? Time will tell!

2Last Week: 2
Sid's Spectaculars (Sidian), 223.01 | 670.73:

Moves:-Airwaks, +Kirei

3rd in Points this week, 2nd overall, 3-0 record.

Delivering on his promise to take out Bandwagoneers, this team sits tied for 1st in the standings and should remain there after week 4 unless a massive upset occurs.

This team remains 2nd in the power rankings simply because points scored warrant it. Overtaking the Bandwagoneers won't be impossible, but with the Bandwagoneers scoring 1st in points for two weeks in a row, it's just not possible to drop them yet due to this week's performance.

Replacing Airwaks was a good move. Kirei scores 2 points more per game overall, however this week Airwaks did finally have a decent performance. Going forward Kirei should be the better pick.

1Last Week: 1
Bandwagoneers (Mario Speedwagon), 208.18 | 686.50:

Moves:-Balls, -Alex Ich, +Impact, +Steelback

4th in Points this week, 1st overall, 2-1 record.

The theme here continues to be the undefeated Immortals. Not only that but picking up Impact in place of Balls is a huge upgrade. I honestly don't know how this team lost to Sid's Spectaculars... I mean, obviously Piglet scoring 51 was a huge factor there, but we can't expect that to happen every week so going forward I see this team remaining dominant.


Trakanon Raider
I can't help you at either position. Huhi is just as good as PoE, and since Froggen is out due to visa issues, I won't have a mid either. At ADC Altec is just as good, or better, than my guys too. I would have been on board to do a trade but the options don't work out.
Yea.. I looked hard at your roster cause I know you are at least open to the idea, and our rosters are very similar. Strong at Top/jungle/support, weaker at mid/adc, for the most part. That said, I like PoE almost as much Huhi going forward. The numbers so far don't back it up, Huhi has performed better overall, but it's just my gut that origen might get it together. So, if we did do a trade, I'd consider huhi for PoE pretty close to equal.

The people that I could create the most mutually beneficial trade with, seem to not be paying attention to the league at all, though. Or, they have an unhealthy fanboyism for specific teams

1Last Week: 1
Bandwagoneers (Mario Speedwagon), 208.18 | 686.50:

Moves:-Balls, -Alex Ich, +Impact, +Steelback

4th in Points this week, 1st overall, 2-1 record.

The theme here continues to be the undefeated Immortals. Not only that but picking up Impact in place of Balls is a huge upgrade. I honestly don't know how this team lost to Sid's Spectaculars... I mean, obviously Piglet scoring 51 was a huge factor there, but we can't expect that to happen every week so going forward I see this team remaining dominant.​
He had impact before, but he just didn't start him due to possibility he wouldn't play. So, he didn't really 'pick up' impact, he just swapped him in off bench. Just nitpicking

And, I don't want to 'blow up' my roster
I want to take advantage of some diamonds in the rough before others figure it out too. I had a gut feeling to play dardoch this last weekend after watching his games from the previous week, but I ignored it, and he blew up. You can see I almost got him last week and changed my mind right after, heh. I have a similar feeling on a couple others, and I'd just personally prefer to stream my top/jungle matchups and have a more consistent person at mid or adc then the other way around like currently. It's more interesting to me, makes it a little more similar to alphadraft's setup that I enjoy.​


Trakanon Raider
You need to diversify. Even if they were as dominant as last year, it's not the best idea to have that many players on the same team. Bandwagon is doing well with Immortals, but they've had some low point games even when they win. If they are TOO dominant, they could win both games, yet not put up very good fantasy points in a week, and he would lose his matchup. Fnatic is not even close to what they were last year, so being that all in on them is a recipe for disaster.

Personally, I'd try to start no more then 2 players on the same team at any given time. You may want to trade off either Febiven or Rekkles for a lower tier person plus a more consistent player in another position then your current one.

edit: err.. I'm assuming you are Infurio?


Trakanon Raider
..and after further analysis, didn't realize how badly those two have been doing overall. Your best performers have been lourlo and aphromoo. May not be able to get much for feb or rekkles, actually.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I would keep Fnatic in this week simply because of the easier matchups. Very lucky to face Giants/Roccat this week whom have 1 win between the 2 of them. However, Roccat has put up a fight in a bunch of games, they might actually take a win off Fnatic... That could be a good thing though since it means the game would probably go long and players can get more points that way.

Fnatic is at a point where they probably won't blowout anyone, which is good for Fantasy, so even though they face easier teams, they should be able to get points this week.

That said, you have 3 Fnatic and 2 C9 players, that's 5/7ths of your roster relying on 2 LCS teams, neither of which are doing too good.

Sneaky is not a high scoring Fantasy player, never has been. He's given you piss poor performances every week. The best was week 1 and he still failed to get you 30. An ADC and Mid need 30+ a week in Fantasy. Looking at the Stats, there's 14 ADCs that average 28+ points per week. (Stats | Rerolled | Fantasy LCS)

Sneaky averages 20 a week and is ranked 20th. There are currently 3 other ADCs whom are free agents that average more than Sneaky. They might seem risky because they are on bad teams, but if you look at matchups you might be able to find them in a favorable week. Or you can try doing a trade for a better ADC.

For Junglers, yours is ranked 16th for overall average right now (12 points per game). There is 1 *active* free agent whom averages much higher: Xmithie from CLG. You might want to pick him up but this would be a bad week to play Xmithie since CLG go against Immortals and the 3-3 TIP (whom everyone thought would suck, but are actually decent).

Febiven is also failing you. 13 points a game. Not many free agents available here. Sencux from Splyce would be a risk. Maybe you can trade 1 of your ADCs away for a better Mid and put in Lourlo as Flex or something.

If you look at the overall stats for players, your best player has been sitting on your bench. You could put Rekkles as starter ADC, Sneaky on bench and Lourlo in flex. Keep Fnatic this week then try making changes week 5.

Just my thoughts, maybe Sneaky blows it up this week and you'll hate me

Edit: Oops, after looking at matchups, Lourlo also goes against Immortals this week, but also the easier - but still decent - DIG. C9 face RNG and Echo Fox whom are each 1-5, so if Sneaky doesn't perform this week then you need to dump his ass. This is the easiest schedule C9 can get.

It's honestly hard to say who will get more between Sneaky and Lourlo this week. It's a risk either way, but looks like Sneaky *should*.

Also, I just noticed you have 2 CLG players too. Meaning you only have 3 LCS teams representing out of 20. You really should break up some of these pairs.


Trakanon Raider
Fawe *mentions potentially picking up sencux.. immediately picks him up after posting.*

Way to crush his hopes! :p

As odd as this may sound, I feel like TL has the best chance of actually beating Immortals. All their games seem to be decided by random chance. As a team they either look completely dominant or like total scrubs in half their matches. Dardoch is new and fresh enough that he might actually give Reignover some problems for once. If a few early games things go their way, I would not be surprised if they handed Immortals their first loss this week.

I still think IMT is favored to win, but I just have this nagging suspicion it'll be a crazy game and end in an upset.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Yea, I feel like a dick. My roster sucks and I was toying with starting him but then I decided not to. I can drop him if he really wants him. He's just on my bench atm. I don't think this is a good week to play him. Splyce have a much tougher schedule this week.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
To be fair, I didn't recommend him to play Sencux this week, anyway

And about TL... ya they could probably take a game off Immortals, but I can also see Immortals stomping them. It's a tough call. Lourlo against Huni is probably not ideal.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I agree. Equal chance of a 20 min stomping, or a back and forth game that TL somehow wins. Odd that I can say that about a matchup, with how dominate Immortals has been, but I don't see them going undefeated this split. Been trying to figure out who will take a game off of them eventually, and TL seems the most likely right now.

btw: In case he's thinking I'm trying to screw him, I've offered a trade to Bandwagon, and I wanted to post it here so others can post their opinion. His weakest spot so far has been support. So, I've offered Vander and Huhi for Pobelter (and then whoever he would drop). Huhi is only averaging 2pts less then Pobelter, and Vander is averaging 3 pts more then yellowstar or kasing. So, based on performance so far, he'd be gaining a point on average and reducing his reliance on a single team to score lots of points. While Immortals isn't the worst team to be all-in on, they can win games and yet not score many points as a team, and that can create big swings. Plus, Pobelter's average is due to a couple big games spiking the numbers. Vander and Huhi have been extremely consistent in their points.
The reason I am willing to do the trade, is because I feel like I can make up most of the points I'm losing in those spots with other options, and get a mid that could almost win a matchup single handedly for me when he spikes. Plus, I've already played him, so improving his team doesn't hurt my future matchups unless we are in the finals together.