League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>

Week 4 Power Rankings!

Week 1 Power Rankings
Week 2 Power Rankings
Week 3 Power Rankings

Disclaimer: These are my opinions. My criteria weighs total points scored for week/lifetime higher than match victories.

8Last Week: 8
TSM Greenmoon (Sebur), 242.84 | 767.10:


6th in Points scored this week, 8th overall, 0-4 record.

This team has only played 6 of 7 players for 2 weeks straight and has dropped to last in total points scored for the season. This team is also the last team to have zero wins.

While points scored this week were dramatically improved compared to week 3, it was still only enough to be 6th best and did not grant this team a win.

Until the manager comes back from AFK this team will remain at the bottom. Which is unfortunate since this team could be doing well with just a couple adjustments each week.

7Last Week: 7
ZTEAM (Infurio), 252.75 | 796.54:


4th in Points this week, 5th overall, 1-3 record.

No moves made three weeks in a row. This was the week to see how good they can be with 5 of 7 players facing their easiest schedule. Even with such a great schedule, this team only managed the 5th highest point tally and recorded another loss.

Future weeks will not be as easy and if this roster remains unchanged then this team is likely to slump again.

6Last Week: 5,-1
Diana's Lunar Rebels (Ravishing), 196.11 | 775.39:

Moves:-MrRallez, -CLG, +Shiphtur, +G2

8th in Points this week, 7th overall, 3-1 record.

This was a devastating week for the Lunar Rebels as they scored the least and fell 2 positions in the overall point tally. Bigger changes will need to be made to keep up with the strength coming from the other rosters.

It's bad when a roster with only 6 players (TSM Greenmoon) outscores this team by 50 points. Main failure this week was OG. Relying on them will continue to be a huge risk.

5Last Week: 6+1
Gilg Picks Eurasians (Graiban), 274.68 | 780.26:

Moves:-Apollo, +Jensen

2nd in Points this week, 6th overall, 1-3 record.

Finally they live up to expectations and pull off a huge victory, scoring nearly twice as many points as week 3. Doublelift came out strong with 64 points scored, but that was hardly necessary to secure the victory this week.

5 of 7 players had a very easy week. They certainly took advantage of it but whether it can continue against tougher opponents is still a concern.

4Last Week: 3-1
LiftLift's Trash (Enzie5), 221.84 | 834.03:

Moves:-Huhi, -Kasing, +Vander, +Selfie

7th in Points this week, 4th overall, 1-3 record.

A couple weak performances on this roster left the team failing to pull out a victory. They do remain 4th in overall points scored, however.

Vander and Selfie were huge pick ups and they kept this team off the bottom rung for the week.

3Last Week: 4,+1
Frown Town (Dejekt), 252.74 | 885.81:

Moves:-Hjarnan, +Perkz

5th in Points this week, 3rd overall, 3-1 record.

This roster is looking very refined and continues to perform solidly. They hold steady at 3rd for overall points scored and tied for 2nd with a 3-1 record.

This roster is full of top EU talent. Only problem this team might face is if G2 win too convincingly. Fast wins can be a detriment to point gains, and so far G2 average the fastest victories. Be careful when G2 face a very easy schedule.

2Last Week: 2
Sid's Spectaculars (Sidian), 259.35 | 930.08:

Moves:-Stixxay, +Nukeduck

3rd in Points this week, 2nd overall, 4-0 record.

Remaining the only undefeated team, Sid's Spectaculars keeps a firm grasp on 2nd. It was an easy victory this week but points scored doesn't warrant the 1st place position just yet.

1Last Week: 1
Bandwagoneers (Mario Speedwagon), 286.45 | 972.95:

Moves:-Yellowstar, +Kasing

1st in Points this week, 1st overall, 3-1 record.

Even though this team thrives on the Immortals players, this team's best performer for week 4 was actually from UOL's Steelback, whom scored 50.

This team has scored the most points 3 of 4 weeks now. With 5 weeks left, it'll be a huge task for any other team to match that success.


Bronze Squire
It won't help me but I actually shuffled some stuff around like an hour ago. Got rid of Ryu, Remi (bench) and emp (bench) and fox and picked up Sencux, amazing (flex) froggen (thought I remember them saying he will be back playing this week but maybe I heard wrong) and matt.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Going against Sidian will be tough, but your team has scored well the past weeks other than the 0 from Ryu.
I have no idea what the status of Ryu is. I'm not sure if he's playing this week or if he's stuck with Visa issues. Might want to put him on your bench just in case he returns.

Im kinda surprised you dropped Fox though, but I need to try and improve in that same position so I'll give him a try.
I dropped Shiphtur to make room for Fox, you might want to check him out over Sencux, but schedules might favor Sencux this week, so idk.

Edit: Oh wtf, you had Emperor and dropped him? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Thanks I guess?


Edit2: *avoiding multi-posts!*

So if anyone is playing Diana, her win rate has dropped to ~50% from ~52% in mid lane, and she ranks 18th for mid laner win rate. However, Jungle Diana seems to be a little better. She has a 52.5% win rate and is ranked 9th for junglers. Udyr is still ranked 1st.

I switched my main role to Jungle (from Mid) and fluctuate between Diana & Udyr based on matchups. Just got into Plat promos so seems to be working.


Bronze Squire
I don't like Emp or Fox and Emp sat on bench, and fox bored me in his games so there is that, I didn't even want sencux cause I don't like his team's name. So meh. Then again EU as a whole bores me.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fox is a risk but UOL are doing decent so idk. Emperor is doing really good and on the best EU team. But hey, it's your team

Similarly to how Enzie picked up Vander and tried to trade, I have offered to trade to Dejekt Emperor for Trick. Both are G2 players and both average about the same amount of points, but jungler is a weaker position for me, so I'm willing to give up Emp if he wants him.

If someone else has a player of equal value then I would also consider trading.


Trakanon Raider
Oh ffs.. I'm not sure if I even care about this league anymore.

You don't 'like' emp and he 'just sat on bench'? He scored 50 pts this week. He's the 5th highest scoring ADC across both leagues, 12th overall in points. You can just go to the 'stats' tab and see how he's doing, you don't even have to care about EU LCS. Him being on your bench this whole time has been a ton of lost points. I would have traded you Amazing AND someone for him last week. Fuck, I'd have likely given you basically anyone on my roster for him.


Potato del Grande
Illaoi can get out of control so fast with the damage out put. I've lost so many games this week to Illaoi single handedly carrying the other team.


Trakanon Raider
Similarly to how Enzie picked up Vander and tried to trade,
You say that like picking them up off free agent somehow deflates their value.
Perkz was acquired off free agent after I dropped him week 1, now he's 3rd/4th best mid (depending if you count selfie or not). Dardoch is the highest scoring jungler, 6th overall, that I got off free agent. The initial draft is supposed to just be a starting point, but it seems like most of the league thinks that's 95% of what fantasy is.

When he initially dropped Vander, Noxiak had been on a mini-hot streak, and it still wasn't clear if H2K was really that good or just had started off strong. It was a defensible choice, at least. I mean, no one picked him up for 5 days till I decided to. Not like I was just on at that specific time. I had watched their games and they looked very strong to me, while VIT didn't seem to be on the same page each time, much like TSM so far.

edit: Also, selfie posted on twitter that he will be starting mid for echo fox next split.. so, I'm reading between the lines here, but it sounds like Froggen's issues aren't going to be resolved soon, and he may be considering retiring/playing for EU again. Selfie was already a sub for Echo Fox, on loan to h2k, but it seems he's been asked to be starter next split. I can't imagine that would have happened if Froggen was for sure going to be able to play.


<Silver Donator>
The initial draft is supposed to just be a starting point, but it seems like most of the league thinks that's 95% of what fantasy is.
Now that you've come to that realization, let's see if we can avoid passive aggressive comments in every single post.


Trakanon Raider
There wasn't anything passive about it, but it also wasn't directed at you. You at least were up front about it, and there's always one person like that in any fantasy league. I figured a league full of people from this board, smarter then average gamers, would be a bit more involved overall. I'm just highly frustrated and disappointed.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You say that like picking them up off free agent somehow deflates their value.
Not at all. It's that we both were able to pick up trade bait from free agency, and if no trade goes through, they are still good starters.
What turns people off of Fantasy more than anything is when people take it too seriously. Try to relax.
I hope my power rankings aren't turning people off, cause it's mainly meant as a fun thing and to keep interest. I might stop them if it's annoying folk.
So far this season has been the most active Fantasy season. Almost everyone is adjusting rosters and at least trying. This week's scores were insane too.
We've had past seasons where fuckin Draegen AFK won the whole thing.


Bronze Squire
The initial draft is supposed to just be a starting point, but it seems like most of the league thinks that's 95% of what fantasy is. .
See but my problem is, and the reason I play league fantasy and not some other like football is I get to potentially pick up my favorite players and potentially put together a team of my favorite players that I may or may not win but it adds a little excitement to the mix for me when watching their games. I wasn't around for the draft due to not checking the forums at the right time so it kinda went out the window for me.

I understand totally how fantasy works but I rather invest my time in to school/playing games then the analytics. So yes , I do play off feeling much the same way I play league (like playing Jhin even though there are much better options at mid/bot or triple adc no tank comps and all of this in ranked mind you). I play what I want because I want to play it, bad choice or not. If that ruined the league for you or anybody else, then I apologize, that isn't my intent, I didn't know this was some super serious league.


Bronze Squire
Not at all. It's that we both were able to pick up trade bait from free agency, and if no trade goes through, they are still good starters.
What turns people off of Fantasy more than anything is when people take it too seriously. Try to relax.
I hope my power rankings aren't turning people off, cause it's mainly meant as a fun thing and to keep interest. I might stop them if it's annoying folk.
So far this season has been the most active Fantasy season. Almost everyone is adjusting rosters and at least trying. This week's scores were insane too.
We've had past seasons where fuckin Draegen AFK won the whole thing.
I actually like the power rankings, gives me a giggle and made me look at the roster a little bit.


<Silver Donator>
There wasn't anything passive about it, but it also wasn't directed at you. You at least were up front about it, and there's always one person like that in any fantasy league. I figured a league full of people from this board, smarter then average gamers, would be a bit more involved overall. I'm just highly frustrated and disappointed.
I understand the feeling (I'm the same way when I play poker at home games), but I'm not overly sympathetic. You've said that you're playing multiple fantasy leagues, so hopefully one of them is chalked full of "tryhards". I do like that you're offering a lot of commenty and insight (same for Fawe), just ease up a bit on the criticism directed at people that can't devote the time to it.

I planned on using the league as motivation to start following LCS a bit more. While I have been actually watching some games this season, I just lucked out on my random ass drafts and don't have a lot of motivation to trade.


Trakanon Raider
See but my problem is, and the reason I play league fantasy and not some other like football is I get to potentially pick up my favorite players and potentially put together a team of my favorite players that I may or may not win but it adds a little excitement to the mix for me when watching their games. I wasn't around for the draft due to not checking the forums at the right time so it kinda went out the window for me.
Why not trade for your favorite players then? If you value them higher due to liking them, it'd be easy to create a trade with someone then.
You could have gotten almost anyone for Emperor and Fox after the last week he had. Being a 'homer' is at least something I understand, even if its not really my style (I'm slightly biased to NA teams, but that's partially from knowing more about them). Even just between Fawe and me, the ones saying we were open to trades on the boards, I'm sure we had at least ONE player you like. It's the randomness of the whole thing that takes away the fun. There's almost no strategy or thought required, might as well roll a 8 sided die and crown someone the 'champion' off that.
Dropping your best players just means whoever was online first after suddenly got a more stacked roster.

I'm not saying everyone is supposed to dedicate hours each week to analyzing everything. I don't even do much analyzing outside of watching the actual game, I just happen to be able to download and watch all the games eventually. So, it's based off how I felt they performed while watching. Even if you can't watch any games, you can still look at how many points your own players are scoring.


Bronze Squire
Ya, I just dropped em cause I don't know him and hes EU, to be perfectly honest. Same thing with Fox plus I looked back and he was inconsistent as well. I probably could have traded but I didn't expect anybody to want to trade any of my garbage players for bjerg/dlift/aphro/rush


Trakanon Raider
I understand the feeling (I'm the same way when I play poker at home games), but I'm not overly sympathetic. You've said that you're playing multiple fantasy leagues, so hopefully one of them is chalked full of "tryhards".
No, I do one day drafts on alphadraft for money. I wasn't in another league until yesterday, started a new 8 man league and did our draft a few hours before the super bowl. Seems like about half the league knows what they are doing, other half was either on auto draft and/or don't watch the games much. Either picking people like yellowstar too early, despite his bad split, or people like diamondprox (auto draft was going off projected points for this week, and riot keeps on leaving him as UoL's starter) who aren't even playing. But, among the 4-5 guys who did, seems like it'll be semi-competitive.

If you play poker enough, the problem I am having with our league is akin to the other 7 people at the table playing every hand, calling every bet, and then the one with the most chips at the end saying 'see? this strategy works fine.'


Trakanon Raider
Ya, I just dropped em cause I don't know him and hes EU, to be perfectly honest. Same thing with Fox plus I looked back and he was inconsistent as well. I probably could have traded but I didn't expect anybody to want to trade any of my garbage players for bjerg/dlift/aphro/rush
That's the thing, they aren't garbage at all
Even with Fox being inconsistent, he's still averaged very high, and is on the 3rd place team in EU. They are beating everyone but the top 2, basically.
You could have gotten aphro or rush most likely, and probably bjerg/dlift too before this last week where TSM finally had a blow up game. Assuming the players that have those guys are active, that is. On a purely value scale, Emperor would get you any one of those players, but others might be fans of TSM as well and not want to trade. Fox should get you aphro or rush, with how they've played so far and that they are in a lower point slot. Considering Fawe has Rush, you could have likely worked something out. He's weak at jungle, tho, but I'm deep now, potentially. So, might have been a 3 way trade, or two separate trades, all in all.


<Silver Donator>
If you play poker enough, the problem I am having with our league is akin to the other 7 people at the table playing every hand, calling every bet, and then the one with the most chips at the end saying 'see? this strategy works fine.'
That actually made sense to me....except I readily admit that I lucked out with Immortals. I picked WildTurtle because I knew his name, then I targeted other people on his team just so I could watch their games and skip the others.