League Of Legends


<Silver Donator>
While i agree with you Ravishing, i think this video just fueled some sexy fire with a new take on the skin.


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Silver Knight of the Realm
Maybe I'm just seeing things, but feels like they are building up to another game, and seems like it will be something fairly large scale. They have a shit ton of employees, and supposedly have looked at projects in a few different genres. I know for awhile there was a lot of talk about them doing a fighting game, but I'm guessing they couldn't come up with something they felt would drastically expand that market. Also, could have just been him trolling, but Marc Merrill did post something along the lines of 'Should we make an MMO' to twitter back in the summer.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe I'm just seeing things, but feels like they are building up to another game, and seems like it will be something fairly large scale. They have a shit ton of employees, and supposedly have looked at projects in a few different genres. I know for awhile there was a lot of talk about them doing a fighting game, but I'm guessing they couldn't come up with something they felt would drastically expand that market. Also, could have just been him trolling, but Marc Merrill did post something along the lines of 'Should we make an MMO' to twitter back in the summer.
Ya, here we've talked about it:
Riot Games MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
I really hope their relationship with Marvel grows and we get some legit full CGI movies on an epic Avengers scale


Potato del Grande
Anyone who hasn't played in a while isn't missing much. Matchmaking is still total dogshit and 99% of games are a complete shitshow steamroll for one team or games that should be easy but you get 2 to 4 literal retards on your team and it's impossible to carry them. The other 1% are actually close/fun games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone who hasn't played in a while isn't missing much. Matchmaking is still total dogshit and 99% of games are a complete shitshow steamroll for one team or games that should be easy but you get 2 to 4 literal retards on your team and it's impossible to carry them. The other 1% are actually close/fun games.
I can't agree with this, you are just mad at Ranked which isn't unique to LoL. Every ranked system that puts strangers together fails in this regard.

The steamroll part is a lot less true now than ever before due to the increased bounties. But steamrolling is part of the game so not entirely false here.


Potato del Grande
Meh, 4-0 so far today in new season and i'm only at s3 40ish LP and only got +30 for the 4th win, looks like i'll be lucky to get s1 if I go 10-0 =/


Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck me. I didn't realize you had to do placements for ALL roles.

Kind of annoying when you get secondary role now.


Potato del Grande
Yea I dunno how I feel about role ranks.

Kind of annoying that i'm now 13/9 and getting -25 lp but only +15 lp, and literally the only games I've lost are ones where I get trolls on my team like the Lucian this last game who did 5000 dmg in a 31 minute game and our viktor top who did 8000, Lucian being 0/6 and viktor being 3/10 or something and they both ran around like bots literally doing nothing, standing in full MF ults, etc.

Mostly annoying because why the fuck am I already getting +15 vs -25 and i'm at like 60% winrate or w/e 13/9 is.


Trakanon Raider
Because the game thinks you are over your skill level.

Ended D2 went 6/4 in jungle placements and got placed in plat. Back to d4 already though. I think I'm going to wait on doing my other role placements until the herds thin out. Some games I would be jungling against a gold from last season and some games my plat top laner would be up against a master player. More of the former then the latter for me luckily.


Potato del Grande
Yes I know that's what the game thinks but I have no clue why and it's annoying cause now i'm in the boat where i'm gonna have to have an 80% winrate to get back to gold because "the game thinks" for some reason. Might as well just start levelling a new account I guess.

80% winrate is a slight exaggeration, I guess technically like 70% winrate would do it (3win = 45, 2 loss = -50 so more than 60%) but then add a bit more for promo series too.

I could understand more if I got placed in s3 and went like 7/13 the game saying "hey maybe he should be in lower ranks" but when I've run a positive winrate the entire time it makes no sense to me.
Last edited:


Trakanon Raider
I guess it depends on where you were in gold and your true mmr at the time of reset. Since they added a whole new tier and culled out the bottom position the people that were in the 5th division of every tier most likely got calculated as being x1 or 2 of the tier below for placement purposes because of the skill spread in x5 divisions.

For example one of my buddies that was a d5 with a slightly negative winrate with just enough games to stay active ended up as g1 after his placements which he did badly in.


Trakanon Raider
Gold 4 tried jungle and adc, 5-3 and 5-3
Silver 2 both seemsavout right since I lost so many drunk games with friends last year


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Before reset I was Gold 3,

Won 1st promo and was silver 3.

Currently 6-1 and silver 1 with 50lp.

Looks like I'll stay silver 1 even if a win for last promo game.

I'm curious if you're supposed to be 1 tier lower now with the removal of division 5 or if adding iron means you'll be higher... guess we'll know soon once stats start rolling in and we see player distributions.

I don't really care about what rank I am as long as I get back to gold at some point. I've never played enough to get back to Plat, which I think was seasons 5&6 when I was there


Mr. Poopybutthole

This season has been a cluster fuck with wild LP ups and down, and positional ranks. But was finally able to grind it out and get Diamond for the first time after 3 seasons of being Plat 1.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Kayle looks like another late game hyper carry but getting there doesn't seem easy. Not being able to attack when ulted is a nice fix but the true damage is kinda insane