League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
Just got S+ with Leona. Only 2nd game with her since the Mastery update and 4th this whole season. Gotta believe S+ is rather difficult to achieve being she so popular. Was a stomp of a game though. Oh well, I'm happy about it
I ignore the system now. I get S+ for random shit and then S- on Zac when I go 14-2-15 with the second most damage and most gold. And yes I upgraded my trinket.

Also, whoever dropped Impact I'd like to thank you.


Got something right about marriage
<Gaming Ghost>
Man C9....they aren't even losing these games, they are getting absolutely wrecked every single time. They look like a J.V. team trying to compete with olympians


Trakanon Raider
reddit quote about c9
"Now that game of thrones is over I guess C9 can give me a weekly dose of tragedy and bloodshed."


They need to implement instant ranked bans for some duration (12hrs-1day?) when a certain percentage of the players in a game report someone for dc/afk. Fuck people who play on shit computers and/or shit connections.


Bronze Squire
They won't. Leaver buster is still in place and if I remember correctly they stated it would take at least 2-3 games of intentional afking for them to get a temp ban.
It's also weighed by game leave percentage. If you play 600 games without leaving then have some shitty luck/net for a week and get two or three leaves it won't hit you.


anyone ever buy a fresh lvl 30 acc off player auctions? you can get a lvl 30 acc with 30k IP for 5$.. thats it. Seems way easier than leveling one.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'm torn on the new items Riot is coming up with. They are more complex, adding diversity, keeping the game "fresh" in some way, but the complexity could backfire, could drive away new players, could make things a bit frustrating. I liked how LoL mainly focuses on TEAM play and strategy, these items could turn things into a rock-paper-scissors game.

Look at Runeglaive, there's a reddit thread going on now showing it turns Nasus Q into magic damage. Runeglaive is also receiving a buff on PBE, thus it should become a pretty strong item on Live sometime soon. Assume Nasus stacks Q most the game as AD damage, players build armor to counter, then late game he builds Runeglaive and bypasses all the armor you bought. Of course the tradeoff is he has to take Smite instead of TP or Flash.

The new Devourer on PBE looks crazy. Nightblue was jungling Vayne. At 30 stacks the item becomes "Sated Devourer: When Sated, every other basic attack will trigger on Hit effects twice." Jungle Vayne new meta?

Zeke's Herald is going to be another game changing item currently on PBE.

Of course strength in this game has always been measured by items, but some of these new effects don't seem to take into account the 120+ champions already in the game and what potentially could happen when you start modifying their abilities beyond just more AD/AP.

+AD/AP was a very basic & simple measurement, these new items are modifying abilities beyond their intended design. The affects can't be fully parsed before they hit Live. The meta can be shaken so easily by any of these items if tuning is off just a smidge. It could easily become another Black Cleaver 2.0.

Again, I'm not necessarily against any of them. New items are fun. But we might be losing a bit of the simplicity.


They've already gone full retard with champions, might as well do it with items too. I cant stand how every new champ has double abilities and passives and all this crazy shit on them.


2 Minutes Hate
I love it. I like the theory crafting though. New jungle item opens up so many new meta changes.

It really keeps the game new. It also gets older players back to playing. It won't effect new players really. The magic vs. Ad thing is something for experienced players to consider.
As a veteran player I like the new complexity found in the newer champs, items, and jungle changes.

For new players though if they keep pouring it on then the barrier to entry might become a little daunting. Leagues biggest selling point over dota was it's simplicity while delivering the same feel with higher twitch play. You didn't have to be able to play a character like invoker and know fifteen different actives to play the game in a competent manner.

Honestly at its base dota is the better game. So I hope league doesn't drift too far away from what made it better or an equal alternative in the first place.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't think the newer Champs are that complex. They all have a decent rhythm to them. Most of the extra passive are there for evening out power gains.


Trakanon Raider
After playing some Cho'gath recently I decided to play some Gragas mid after hearing Scarra say Gragas should be played in all 3 lanes more often. (I've been experimenting with tank mages)
And he's right. Gragas' kit just has too much versatility to only live in the jungle.
3 forms of CC, self healing, damage reduction, poke, mobility. just nutty that he has the ability to initiate or peel on a low cd ult.
After playing some Cho'gath recently I decided to play some Gragas mid after hearing Scarra say Gragas should be played in all 3 lanes more often. (I've been experimenting with tank mages)
And he's right. Gragas' kit just has too much versatility to only live in the jungle.
3 forms of CC, self healing, damage reduction, poke, mobility. just nutty that he has the ability to initiate or peel on a low cd ult.
It's funny how things work with certain champs. gragas was a great mid a couple of years back. Then he gets a nerf and is shelved. Gets a buff then he is a jungle monster with massive burst. Gets nerfed again. Gets some small buffs and becomes a top lane tank with frozen gauntlet and roa. More tweaks and he's back to being a jungle tank. Seems like no matter what they do to him he will always have a spot somewhere. He even had a stint as an overpowered support.

Kind of feels like how gangplank used to be before they gutted him. Was the good old days when I could play gp in any role aside from carry.


Bronze Squire
I don't think the newer Champs are that complex. They all have a decent rhythm to them. Most of the extra passive are there for evening out power gains.
This and combine it with there will always be older relevant champions that aren't as complex and I don't think there will ever be a huge barrier to entry.