League Of Legends


Blackwing Lair Raider
okay that new game mode looks interesting curious to give that a shot. I wonder if with MF if her rework makes people play her more as AD instead of all the AP MF I have seen lately.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't play ranked much I find the people there are just a bit to angst ridden for it to be fun but nearly every time I see ms fortune of late on any of the game modes has been AP. Its probably just something people saw streamers do although it actually does work reasonably well as her abilities scale well with AP as compared to AD.


Trakanon Raider
Just tested out Rune Glaive AP GP on beta. Ludens would randomly proc on the Q, but I didn't think it was suppose to. Went full stupid with the AP, and the Ult with the new item doing I think 130% True Damage I can pretty kill everything in the ult with the ludens proc along with it.

His heal also is crazy. Think it's 1 to 1 ap+ 30% of missing hps.

Try it out boys.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I hope the MF changes make her a viable pick in ranked, but I am not convinced yet. Still think they should make minions unable to break strut so that you can kite better. Also wonder why they haven't corrected her extremely weird scaling yet


2 Minutes Hate
It was never gone, but your power was delayed because your first clear was bad. Now it's just fucking dumb with devourer.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nah, Kayle was nerfed pretty hard last season. You'll actually see Kayle in pro play again most likely. Her AP Ratios were hit hard, Atk speed lessened, and cooldown lengthened (since reverted though):


AP ratio reduced to (+60% AP) from (+100% AP).

Divine Blessing
(+7% per 100 AP) added to movement speed bonus.
Heal AP ratio increased to (+45% AP) from (+35% AP).

Mana cost removed.


Attack speed per level decreased to 2.2% from 2.5%.

Righteous Fury
Ability power ratio decreased to (+20% AP) from (+40% AP).

Cooldown increased to 110 / 95 / 80 seconds from 90 / 75 / 60.

She had a couple small buffs since but the AP ratio on Reckoning & Righteous Fury are still much less than originally.


2 Minutes Hate
She was still good in the jungle if you could get over her early game. She still did massive damage when you ramp her up.


I really like Kayle's kit. I'm Silver and curious on what I'm doing that is so wrong, I do the right builds I think my timing is on, yet somehow I lose and can't seem to get into Gold. I will not accept the fact that my team is the issue, it's league, you always have someone fucking up on each side, I just pretend each game is a 4v4 with an autistic companion per team. I am hoping Kayle can shine some light on my life! ;p


2 Minutes Hate
Well you can build AP Jax and crit for 1000 on your W and 700ish on your Passive every other attack. Minus whatever MR someone has.


2 Minutes Hate
Morde is interesting. You can stack Hextech for 20% spell vamp and Wota for whatever it's passive is. I think anyway, seemed to do that in the game. Only problem is that all his shit is AOE unless you can isolate his Q. In any case, Rylai's is disgusting on him. 40% slow on his E with it.

All sorts of different builds you can use on him though. Probably bumped him up a tier from the garbage pile to something below average. Maybe higher, but I doubt it. Only tried it out in a custom.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I really like Kayle's kit. I'm Silver and curious on what I'm doing that is so wrong, I do the right builds I think my timing is on, yet somehow I lose and can't seem to get into Gold. I will not accept the fact that my team is the issue, it's league, you always have someone fucking up on each side, I just pretend each game is a 4v4 with an autistic companion per team. I am hoping Kayle can shine some light on my life! ;p
Being competent with a Champion is part of the battle, the other is assessing the situation and making good choices. I just lost a game as Kayle jungle cause my mid laner (Talon) fed insanely hard against an Azir. We also had a Rengar top, so no tanks other than my ult. Azir was protected by Leona/Voli and his Ult. He did over 50k damage and nobody else in the game had even 20k.

Looking back at the game, I should probably have tried split pushing. I was the strongest on my team with great AoE clear and I can duel very well. Our 5v5 was stupidly bad. It might not have won the game but who knows? Losing 5v5 time-after-time was our downfall. We had 2 assassins that needed to get picks. Decision making hurt us as much as the mid-lane feeder.

My opinion is that ranking up is about 30% mechanics and 70% decision making. Which has been hurting me a lot lately because I had a good month or so of great games, great comebacks, pretty nice KDA (few deaths), and now I feel like I lost a lot of it and am falling into making a lot of bad decisions again. It's a struggle. I went from Promos to Gold 1 back down to 50LP Gold IV. I'm 20 games over .500 and my peak this season was 32 over .500. So only 12 wins off my peak but still... It also doesn't help when I have a day of Last Pick 7x in a row and then also losing promos back to Gold III 3x.


2 Minutes Hate
I think the new Devourer makes Shyvana really strong. I think I really want to test it. And try out the new Rylai's on AP Rengar maybe? I don't know if I want to try Jax Jungle, he's so weak early. Master Yi is a given.

There are a lot of interesting things out there. Does the new Rylai's work well with AD Malz? Says it works on summoned minions now. That could be fun.

How is Elise with Devourer? She's has all that onhit shit with her ult now.
I really like Kayle's kit. I'm Silver and curious on what I'm doing that is so wrong, I do the right builds I think my timing is on, yet somehow I lose and can't seem to get into Gold. I will not accept the fact that my team is the issue, it's league, you always have someone fucking up on each side, I just pretend each game is a 4v4 with an autistic companion per team. I am hoping Kayle can shine some light on my life! ;p
Find a champ that can fulfill multiple roles like Annie, gragas, etc. Then get to know the champ inside and out. This will give you the flexibility to fill gaps for your team while letting you work towards mastering a champ. Annie for instance can be played as support, mid, and even top. Champ mastery like fawe on Dianna lets you play above your actual skill level just because you know the ins and outs of that particular champ so well.

Beyond that you just have to start putting together all the little mechanical and game knowledge factors. Just pick an area and start working on it. Focus on last hitting, rotations, or map awareness as the goal for your games and don't worry about winning or losing. Just look for improvement in the area you have picked for focus. It will all come together eventually.