He gets full xp and his nearby allies take the normal % share.
If you support a Mordekaiser it's recommended to take Inspiration Mastery to level faster
You support Morde. He'll be higher level in a duo lane all the time. He scales with AP and AD but I believe AP has more scaling. It's like bringing a fighter for a kill lane except Morde has bonuses for it.
All this new shit is fun as hell. Just played a garen game and destroyed a riven with her new arcade skin. Bought all the new items plus IE and shiv and was killing people straight up with whirlwind.
You don't support as Morde, you play Bruiser in the bot lane with a support. The bonus xp is a passive on his W. You have to get the killing blow to get full xp.
You don't support as Morde, you play Bruiser in the bot lane with a support. The bonus xp is a passive on his W. You have to get the killing blow to get full xp.
New Morde in the jungle is insane. Clear speed is ridiculous after the first clear and the speed buff on ganks is really nice. Get a rylais early enough and people arent getting away.
Garen got beefier this patch. It's amazing how strong he is, considering how easy he is to play. Its going to take a while before he gets nerfed back to something appropriate I imagine. It will be annoying in the meantime as a support class, since he'll just face dive right into you and the ADC
New morde is fucking stupid. Went AD trinity with steraks gage and third hit Q was like 900 magic damage plus auto. Qtpie was playing him earlier today and with a tank build and 1 damage item was doing 1200 damage. The new hydra is sick as hell and im having a ton of fun with the new items and tweaks. Garen is fun but his silence and W nerf kinda sucks, though spin is a lot nastier. Never was a darius player so no idea what he's like.
These ranked rewards punishments they are rolling out are pretty extreme. I nearly got chat restricted at one point this season for retaliating to a troll who was flaming our team. So I realize how easy it can be to have a bad game then get in trouble.
id imagine there's going to be tons of toxicity in games now over this from people who aren't getting rewards. Shit. If I was one of the people getting screwed by this I'd prolly move on from league.
I've seen a lot of Darius jungle so far, and almost all of them have been full beast mode. His ult having no manacost + bloodrage 5stacking people means he just fuckin cleaves through teams.
Hes def not stronger in lane. Used to kinda hate laning against him, but was able to completely shut him down on trynd. That Q windup makes it so easy to dodge that he will never land it unless hes vs a monkey. Its kinda absurd how slow it is really.