League Of Legends


<Silver Donator>
What is she being played as on SR? Has anyone tried her as support?

I would think her E is some amazing harass, but not sure if 2champs could proc the full effect unless you're getting some turret hits on the spirit as well.


Bronze Squire
Top mainly, and my friend has messed around as support and she is pretty mediocre. She has to be in an area for a little bit and essentially "setup". With how fast paced and quick engages are happening now on SR she just isn't that great as she won't have time to setup.


<Silver Donator>
Gotcha, just wasn't sure if the damage scaling from Q was enough to compensate.

Are you saying she's mediocre top as well?


Bronze Squire
Yup, any real top will do well against her. Kill the tentacles or bait her to think you are to get some harass on her then kill them. Either way if she doesn't have a bunch of tentacles up she gets ripped pretty easily. Her stuff is really easy to dodge as well.


<Silver Donator>
Gotcha, thanks. S'ok, i didn't really feel like trying SR again anyways.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is teleport still the meta? I'd think that would really hurt her if she can't TP in and get shit done because of her needed setup time.


Vyemm Raider
Havent played in a while, how good is Nidalee for support nowadays? Used to flop between her or Nami bc i like the CC from Nami.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Havent played in a while, how good is Nidalee for support nowadays? Used to flop between her or Nami bc i like the CC from Nami.
Nid is a pretty bad character all around atm. She just doesn't work well with current meta/builds. She's super strong early still, so she might be an effective support, but her late game is pretty poor.


Trakanon Raider
Not that I disagree.. but for some reason a bunch of pros seem to think Nid is a great jungler right now. She kept getting picked at IEM Cologne, but the overall win rate for her was certainly under 40%, so I wasn't impressed. Idk if it's just her ability to harass enemy junglers, and put wards in their jungle safely with her wall hop or what.. i.e. relieving enemy jungler pressure. But, there wasn't any time she was picked that I really thought she was impressive.


Bronze Squire
Is teleport still the meta? I'd think that would really hurt her if she can't TP in and get shit done because of her needed setup time.
Yes TP is still in meta and yes that is another reason for her lackluster performance.

Nid is strong but I still feel other assassins are even stronger than her atm like ekko, kha,rengar. I don't remember but did all the pros build her damage or tanky? I ask because of a friend of mine builds her straight tank and I yell at him all the time asking him why the fuck hes playing an assassin to build them straight tank and make them useless. There is no more broken ekko or fizz where you can build straight tanky and assassinate like they used to. Just confuses me.

-Nid support, I would say no. She is entirely too squishy for her range and with the current amount of CC and burst going on in bot lane she will get blown up quick.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't see you had posted, this fell off front page too quick to notice there were new posts. The pros were building her more damage oriented, somewhat bruiser though. She was def strong early game, counter jungling, ganking etc.. but often it just meant flashes got blown, but never secured a kill, and then she fell off too much in mid/late game and they'd lose. Even when she was 'successful' in early game, if it wasn't something crazy like a 5-0 start, the other team tended to scale well enough that they came back.

On another note, I had never checked out AlphaDraft before, has anyone here done much on that site? I'm very interested in trying it out when LCS starts up again. Seems like a potential way to make some good money, depending on payouts, as there isn't a bunch of support sites for it the way there are for other fantasy sports. I'd imagine you could get a very large edge over other people, and I've always been pretty good at learning those kinds of systems. Poker/fantasy sports/etc..


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So.......... Awaiting the start of Season 6 I've been playing very sporadically but still having a lot of fun with Diana, even after 400 games with her in S5 alone! Definitely going to grind with her to Plat again (and maybe higher?!?!) in Season 6. Last 2 seasons began January 10th & 21st so I'm expecting S6 to start mid-late January as well. Only a couple weeks away! I'm really pumped for the new champion select, too.

I feel like Diana is even more OP now than in S5. Thunderlords adds another ~300 damage to her burst making 1-shots so much easier. It's kinda ridiculous how often I get "fed". Right now I'm on a 7 game win streak with her, and my worst losing streak was a 3 game slide 2 weeks ago. Even with that 3 game slide, I'm currently 12-6 in the past 2 weeks with her which is a 67% win rate.

Everyday I'm surprised Diana still doesn't see bans, increased pick rate, or even nerfs on the PBE. There was a Riot post recently talking about Diana seeing a rework in the future, which makes me nervous, but hopefully that's still far off.

I seem to have no problem getting her even as last pick. There was some Diana pro play last season and I totally expect even more this season considering she's only stronger. When her new skin comes out her pick rate will surely rise. I look forward to finally having a new skin (she only has 1 non-release skin atm) but I don't look forward to having to fight to get her.

Anyway, I've been wanting to do a montage of 1-shots across many games, but I've been slacking. Instead here's a highlight video of my latest game last night where I got into Plat 4 Promos for the 3rd time. Hopefully I can succeed this time

(Obviously not every kill is a 1 shot, but close enough)

If you want to counter Diana the best options are long-range mages with a combination of good poke,damage,cc, and sustain like Swain/Azir/Viktor or bruisers like Riven/Lee Sin/Irelia/Renekton/Darius/etc.

Oh, and my offer to Duo is still available, especially since pre-season doesn't mean much. Also with the new champion select coming it might be nice to have a duo/trio/etc, though the games could be harder since you're guaranteed to be against a duo+ also. Still should be fun.

Edit: Succeeded promos

Bonus clip from a Promo game



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Welp, looks like I'm just talking to myself here. Sorry all, but had to post another milestone........ On my 785th lifetime ranked Diana game, I finally received a Penta. Holy fucking shit I never thought it would ever happen.

Funny thing is, I somehow got a Penta 2 days ago on MF, so in a 10 game span I have 2 Pentas. Crazy considering they're my 6th and 7th Pentas lifetime.

Anyway, here's the vid... cool thing to note is it was basically a 3v4 to start off, so pretty legit!

Oh, and I was jungling this game. Fuckers keep taking mid lane in this MMR. Had to go Diana top the game after too... oh well, won them all anyway.

I made a cheesy video of the same game.. mid-laner got pissed off early and I had to ignore her, decided to make a vid of it:


Bronze Squire
I actually played Diana jg the other day since you keep talking about it and smashed. I forgot how strong she was. Was solo killing Reksai over and over.


Not that I disagree.. but for some reason a bunch of pros seem to think Nid is a great jungler right now. She kept getting picked at IEM Cologne, but the overall win rate for her was certainly under 40%, so I wasn't impressed. Idk if it's just her ability to harass enemy junglers, and put wards in their jungle safely with her wall hop or what.. i.e. relieving enemy jungler pressure. But, there wasn't any time she was picked that I really thought she was impressive.
She's picked mostly for her objective pressure and professional teams are a lot better at playing to strengths then your average joe blow soloQ team. You also have to take into consideration games snowball from objectives and not kills in professional play so teams putting a lot of Value into someone like Nidalee who has really fast clears and can help secure objectives for a team, instead of an early gank oriented jungler is expected. I wouldn't play nid in soloQ, there are just a lot better options right now.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I get that pro teams operate differently, but she wasn't very impressive in any of the pro games either. Not talking about her KDA, the teams that picked her didn't win, and she wasn't taking objectives overly well either. I get the concept, but even the analysts were surprised it kept getting picked and kept being mostly ineffective.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Her early game is very strong, she can skirmish with nearly anyone. Team fights and late game can be a struggle. Her poke can be oppressive but she also forces your team comp into that poke style which can be used against you (via split pushing / hard engage).

In SoloQ she's feast or famine. Very annoying if fed, very worthless if behind. I don't see many Nid's right now, but I did have a game where enemy team had a top lane Nidalee and she was beastly. Hard carried the game for enemy team, had like 16+ kills and 5 full items while everyone else was at 2-3 items. I was playing Syndra too and missed my stuns meaning free kill for Nid. (Nid was already fed from my top laner). If I was playing Diana it would have been a lot different probably. Diana is a great counter to Nid. However, anyone stupidly fed will easily win the 1v1.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Not that I disagree.. but for some reason a bunch of pros seem to think Nid is a great jungler right now. She kept getting picked at IEM Cologne, but the overall win rate for her was certainly under 40%, so I wasn't impressed. Idk if it's just her ability to harass enemy junglers, and put wards in their jungle safely with her wall hop or what.. i.e. relieving enemy jungler pressure. But, there wasn't any time she was picked that I really thought she was impressive.
She is fast and reasonably good at clearing stuff quickly and if you can land her spears good for some ninja ganks here and there. I think her biggest problem is once you stop jungling its not super easy for her to handle larger team fights as anything other than sit back and spear when her big damage comes from her kitty mauling she can do.