League Of Legends


Yea, I get that pro teams operate differently, but she wasn't very impressive in any of the pro games either. Not talking about her KDA, the teams that picked her didn't win, and she wasn't taking objectives overly well either. I get the concept, but even the analysts were surprised it kept getting picked and kept being mostly ineffective.
Yes, teams will frequently stick to their scrim plans 90% of the time no matter how bad it is going on stage because if they are playing it on stage it worked in scrims enough for them to go with that plan. Sometimes they should change their approach because the other teams have figured out how to deal with it and sometimes they are just misplaying.

I do a lot of account boosting and If you're looking for some direction for jungling in soloQ I'd stick to tanks. You get punished less for mistakes and even if you get behind you can still have an impact. Volibear, Trundle and Rammus are all monsters right now. I personally like all 3 because if you see a lane being stupid aggressive early you can almost always secure a kill and snowball off them early. Most tanks stereotypically have slow clear speeds and have low health in the jungle, Their weak early game is the major flaw but those champions (Trundle/voli) especially dont suffer from that at all. As long as you are running attack speed reds life will be good.


Trakanon Raider
Been playing lots of nami recently, having lots of fun and some success. I love the range of her ult, so even when I am far out of position I can still affect team fights or help a teammate escape getting caught out or something.

Also probably my favorite thing is that bubble changes fights so much, it seems to be about as strong as a morg binding or blitz pull.. the big difference is that nobody cares if i miss a bubble. when i play blitz or morg, every time I miss a skill shot the team moral drops to shit and i get blamed for losses.

bubble so subtle


Nami is a really good pick, the support on the team I use to play on swears by her into literally every match up except annie. She is one of those champions that has a really high skill cap and theres almost always something you can do different which is what I really like about her.


Have they said anything else about when the new champ select is going in? I'm not touching this pos again until they implement that.. ranked is a shithole enough without being able to guarantee I get to play the 1-2 roles I give a shit about playing a majority of the time.

I'd rather wait 5-10 min in a queue for a solo lane or jungle than spend 30-40 minutes in a game where I was forced to play duo lane with someone off an autism awareness poster.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
well its been on PBE, but no idea. It's possible they don't implement it at start of the new Season. My guess is they'll delay it at least a couple weeks until the new season rush settles, so ~early Feb at the earliest is my guess.

Or they surprise me and it goes in during pre-season for a couple weeks right before new season starts mid/late jan.

Regarding ranked, it's a real shame we get soft reset because I'm finally climbing the highest I've ever been. Just blasted through plat IV and am now plat III. I'm having the most fun I've ever had with this game and winning like crazy. Either I've actually improved lately, Diana is Broken, Platinum is easier than Gold, I'm getting hella lucky with teams... or a combination. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't end

Past 7 days I'm 17-2 with Diana (89% win rate).

Honestly I think the only way to climb is to play 1 champion. Once I decided to stop "having fun" with tons of champs I've actually been gaining MMR and having even more fun than ever. Although I praise the OPness of Diana a ton, I think it's more the fact I'm playing her 100% then anything and if I focused on a different champ I'd presumably see equivalent success once I reach the same level of mastery.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, I 100% agree with sticking to one champ, or maybe 2 to have a backup. When I've stayed the same champ, it becomes muscle memory everything I need to do so I can focus on the differences in the enemy team/comp. You recognize more subtle situations that you will win/lose that you might guess incorrectly on a champ you don't have down pat.

I was making a run into higher gold last time I was really playing consistently, just by sticking to Xin zhao jungle, and sometimes wukong if Xin wasn't available, didn't fit the team at all, or they had a counter pick jungler. Before that, I had never really gotten out of Bronze 1/Silver5 range, but I also never really tried either. This was over a year ago, btw.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
When i played the role my team needed, I plowed into diamond. I got bored with that eventually, so I ended up switching to my favorite champs to play no matter what and couldn't get higher than plat 1. Being flexible and playing what suits your team is definitely the smart way to be about things, but its also BORING.


Vyemm Raider
I like playing support, and I'm bad so I'm stuck in Silver.

Any tips on climbing out a silver as support?


2 Minutes Hate
Play better.

Are you roaming and assisting on a kill on mid? When ivuaed to play support and my adc was shit I would just roam mid get a kill then roam top and get a kill.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I like playing support, and I'm bad so I'm stuck in Silver.

Any tips on climbing out a silver as support?
Easiest way to climb is by carrying imo, but if you're "bad" as you claim, then you're kinda at the mercy of your teams.

Carry supports would be Brand, Annie, Morgana, etc. You can do as much damage as a mid laner and if they suck you can still do work.

If that's not your playstyle, and you rather setup the kills for your team then you can try Thresh, Braum, Blitz, Leona, Nami. If you can land skillshots, grabs, hooks, etc, you can easily make team fights 5v4's.

If you suck at those then you are really at the mercy of your team. Supports like Soraka, Sona and Janna are all super strong but will be hard to do much if your team is floundering.

In general to climb you simply need to learn the game and know when to take advantages, when to pressure, when to back, when to roam, how to control the lane, etc.


Vyemm Raider

My favorite support to play is Thresh, but my winrate with him is sub 50%. I've paid for some coaching sessions with Diamond level support mains. They said it's not a mechanics issue, and I regularly get "wtf" and "madlife" compliments from sick plays. My biggest issue last season was tunnel vision looking for hooks and tunnel visioning in team fights trying to setup every possible advantage even if that means I go down fighting, rather than backing off when I'm low to survive the fight. Decision making is my #1 problem. I normally win lane 70-80% of the time, and my kill participation is around 60% on average.

I've been spamming Sona the last couple days, and I'm 5 win 1 loss, atm. Her poke and sustain are clutch in Silver League laning. Yesterday, when I was playing with a Cait, the enemy ADC quit after 4 minutes, saying "I've never lost lane that quickly before".

I've tried playing "kill" supports like Annie, and Zyra, and I'm crap terrible at them.

In general to climb you simply need to learn the game and know when to take advantages, when to pressure, when to back, when to roam, how to control the lane, etc.
I've got the lane control down, but I find when I roam (when my adc backs, or I see an opportunity) it rarely works out. Sure, I get a gank mid or top lane, but the enemy team punishes my teammates too hard. I think it's better in this league to babysit the adc and feed them all game. But maybe that's all of those stupid losses talking, and I'm playing sub-optimally.

There's just so much shit to learn, and I need to work on dying less.


I like playing support, and I'm bad so I'm stuck in Silver.

Any tips on climbing out a silver as support?
The most important thing you can learn is being able to identify your win conditions and play to that. Generally speaking that determines your wins/loss more then what champion you actually play.

With that aside learning how to play Alistar properly will really help you climb. He can peel, initiate for the team (Which is really important, this allows your superior decision making to net you advantages), Bully in lane, Protect vs Jungle Gank, Set up Jungle Ganks, Gank mid lane. If you make poor decisions and play poorly you will lose a lot playing Alistar.

You should avoid Thresh, he is too squishy and poked out easily right now. Thresh can always work he is a really good support I just don't think he's good for you as a player. You need to get your deaths down and Thresh dies a lot if he doesnt get ahead and its really hard to get ahead when poke supports are meta.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I agree, Alistar is an awesome support. always been a favorite of mine, but really gotta know your limits. He's tanky but if you play dumb you can die so easy. No poke makes him trickier than others.


Trakanon Raider
and like was said before, focus on a small number of champs. Stick with one champ for a long period of time, especially in the ranked games. If you get bored of them, and aren't winning consistently after like 20 games in a row, try out another support in normals for a bit.
There is enough variation in how to play a support based on what ADC you get, that you should be seeing differences each game even though you are playing same champ. Then, there is the enemy's duo as well.
Alistar + Kalista plays way diff against cait + annie then it does against graves + braum, for example. Knowing when your ADC is about to miss a last hit so you execute it, when to poke cause you are about to push wave and recall anyway, ward timing, enemy support/adc having flash down so you focus them with poke, etc.. there's a lot of subtle intricacies to the bottom lane duo that aren't as important in other lanes.


Vyemm Raider
6-0 with Alistar. Played him one game in bots to test him out, then crushed ranked. Still a little wonky with the Alistar combo, but it doesn't matter because of how forgiving he is.

Tried playing Leona earlier this year, same success rate I had with Thresh with far less fun.

Still think my biggest flaw is decision making. Learning about Win Conditions has been very helpful.


Bronze Squire
It usually is for most, especially in bot lane. I can't tell you how many leona/thresh I have seen that think they are some tanky monster in the early game that I just destroy after they engage on me with their adc not close enough to help for a few seconds. That or they don't understand power spikes/curves and want to fight early with say a vayne as their adc (who has a pretty weak and terrible laning phase) or how you have an item advantage, etc. Simple things but they make a world of difference.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Fantasy LCS signups open on Thursday. Who's interested again? There's no news yet on if Riot will dole out rewards for Fantasy yet, but I expect they'll offer some incentives soon. Even if just a Summoner Icon.

If someone else wants to take the reigns and create a League I'll be glad to pass on the torch and simply be a participant. First season we had 2-3 Fantasy leagues created and last season it was a struggle just getting 8 players for 1 league.

Hopefully making this post early helps garner a bit more interest this time around


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'll join again, if not only to crush you again Ravishing and post smack talk about it on the forums!