League Of Legends


A Man Chooses....
I hit Gold 2 multiple times and gold 1 once but never hit play and ended gold 4. Ultimately disappointing, but I went from someone who couldn't play Lee Sin at all to someone who knows feels very comfortable picking him in any situation. My mechanics are much better as well. This season I'm going to stop supporting as an off role and focus on mid, to expand my overall skillset. Plat this year fo sho.


haven't touched league since i went from bronze to gold, 2 - 0 in promos so fair, nautilus jungle. absolutely shuts down everything in the meta? mundo? stuck. zed? stuck. jax? stuck. with the new +300hp, he scales up much quicker. absolutely loving him.


Bronze Squire
I am the opposite, 0-2 right now, the disrespectful trolls are coming out the gate hard. Can't even make it past champ select without someone talking mad shit.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
0-2 atm mainly from rages in game. As soon as someone dies people flame. Too many kids that can't deal with losses atm. People gotta realize it's a grind and you can't get challenger from 1 game. I'm not even upset tbh, just funny how people are so emotional.


Bronze Squire
Oh ya, people are super salty right now it is crazy. I am with you, it is actually really amusing. Oh, and also, 0-3.


Blackwing Lair Raider
0-2 atm mainly from rages in game. As soon as someone dies people flame. Too many kids that can't deal with losses atm. People gotta realize it's a grind and you can't get challenger from 1 game. I'm not even upset tbh, just funny how people are so emotional.
Hehe last night I had a game where I was ADC and me and my support had killed both of our opponents a couple times with no jungle assist and had not died at all. Other lanes just totally caved in and then spent the rest of the game complaining about us in bot lane. At this point they are just being weird and extra salty.


Trakanon Raider
What, that you didn't come save them from themselves? lol.

I have noticed that even when a player is 'good' mechanically, they are often just as bad at map awareness/objective control. Had a graves jungler who put up a good score, but mostly by just bursting champs after someone else initiated, who had no concept of when to actually gank a lane. He just shows up to my top lane, where I got first blood on wukong against leesin, but just as the lane has pushed to outside his turret range. He then sits in the bush for 10 seconds while lee farms at edge of turret, until I recalled, and no, a turret dive was not a good idea at that point. Think I was lvl 4 to lee sin's 3, not enough burst or tankiness to ensure it'd work.
I normally jungle, so I tried to keep lane frozen closer to my turret for optimal ganks, and he instead skips over my lane on next two rotations. Lee then got his sustain off W leveled up and I couldn't harass effectively anymore. Could have easily snowballed both of us hard early game.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
1-7 Day 1

Had my first intentional afk'r. ADC lost lane and afk'd at 10 mins because nobody would help even though we were picking up kills other places.
As I said earlier, people are so emotional and It seems I got the worst of them all on my team yesterday.
I played bad myself for sure, but I would have needed to put out some godlike performances to carry the teams I was given so far.
I'll hope to turn it around today, first goal is get back to .500 then go from there.


1-3 atm, I was massively positive in 3 out of 4. People seem super, duper ragey.
I had a game like that, guy came out as Mundo top super toxic and negative, eventually at like level 13 he turned around because I kept saying how good he was.

5-1 as nautilus so far in placements, once he has roa he does so much damage.


Molten Core Raider
Man, I was really looking forward to the new queue system this season and they take it away right when it starts. When is it coming back?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Finished up placements 2-8, placed me Gold 5. My teams have been full of Season 5 platinum players though. Hopefully it means Ill climb fast as long as I stop the losses. Was hoping for better but with a 2-8 record I suppose it's expected. The quality of games have been really shit though. I don't know if it's because of the new season or the fact I'm with players who are less experienced now. Probably a mix of both.


<Silver Donator>
Who was it that lives in Portland? Tuco? I'm on my phone and can't see locations.

Anyways, going to Ground Kontrol for lunch and need someone to play mortal kombat, since my woman is a pacifist.


A Man Chooses....
2-2 0n my second account and I get placed with a Sona who had literally never ranked before.

Fun times. She went 0-13 or something.


Trakanon Raider
Started pre season gold3, went 4-6, placed in silver 4.

Pretty fucking terrible. Played against all plat and gold borders and played well in some tight games only to be 1 league from bronzer. I am fairly salty, but actually has fun in the games asides from the poo ranking
Started pre season gold3, went 4-6, placed in silver 4.

Pretty fucking terrible. Played against all plat and gold borders and played well in some tight games only to be 1 league from bronzer. I am fairly salty, but actually has fun in the games asides from the poo ranking
supposedly the drastic drops are because rito fucked up the reset timing and it isn't or at least always isn't counting your pre season rank ups. So if you were actually XX5 at season end and then went to XX1 during pre season that whole grind didn't actually count as far as their weighing system went.

Was reading about it on reddit while I chuckled about all the rage from people who went from one shitty division to another shitty division even though they went 7 and 3 or whatever. Best comment in those reddit threads was along the lines of "I just went from challenger rank 20 to plat 1, that is much more of a drop then you going from gold 3 to silver 4". Plat 1 being the highest you can place after placement matches.


Started pre season gold3, went 4-6, placed in silver 4.

Pretty fucking terrible. Played against all plat and gold borders and played well in some tight games only to be 1 league from bronzer. I am fairly salty, but actually has fun in the games asides from the poo ranking
Stomp some silver nerds and enjoy the climb. I'm halfway jealous.