League Of Legends


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
on the bright side, Dynamic Queue is back. That said, my first game with it paired me with two of the biggest trolls. Got so fucking tilted even though we still won the game. Random sitting in base from top/support bickering at each other all game. Threatening to AFK then actually doing it for 1-2 minutes at a time. Only reason we won is cause me/junger/adc actually were crushing, and the trolls played enough to finally help us win. Took 45mins though and we could have easily lost. Fucking people man.

I haven't posted a highlight in a while. I feel like I lost focus there for a bit and wasn't carrying as hard as I use to. Last night and tonight I feel much more comfortable with double digit kills in 5 of my last 7.

So here's a highlight from my last game where the enemy had a Season 5 Diamond Rengar. Everyone else is S5 Plat tier. At the start of this video my team was up 4K gold and I had 2 levels on them, so kinda unfair, but fun nonetheless.

Champ Select scared me with Tahm+Rengar on enemy team, and a Diamond Rengar at that. Also tons of CC from Zyra and Thresh. I basically knew I had to win lane hard, which I fortunately did, otherwise this game would have been a disaster.

Needless to say, Ezreal was having a bad day.
I hard carried, ending 14/3/2. 3k more gold and 6k more dmg than next highest (our adc) in 23 mins.
Match History:http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegen...3?tab=overview


Trakanon Raider
3Last Week: 6,+3
LiftLift's Trash (Enzie5), 200.75:

Moves:-Perkz, -Sencux, -G2, +Shiphtur, +Huhi, +Fnatic
Well then.. figured you'd move me up despite losing, but expected 4th/5th, glad you saw through just the wins/losses.

I really wanna work out some trades with people, but seems like everyone is afraid to 'lose' someone and then have them start doing well. Everyone on my roster is potentially up for trade. If anyone has one 'stud' and a bunch of duds in other spots, I'm happy to do 2 for 1 trades as well.
I like the idea of having a spot or two I switch around based on matchups, but most of my guys are a little too good to just drop, they'll get scooped up immediately.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Well then.. figured you'd move me up despite losing, but expected 4th/5th, glad you saw through just the wins/losses.
Probably still better than you deserve.

I really wanna work out some trades with people, but seems like everyone is afraid to 'lose' someone and then have them start doing well.
Yup, this or people don't have the time to invest in trying to make trade decisions. There's actually lots of free agent talent out there. I picked up some Elements guys that have been performing very well, but I don't want to keep them all and nobody would trade for them since they were just free agents, and are likely to be again.

I checked out your dudes and I honestly can't say I'm intrigued by anyone in particular except Huni, who's obviously going to be your keeper. I believe you picked up Cabochard from free agency recently? Hauntzer has been doing very well and my flex already has lots of candidates. So I don't need another top.

We could maybe swap mids. PoE has a lot of upside due to being on OG but has performed lowly thus far. Huhi is currently doing well but could falter and Shiphtur had a fluke week 1 imo. PoE or Froggen for Huhi would be about all I could offer unless you want an ADC swap. I'm not particularly attached with Keith, and I just got MrRallez from free agency.

I think trades are tough since any player can score as well or better than almost any other player at any given week.


Molten Core Raider
on the bright side, Dynamic Queue is back. That said, my first game with it paired me with two of the biggest trolls. Got so fucking tilted even though we still won the game. Random sitting in base from top/support bickering at each other all game. Threatening to AFK then actually doing it for 1-2 minutes at a time. Only reason we won is cause me/junger/adc actually were crushing, and the trolls played enough to finally help us win. Took 45mins though and we could have easily lost. Fucking people man.

I haven't posted a highlight in a while. I feel like I lost focus there for a bit and wasn't carrying as hard as I use to. Last night and tonight I feel much more comfortable with double digit kills in 5 of my last 7.

So here's a highlight from my last game where the enemy had a Season 5 Diamond Rengar. Everyone else is S5 Plat tier. At the start of this video my team was up 4K gold and I had 2 levels on them, so kinda unfair, but fun nonetheless.

Champ Select scared me with Tahm+Rengar on enemy team, and a Diamond Rengar at that. Also tons of CC from Zyra and Thresh. I basically knew I had to win lane hard, which I fortunately did, otherwise this game would have been a disaster.

Needless to say, Ezreal was having a bad day.
I hard carried, ending 14/3/2. 3k more gold and 6k more dmg than next highest (our adc) in 23 mins.
Match History:http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegen...3?tab=overview
Diana mechanics question:

With Diana's Q+ R combo, are you using R before your Q hits your target? I can't tell if you're using it right as the Q animation gets to the very edge of Ezreal's hitbot or if R's cooldown actually resets based on when Q was cast and on whether or not it lands, as opposed to whether your target has that 'Moonlight' debuff from the Q. Put another way, do you have to actually land your Q and see the moonlight buff BEFORE you use R to get the R cooldown reset? It's obvious you have the timing down pretty well; was wondering what you had to say about it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
R definitely hits before Q and you still get the reset but you need to cast Q BEFORE R hits the target, and Q does have to hit still, obviously. I don't know if it checks cast time or if there's a millisecond grace period of both spells hitting, but it's definitely one of those finer points to master. I basically use Q and make split decision if it'll hit or not then use R if I decide it will. Sometimes that gets me in trouble if they Flash away from Q and I already R in and don't get a reset lol.

There is another mechanic that I choose not to master as it's really easy to fail, but you can R>Q and get the reset as long as Q is cast before you reach target (Q also needs to hit target). Requires super-fast hand/wrist movement to reposition the Q while you're dashing at your target.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Trades in fantasy are tough right now as well because of all the semi good free agents out there. I'm looking for new junglers, but still giving Airwaks a chance yet I picked up Kirei from Dignitas who was a free agent who scored 38pts week 1 and then 22pts week 2, both better than airwaks, now this week I'm putting Kirei in since they are playing against Impluse & c9, hoping to get some massive points again. The only spot I'm not 100% behind is Flex but that's mainly because I don't have faith in Nukeduke and Stixxay is new so it's hard to judge him. But with Stixxay going up against Echo Fox & Renegades this week I'm guessing he pulls big numbers.


Molten Core Raider
R definitely hits before Q and you still get the reset but you need to cast Q BEFORE R hits the target, and Q does have to hit still, obviously. I don't know if it checks cast time or if there's a millisecond grace period of both spells hitting, but it's definitely one of those finer points to master. I basically use Q and make split decision if it'll hit or not then use R if I decide it will. Sometimes that gets me in trouble if they Flash away from Q and I already R in and don't get a reset lol.

There is another mechanic that I choose not to master as it's really easy to fail, but you can R>Q and get the reset as long as Q is cast before you reach target (Q also needs to hit target). Requires super-fast hand/wrist movement to reposition the Q while you're dashing at your target.
Word. Now I need to go practice that combo. Thanks.


Trakanon Raider
I'd trade Huni if I got a stud mid back in the trade somewhere. i.e if the difference between huni and cabochard is less then the upgrade I'd get at mid


A Man Chooses....
Still like 3 dodges per game that starts. Fix your fucking client rito.

Fawe I'm gonna pick up jungle Diana. Got any tips?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Still like 3 dodges per game that starts. Fix your fucking client rito.

Fawe I'm gonna pick up jungle Diana. Got any tips?
Well I gotta be honest, if you're just picking her up, it might be rough. She's a fine jungler but your team might hate you. You want to scale and get to that 1 shot potential. Ganks are lackluster until 6 and you need to be careful not to dive on ganks and feed enemy laners. Getting a flash is fine. Her 1st clear can be rough, might not get a full clear, depends on leash and which camp you start first.

Power farm to 6 if your laners let you. Runeglaive>Dcap makes you super strong. After that you can go anything: Void/Abyssal/Lich Bane/Rylais/Zhonya.

You might want to pick up graves/kindred/poppy or some other OP shit if your main idea is jungling.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Still like 3 dodges per game that starts. Fix your fucking client rito.

Fawe I'm gonna pick up jungle Diana. Got any tips?
Alright, so last night I was in the middle of a horrendous losing streak and my 1st response to your request didn't go into much detail, so here's to doing a better job

Firstly, your rune page:
Diana loves +AP, usually my mid lane page has scaling AP Glyphs. For jungle you may want to try: +Pen Reds / +Armor Seals / +AP Quints / +Scaling AP Glyphs. This is a rather standard AP Jungle page but not all would have the scaling AP probably.

However, there is another page that S Diana 2 (Challenger Diana Main) runs in the jungle which I haven't tried yet (keep forgetting to make it), it includes +Atk Speed which is actually huge. You wouldn't run this page in lane but for the jungle it should allow you to have really nice clears. It's: +Atk Spd Reds / +Armor Seals / 1x +Atk Speed Quint / 2x +AP Quint / 6x +AP Glyph / 3x +Scaling AP Glyph.

I am going to make that jungle page myself and run it for sure, I recommend you do as well.

Note: For laning my Seals are usually +Scaling Health unless vs AD.

Mastery page is straight forward. 12/18/0 with Thunderlords. Just copy S Diana 2's page, I use the same exact:S Diana 2(Click Masteries Tab)


Now for actually jungling:

Hunter's Talisman -> Stalker's Blade > Runic Echoes
You have the option of 3 pots or going Refillable Potion.
I can't decide which I like better. Refillable Potion is decent but Diana doesn't need too much sustain after 1st clear. I have been trying both.

W at level 1 then Q at level 2.
For level 3 I sometimes get another W if I need sustain but I really try maxing Q asap. Take E if you plan to gank, otherwise delay it till closer to gank time, or if you think you'll be invaded and need the slow on hand.

For clear, if you use the +Atk Speed page you should be able to do full clear rather easily, and probably 1.5 clears before needing to back.

Item path is so varied but it's not much different than laning. Instead of Abyssal you're starting Runic Echoes. Dcap>Lich Bane has been my standard #2 & #3 items these days but it really depends on matches. Void is often necessary as is Zhonyas. Nashors is a fun item but Lich Bane is a bit better. Rylais is decent if you need more tanky. Sorc boots are standard but Lucidity boots could be an option.


Trakanon Raider
How can you dislike Alex Ich & Crumbz?
I don't dislike them. I don't particularly like them either. But the thought of Monty having his team knocked out of the LCS by a korean team is too enjoyable for me not to want it to happen. (One with Seraph for the extra chuckle.)


Lord Nagafen Raider
League is making me mad. I can't update to the newest patch. -_- It's looking like I'll probably have to completely reinstall the game but I have to wait til monday because I'll run over to a friends house who has amazing internet, no way can I re-download league on my limited 4g shit.

Did the update, then I couldn't log in because it apparently didn't patch 6.2. So I did the repair function, scans files, comes back saying I need ~350mb of files. Okay fine, it starts to download for ~30 seconds, then I get the whole "Update Failed - Unspecified error occurred. Please check the logs for more information" So I do some intense googling, try deleting certain files that was suggested, made sure my anti virus / firewall wasn't blocking anything, tried reinstalling the patcher itself. Nothing, still same ol' problem. Laaaaame. Considering my Riot Games folder is ~10GB, I"m pretty much screwed. Oh wells, guess no league this weekend.


Got something right about marriage
League is making me mad. I can't update to the newest patch. -_- It's looking like I'll probably have to completely reinstall the game but I have to wait til monday because I'll run over to a friends house who has amazing internet, no way can I re-download league on my limited 4g shit.

Did the update, then I couldn't log in because it apparently didn't patch 6.2. So I did the repair function, scans files, comes back saying I need ~350mb of files. Okay fine, it starts to download for ~30 seconds, then I get the whole "Update Failed - Unspecified error occurred. Please check the logs for more information" So I do some intense googling, try deleting certain files that was suggested, made sure my anti virus / firewall wasn't blocking anything, tried reinstalling the patcher itself. Nothing, still same ol' problem. Laaaaame. Considering my Riot Games folder is ~10GB, I"m pretty much screwed. Oh wells, guess no league this weekend.
Try to force it run as administrator. Even if you have UAC completely turned off. Something similar happened to me (launcher wouldn't start the game) and I had to manually set the run as administrator flag to fix it. It's not the same problem but it's worth a shot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Try to force it run as administrator. Even if you have UAC completely turned off. Something similar happened to me (launcher wouldn't start the game) and I had to manually set the run as administrator flag to fix it. It's not the same problem but it's worth a shot.
I did actually try that already and still no luck at all. Thanks though. It almost appears it's my internet trying to interact with the patcher I think because it almost seems like it's not going as fast as it should when the patcher is open (starts trying to download the patch and I"m only getting like ~30kb/sec) and after yeah 30 sec or so it just stops and gives the error. Internet is fine though because every other website & game I play is acting just as normal.

Oh well, back to starcraft 2 map making I guess!


Lord Nagafen Raider
So figured out the problem (at least I hope).

Basically I'm using Hotspot Shield (a type of VPN) and now everything seems to be downloading correctly. It's weird because I had this problem maybe a year ago or so where for some reason I could never patch the game properly yet when I connected to this VPN everything worked great. Then, all of a sudden it was working fine again and I never had to use this program. As I said that was about a year ago so I actually completely forgot about it until this morning, where I loaded the program up again, tried league and for at least the past 30 minutes haven't gotten an error and it's downloading, albeit slower then I'd like but at least it's downloading.

Hopefully everything downloads great because I've really been craving some league this weekend!