League Of Legends


<Silver Donator>
a few things. one is champion mastery. which was previously only Summoners rift.

Champion Mastery - League of Legends Wiki - Wikia

Tier 1
Tier 2
bigger badge
Tier 3
biggerer badge
Tier 4 - biggererer Loading Screen Badge, Custom Emote, Announcement Banner
Champion mastery tier 5
Tier 5 - biggerererer Loading Screen Badge, Custom Emote, Announcement Banner

and Titles
Champion Mastery - League of Legends Wiki - Wikia

Mastery then is related to hextech crafting.

you get a chest when you or someone in your premade team gets an S rank. 4 chests total per rank, only 1 per champion played.
Keys and key fragments for the chest, any time you win.
Thanks, makes a little more sense now....except what the fuck does "S" stand for?

I also didn't see anything on the wiki about the custom announcement.


Trakanon Raider
Was great indeed. CLG is like the mma fighter that specializes in dirty boxing. Equal parts awesome and boring.


Avatar of War Slayer
Thanks, makes a little more sense now....except what the fuck does "S" stand for?

I also didn't see anything on the wiki about the custom announcement.
no one knows. S rank started in old japanese games.

S, SS, SSS rank..

super or special is most often guessed. but really, no clear answer.


Avatar of War Slayer
got an S rank with Leona on poroking just now.
vel'koz on team got one too.
Mess of a game though, 4v5. us with 4. we won anyway though.


Bronze Squire
Great spring split finals, the script wasn't strong enough this time.
Would be great if the correct teams were in it. Much as I like TSM they shouldn't been in it but IMT decided to collapse. CLG doesn't interest me as I think they are a solid team but I feel like a lot of their victories are off of other teams throwing not them actually winning (which is what I felt happened in the 5th game) which I suppose makes them a good team being able to capitalize on mistakes? I dunno I only like Aphro though so the maybe that has a part in it.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, IMT despite their loss was still clearly the best team in NA. They probably had a good shot of being top 4 at MSI. Now we get to watch CLG go X-2 and NA get a worse seeding at Worlds. (Not that I think TSM would fair much better)


Trakanon Raider
So, avoided this thread for a few days till I watched the finals.
On the topic of S rank in poro king, I got my first S (I only play a couple days a week at most, and generally just aram) on malphite in poro king this weekend.
I was something like 15-6-15. Was ap bruiser-ish.

Had another game where we won 4v5, our morg disconnected, and I played sona, went something like 9-7-30, and just got an A. So, as others have said, there's clearly other things at play versus just KDA.

Re: CLG vs TSM, I don't think TSM just got lucky or that IMT collapsed. I watched the youtube video they made, and Reginald actually got directly involved with the team during the break. I think their problems before were that no one wanted to call each other out, and when they did that caused discord among the team, rather then fixing the problem. Regi coming in gives a more authoritative figure for them to rally behind and focus their efforts. Obviously, these players have individual talent, they just never worked together efficiently. Doublelift and Yellowstar have struggled to find their synergy the whole split, but they have looked much better in the playoffs. I'm not even saying Regi added anything strategically, just having that neutral party that the whole team respects come in to direct things can have a HUGE impact. I think it finally brought out what everyone thought the team would be in the first place.
I also think that if they kept that up, they would have had a better chance at worlds then CLG. As it stands, I just don't see most of the korean teams making the kind of mistake that CLG tends to capitalize on, or falling for their 1-3-1 split push. I would have given this new, focused TSM a puncher's chance because they often won through a good team fight.


Bronze Squire
Ya, I agree , I suppose my biggest problem with it all is that now everybody is going nuts over the whole deal with things like "SEE WE TOLD YOU STIXXAY IS BETTER THAN DOUBLELIFT." "WE TOLD YOU DOUBLELIFT WAS THE PROBLEM." etc, etc. In all reality it came down to one team fight.

Ironically enough (even though it is soloq) sneaky had a fit on his stream last night cause he had happen to him what TSM did to CLG one game. Lost a team fight and then bam straight from mid outer to nexus. It almost feels like a lot of the LCS players do not like the "lose a team fight sub 30m, lose the game" due to the shitty nexus towers.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I tried everything to get a S on Sona on poro king nothing worked. Tried avoiding kills and going for assists had a 4/4/34 no S did the reverse of that with near 40 kills no S.

What I learned was people really don't ever expect an AD carry Sona.


Bronze Squire
The most important thing to remember with the mastery scores is you are also being put against others who play the champion. The more popular the champion the harder to get an S. I am sure Sona is played a lot in aram (Poro king is based on ARAM map right?) so that score line IMO in that map setting shouldn't be uncommon. I know it is also based on percents so any S grade would be probably what top 10% if not higher 5% maybe? if you had to guess? Just throwing it out there.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Some of the new mage changes are interesting. Malzahar will be god like then gutted while Vel'koz getting true damage, true damage everywhere. Zyra will be pretty retarded if she can get going with up to 8 seeds now and passive seeds spawning around her like Illaoi while Brand will basically crush a team fight in a choke with his new passive. Vlad just does vlad stuff better with even more sustain though Cassio seems to be the one everyone's up in arms about getting gutted but who knows no one who's actually competent has tested her.


Molten Core Raider
I've gotten S plenty of times on a few different champs but I have only gotten S+ a few times: once on Nautilus jungle and twice on Poppy and one of those two on Poppy was last night. Maybe it's easier on Poppy because nobody played her before her rework? Similarly, Nautilus is usually played support or, more recently, in top lane and not as often in jungle. I wonder if the grading is different based on what role the champ is played in.



Bronze Squire
The mage changes seem really crazy and I am interested in seeing who is the most busted because they all look busted.

@Tortfeasor- Yes, that is a component of it. It compares the champion you are playing in the role you are playing to the exact same. So if you play poppy top it is only being compared to people playing poppy top, etc, etc. So go play something stupid in the jungle that nobody ever plays and you can get an easy S+.


Trakanon Raider
does it go by assigned role in champ select? if so, switching roles with someone could have a big effect. I know as a noob teemo support I get an S all the time, not many S+ tho.


Bronze Squire
Yes, I believe it goes by what is assigned, not where you end up as I can't imagine their system being complicated enough to figure out what lane you are actually in opposed to what was assigned.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, that is a really sweet skin for Singed, I might even use that over Bane (Augmented) Singed, then again, Augmented Singed looks so buff & badass like he'll just run you the fuck over. I'm glad Vladimir is getting some work done and now I can only wish Singed got some QoL tweaks because with all the mobility creep and him losing Tenacity on his ult make him take quite a hit. I could rotate between Singed & Vladimir every single game top lane because both those champs are fun as hell for me. It'll be interesting to see how Vlad's new E actually works in playtesting because one of his best combos when you get higher level was basically flash > ult > eq > pool > eq > zhoynas > eq > pool > eq, which would cause you to do a good chunk of damage but also stay alive for freaking ever with all the in vulnerabilities. Now though, with the new E, does it do dick for damage if you just instantly have it go off? Can you charge it while pooled? I guess you can probably charge it first and then Flash>Start combo but you're apparently slowed once it charges to max and you already have a pretty tight window to flash > ult people as it is.

Also yeah, Brand looked OP as shit with that new passive. Holy balls man, procs after procs after procs for days. 45% CDR Brand could be fun as shit to play.