League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
Just what we needed, Krepo nudes
lulz.. I had to google this, didn't see the pics (taken down) but kind of funny.

So.. MSI, at least G2 has gotten over their international choking for the most part. Still can't beat SKT, but no one can. They did a good job against WE. Now, if Trick can get the memo the rest of the team did and be as dominate as he is in EU.


Trakanon Raider
Turtle joins FlyQuest. Not sure where Altec is ending up.

Kind of funny, because Turtle lost to Altec for the spot for NRG and so Turtle ended up on Immortals instead.


Trakanon Raider
you don't say? Turtle left TSM huh? Gee, if only we had called that, lasch :D

I don't think that's a great fit for Flyquest. Turtle works best when his teammates are being super aggressive, and his support is baby sitting him. He did great on IMT because Huni/Reignover were almost ALWAYS going aggressive and trying to make a play. Turtle gets caught out when he thinks his team is doing that, but he mis-positions in front of them because they are all deciding against the play he has in mind. While Moon/Hai sometimes do it, they aren't the same as Huni was. Idk, maybe Hai can pull him back from making dumb plays and it's likely an upgrade from a mechanics standpoint over Altec at least. Plus, they have all played together in the old Quantic/C9 team, so maybe there is that secret 'synergy' buff they get together.

I really hope the CLG change with Dardoch makes them into a beast, TSM needs more competition domestically before NA will ever improve internationally. If the top 4 teams are all closer, it should (theoretically) improve NA overall. Right now, C9 is the only one giving them a run for their money, and that was with turtle at ADC. Dlift being back likely means Sven performs better, too. The bot lane never having pressure contributed to his getting caught in enemy jungle quite a bit, and that had a cascade effect into what Bjerg/Bio could do for lane pressure and map vision. If you take the TSM team from last summer, and now make Hauntzer the beast he is currently, they should dominate NA.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
TSM were just so terrible at MSI, they need a new coach. They play scared too much and I gotta believe that's from coaching. Just like how turtle was coached down before going to immortals.

Yea these players make some shit mistakes too but at this point it's all mind games.

And the P/B from Parth has been atrocious


Lord Nagafen Raider
NA is such a joke at this point, I won't end up watching the next split because of the fake hype Riot will try to push even though its clear NA is the worst region.

At this point its just the same players ping ponging between the few established teams in NA collecting pay checks and no one really improving.


Trakanon Raider
Parth is a good analyst, but the cracks are showing as head coach, I agree. I don't think we have the full story on the decisions behind P/B, but there were too many mistakes for it not be at least PARTIALLY his fault. Once or twice, and it might have been the players input that caused it to look so bad. That said, if they go undefeated this split, everyone will be praising him as coach of the year for NA.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Parth is a good analyst, but the cracks are showing as head coach, I agree. I don't think we have the full story on the decisions behind P/B, but there were too many mistakes for it not be at least PARTIALLY his fault. Once or twice, and it might have been the players input that caused it to look so bad. That said, if they go undefeated this split, everyone will be praising him as coach of the year for NA.

I've been playing some LoL again, only like 20 games into the season so far, Silver I with 70LP, my Platinum MMR is in Flex Queue which I hate... never did Promos yet there. Just shaking off the rust still in Solo/Duo, got a Penta with Akali yesterday, pretty funny. I was just mashing buttons and didn't know what was happening. I hate how Diana is pretty much shit atm, I can't win a game with her anymore. The nerf to Abyssal really sucks. That was a core item which was necessary for her imo.

They just released an update video regarding Runes & Honor System. I like the ideas and look forward to both systems being implemented. The Runes stuff won't happen till pre-season, which is expected. Honor System kinda steals from OW which is fine. More rewards = good.



Trakanon Raider
New runes look like an interesting idea. Anything that shakes the game up a bit is good for keeping things fresh. That said, whenever I get some scrub who forgets to choose a keystone mastery now.. is that gonna be even worse if he doesn't choose a keystone rune? If they implement some way that you can't go into a game with 0 runes/masteries, that'd be ideal. Even having the 'wrong' keystone is still better then having nothing.


Potato del Grande
It basically sounded to me like runes are being removed and the mastery system is changing and I feel like masteries change every season anyways, so I feel like you'll still be able to not have a setup when a game launches just like you can now.

Honor changes seem stupid to me. It literally doesn't do anything other than promote smurfs who will rake in honor for carrying low elo games so that they can get the exclusive skins etc. and I feel like smurfs are not good for the game. It's funny to me because a lot of people (mostly streamers/youtubers) seem to claim they care about the competitiveness of the game etc. but they constantly make low elo accounts every time their latest one gets promoted to a point where they can't just fuck around and steamroll 80% of the games while doing troll builds/etc. due to the huge skill gap. This also results in the people in those lower ELOs thinking they can do the same dumb shit builds that the guy with 9 accounts in diamond can do on his latest silver 2 smurf account and think it's completely viable when really it's just straight up griefing/throwing when a non-smurf tries it.

Voice comms, I hope they allow you to mute individuals in-game like you can with their typing because people are just as bad, if not worse, when voice comms are available than they ever are in text as far as trolling or being toxic/negative/verbally abusive.


Trakanon Raider
I hope they hybridize them. Currently, you can't go into a game without a 'rune page' selected, so I hope that's sort of how they do it. Sure, you could have a page setup with 0 pts into anything, but it'll lower the chances hopefully.

The honor changes seem fine. By making the screen more pronounced, it'll force players to acknowledge somebody for something. This can at least promote better behavior out of people. If you aren't hard carrying a game, maybe you'll try to work with your teammates with shot calling/strategy or being friendly at least.

I think you are over-estimating how many smurfs there are in games. Riot tracks how well people play and the smurfs very quickly get put in higher levels and with others on 'hot streaks'. A smurf that's currently at gold 5 will be getting paired with gold1 and platinum players regularly. A true smurf ends up carrying themselves out of bronze/silver/etc.. super quick. I've seen pros go like many, many (20+) games in a row without a loss till they got up into at least platinum. The true pros make smurfs because their queue time is often 15+ minutes, sometimes as long as an hour. It's also why the best guys are rarely chasing the top of the leader board. They want to get more games in to practice new champs/builds, and the higher they get on the ladder, the longer their queues are. Bjerg, doublelift, Jensen, etc.. don't make a real effort to get #1, this being one of the reasons. Even being in high diamond, you still often get matched against challenger players anyway.

Also, if a player makes a smurf to get exclusive skins, then it's not on their main account.. so that account is going to become their main if they actually want the skin. I don't see the point of making alternate accounts just to get a skin on that alt account.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
saying the honor system is dumb because it promotes smurfing... WHAT?

The Honor system means people will make at least some attempt to not be douchenozzles. Doesnt matter if it's a main acct or smurf acct, if you're being a jackass you're not getting honored, doesn't matter how hard you "carry". People always think they carried even when they go 1/10/0 and their ally went 25/1/13.


Trakanon Raider
Riot announced NA franchising in 2018. There will not be a bidding process for the largest sum of money, however current teams are not guaranteed a spot. 10 million buy in (5 at start and the rest over time)
Good step for esports as a whole. I have had doubts about Blizzard being able to pull off their Overwatch leagues. The 10 million number makes Blizzard demanding 15-20 even more laughable.

I think the main benefit from a competitive standpoint will be each team having an academy team to develop players in a minor league of sorts.
Next step is for Riot to move the LCS to chicago sothat the NA pros aren't practicing with 60-70 ping in solo queue. (And add a 3rd import slot)

And since I enjoyed how poorly I did last time, here is my end of season prediction.

Oh, and random headscratching news. FOX will only scrim their academy team this split. Background: at the beginning of last split, all other teams refused to scrim FOX for poaching attempts. But they eventually started practicing vs. FOX.
And since FOX started out with a decent record and then tanked, I am guessing they are under the misguided belief that practicing vs. others was their downfall?


Trakanon Raider
I think their thought process is that their tactics and strategies were catching people off guard until they started scrimming against them. Then, the other teams had more info on how to play against them or counter their strats. It's not the WORST idea.. maybe they are getting enough from their scrims against Delta Fox that it'll work out ok, but there's other problems with that team then who they practice against.
And since I enjoyed how poorly I did last time, here is my end of season prediction.

I think the CLG change is going to either make a huge difference, or cause them to crash and burn. That said, I'm leaning towards 'huge difference' right now. I predict Darshan and Huhi both start looking way better from the little things that Dardoch will do for them that Xmithie was screwing up.
With that in my mind, my prediction for the split itself (not playoffs):
FOX (they signed Feng and Mash, and while Mash seems like a better version of Keith for this team, they won't bring him till a few weeks in and the team won't gel at first)
TL (why the fuck are you running it back Steve???)

I think CLG may start off a little shakey, but then go on a tear at the end and end up in finals if they avoid TSM till that point. My final results prediction is
1st TSM
2nd CLG
3rd/4th C9 and P1
5th/6th DIG and FLY

The only thing I'm not sure of is CLG, since a lot of people think Dardoch's toxicity will ruin them.. so it's shaking my confidence a little bit. But, I think Dardoch only gets toxic at bad teammates who he thinks aren't trying as hard as him to win, which won't be as much of a problem on CLG. It's also why I think TSM might end up being the perfect home for him if Sven doesn't return to form this split. Who is Dardoch gonna bitch at for being 'bad' on TSM? He kisses Bjerg and Dlift's ass on voice comms when they play together. Hauntzer is a straight up beast now, and Biodaddy is a god mechanically. Plus, they'd be winning so often that he wouldn't tilt as much.
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Trakanon Raider
TL keeping the same team as last split is just baffling. They acquired VC funding last split and spent it all on DoubleLift's rental?

I'm most excited to watch P1 with a stable jungle and support, instead of having a rotating clown car down there with Arrow. But I do wonder what it will look with a new ADC meta.

For FOX? I think the inhouse scrims works for a few weeks at best. It maybe works in seasons past, where it is a best of 1. But with best of 3's, there will be too much game tape for unexpected cheese to last an entire season. And it isn't like you can't reserve certain practices for in-house, and test general laning vs. other orgs.


Trakanon Raider
Omfg, thats hilarious and awesome if thats real. But, who the fuck is playing jungle and support? You got 2 mids and 2 tops. Im gonna guess scarra and voyboy swap roles. Qtpie will def be adc, and shiphtur is better then scarra at mid now. Voy or dyrus could role swap, but my money is on voy. He tends to play more roles when i see his videos then dyrus.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was watching Shiptur's stream and he said it might end up being shiptur and scarra bot lane because Qt wants to play mid and Dyrus will jungle.


Trakanon Raider
Sure, why not.. lmao

clearly they don't really want to be in the LCS itself, this sounds like it's mostly for fun. Guessing it's because of the 'permanent partnerships' they decided to give it a shot the same way Flyquest sort of came together. In the off chance they get into LCS this split, then have a franchise to sell for 10 mil lol.


Trakanon Raider
This is Rick's attempt to get some more publicity for the FOX franchise, and to put some glitter on the shit pile that has been his team since its entry into the LCS.

Sister teams in the NALCS have been barred from entry since C9's second squad qualified. But, even if that wasn't the case, with franchising around the corner, no one in the CS qualifies for the LCS at the end of the split. The CS teams are there to make a good impression on Riot in the hopes that they can be accepted into the league for 2018. (Given the option to buy a slot over some shitty LCS team like... FOX).

EULCS for some reason still has the ability to do it. But their teams sell for 1/5 the amount.