League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
so... I feel like the master yi change is a huge buff overall. You get ~90% of the burst of an AP yi on alpha strike, but with much better sustained damage since everything synergizes better. Before, with AP yi you were just an all or nothing burst machine, if they didn't die you had to run out of fight cause that was the majority of your damage on alpha strike.

Now, if you are building damage and atk speed, alpha strike comes off cooldown pretty quick even without a kill during ult, and your doing more damage with autos to finish someone off.

I mean, I literally only have one game with him jungling against bots to try it out, so not exactly an expert.. but with youmu's ghostblade and a spirit of elder lizard (prolly not the right item for him really, even when jungling) I was getting triple and quadra kills alot easier and doing more damage overall then I remember before. Pop R, Q, E, auto attack someone once or twice to finish them off if they aren't dead already, rince and repeat. Everything just melted. Our team wasn't even fed yet, and I was 1v3ing easily. Then, of course I got fed and I could practically 1v5, but that's not really relevant.

His meditate can't be used to tank a turret or something anymore, but that's fine, that was cheezy anyways. It still heals similar amount early game IF you are really low health when you use it, so it's good for jungling or sustain in lane, but not a tanking/invulnerability skill like it was before.


Trakanon Raider
So there is an audience for that? He streams, and people watch it? I guess I can see the entertainment value....
I doubt he gets high viewer numbers, but yes some people will watch anything. I always figured it'd be funny to create an overly arrogant type of persona, someone who thinks he's as good as pros like that guy, but then only play bots/arams/etc.. on stream, taking it waaaay too seriously. But, make it kind of obvious you are joking around too, sort of like Steven Colbert. A parody of guys like this 1100 elo guy.


Getting big in this game is fun



Tranny Chaser
So there is an audience for that? He streams, and people watch it? I guess I can see the entertainment value....
Before Reddit got on board he was averaging around 75 viewers, mostly SA people who knew him from DotA. I wouldn't really call that an audience. He probably doesn't even get the 75 anymore.


Golden Squire
I'm watching that funny black LoL youtuber stream right now. Someone just donated $1800 to him and he's flipping out.


Trakanon Raider
I'm watching that funny black LoL youtuber stream right now. Someone just donated $1800 to him and he's flipping out.
Does he stream on twitch? If so, what's his name on there, I wanna go back and watch his past broadcasts to see it. I think his youtube videos are hilarious, didn't know he streamed too.


Golden Squire
Does he stream on twitch? If so, what's his name on there, I wanna go back and watch his past broadcasts to see it. I think his youtube videos are hilarious, didn't know he streamed too.

Unrelated, but here is a game against Gold and Plat V people, where I ended up demoralizing them early and they started making bronze V plays to get kills. Every game that I win or lose, I have been learning from them after watching the playback. It's something I do in Jiu Jitsu and it helps me get better. As a jungle, I need to work on feeding my lanes more than myself. I play mostly CC/tanky junglers and what ends up happening is mid game it's possible that we fall behind in damage and end up losing the late game because of it. ADC, I need work on my last hitting mechanics. Sometimes I also make bad decisions on what skills I'm using (ulting as cait incorrectly).



2 Minutes Hate
Just looking at the champs that are going on sale this weekend and I never really looked at Syndra before. Champ looks bad. I don't really think I ever looked at a champ that not only is hardly played but never seems to be able to win ever.

The abilities look kind of retarded.

The Ancient_sl

Syndra is possibly the highest difficulty champion in the game. I don't think she's under powered, but to play her competitively is really not worth the effort for most.


Molten Core Raider
Syndra is very strong in the right hands. She can stun and knock back the entire enemy team if they are close together and the burst damage on her ult is insane.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Just looking at the champs that are going on sale this weekend and I never really looked at Syndra before. Champ looks bad. I don't really think I ever looked at a champ that not only is hardly played but never seems to be able to win ever.

The abilities look kind of retarded.
Syndra is kind of like Viktor-- most will suck and feed but when you run into someone that mains one of them watch the fuck out 'cause in the right hands they wreck face.. Syndra has all the tools necessary to do the job, AoE dmg, AoE stun/knockback, and a wtfbbq single target burst ULT. Her only problem is her high skill cap, and suffers from the same problem as all the other "complex" champs, namely that played to their maximum level they are typically no more effective than a "low skill level" champ. A good example is Syndra vs Ryze. Assuming both were played by "pros", it's debatable whether Syndra will contribute more than Ryze, despite Ryze being so simple to play. The difference is that if you play Syndra really well, people don't expect it and you'll probably get compliments. Go 15/5 with Ryze and people won't say much.

EDIT: A good Syndra will beat almost any other AP caster in lane. She has crazy good range and her ULT simply melts squishies. Oh yeah, she can also cast all her spells WHILE moving-- that's a pretty big deal.


Potato del Grande
Anyone got any tips for mid ryze vs ahri? Ran in to one earlier and she beat me up pretty hard. I couldn't even fight her. She had better harass than me and once we hit 6 she wrecked me up with her combo real quick. If I tried to harass she'd hit me with her ball at best and at worst she'd hit me with her charm, her ball and a few attacks. When trying to trade nukes with her she'd come out ahead mostly due to the charm and true damage. I don't see many people playing Ahri tho and I think i've only laned against her 3 times (once as ryze).