League Of Legends


Tranny Chaser
I almost exclusively play Dominion and haven't noticed any "artificial comeback mechanics". What do you mean? Comebacks are frequent in Dominion, as a team with a lot of "late game" champs can turn things around as the game progresses, but I haven't seen anything that artificially "boosts" the losing team.
Well, I didn't use the word "boosts" anywhere so I'm not sure where the quote comes from?

Comebacks are frequent in Dominion. That's how the map is configured. Kills and successful assaults stop reducing Nexus health after a certain threshold and when that threshold is met the only way for that team to reduce Nexus health is to hold more objectives than their opponents. That's it. Hold more and you can't win if you don't. Period. The enemy team can still reduce the health of your Nexus by those alternate means and if things start to fall apart late your entire early lead really doesn't mean shit. Kills are less gold than SR and everyone gets big passive gold and exp. That keeps everyone relevant even if they are behind.

Now, it's nowhere near as bad as it was when the map launched and there were +MS +Cap Speed items to be bought. Holy fuck was that retarded. And I'm not even complaining about the map itself. I went and gave it an honest try again a couple weeks ago after hating it from the start and while I'm still not a fan I think it's just fine. What I'm complaining about are the combination of queue times and the new restriction that games (even matched games) must last seven minutes on a map for IP/Exp where a five cap ends the game sooner than that. Actually letting my opponent have breathing room on that map is a terrible, terrible idea as big comebacks are common occurrences.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Aren't death timers shorter for the team with less overall points as well? I could be wrong about this but I swear that's what it always feels like.
Edit: beaten to it.

Yes, the team with less points respawns faster. If the point deficit is large this bonus can be really huge.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The thing that keeps me from playing Dominion is that the points are effectively all or nothing. I would much rather the enemy team just loses nexus health for each point you have and yours loses health for each one they have. The way it's set up now feels like the entire binary system is set up as a comeback mechanic.


Tranny Chaser
So why don't you just play normals?

The short answer is I do. I mostly play normals and have since ranked was added to the game. They are alright but they have a few problems associated with them. The first is that you will run in to people that will get wrecked and shrug it all off as it being "just a normal" and troll the game away or queue with the mindset that normals are for being an asshole or generally act like they have no regard for their time or the time of anyone else. The second problem is that late into every ranked season most players have done all the ranked grinding they are going to do and the higher rated players start showing up in normals. Many have undervalued normal Elos compared to players who play lots of normals. Sometimes they super tryhard and sometimes they troll. I have few fond things to say about these burnouts and hate when the season goes late because of them.

The third problem with normals is the matchmaking system is one gigantic pile of horseshit. I had a smurf account I made back when some friends started playing that I never took to 30 so I figured I'd do that and try and help some friends make it to gold. Every single game tonight has been a nightmare for one side or the other. Now, this isn't special just because I'm playing a smurf. My normals are also super, super chaotic but I haven't had such an amazing example of why normal mode matchmaking system sucks as much as it does until just now. Right, so as I was saying every game tonight has been a shit show. Every single team is some diamonds and sub-30s vs all sub 30s. Sometimes I'm on one side and sometimes I'm on the other but this last game takes the all time cake -


I'm obviously the Janna and this is my smurf, Bergoff Meridian. I'm level 28.
Ashe is 27.
Cass is 27.
Lee Sin is 26.
Fiddle is 21.

The enemy team is a five man premade. Lucian is level 13. His friends are
Gold 1 Zyra, 1159 normal wins
Diamond 1 Fizz, 1124 wins
Plat 1 Lee Sin, 1320 wins
Diamond 3 Zed, 1423 wins

And that's the kind of shit you have to put up with if you primarily play normal games. The matchmaking does not work.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's because your hidden mmr makes your smurf the number 1 top dog challenger, so they need to add some heavy duties to the other team...


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm still of the opinion that you shouldn't even be able to queue level 30s with sub 30s.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
if you want to carry smurf games, dont play ap janna. Her deeps are horrible and she does not carry.

Yes she's a good champion, but not good for carrying at all.


Tranny Chaser
What would you recommend I play to carry games at level 28 versus Diamond rated players in a premade?

And that post isn't about a game I got wrecked in. That happens all the time. It's a post about how chaotic normal games are due to the inadequacies of matchmaking and the kind of crazy mismatches you have to put up with in that game mode. That just happened to be the ugliest example I have seen in a while.


Tranny Chaser
I'm not interested in carrying smurf games. I'm interested in seeing normal mode matchmaking improved. The particular game I posted was a game on my smurf account. I just didn't happen to have any screenshots of the games on my primary account where four Diamonds and a Platinum are placed against Silver and Unrated players.


Got something right about marriage
Rolls a smurf account to wreck people in normals. Complains when people better than him use their diamond accounts instead of wasting time making a smurf account.


You are acting like plat and diamond players are special. If I was grinding ranked games on my main then I would probably be diamond by now, instead of helping my friends into gold. Just because you are gold plat or diamond doesnt mean SHIT. Especially in yoloq.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Normal matchmaking really does get fucked up if you have a sub-30 on your team. I remember back when I was playing with some friends who were still leveling I'd get some pretty insane scores and carry 24/7. I'll have to look through my comp because I'm pretty sure I saved some of those screenshots. I'll edit and attach them if I find some.


Yup, found some screenshots lol. I think my favorite is that Morde build. Hextech x2, Warmogs, FoN lol. dat spell vamp yo. Pretty sure I could find even more screenshots, but you get the point. Actually now that I think about it maybe I'll go lolking some of those old opponents and see how they are doing now, because by my score, at least back then, they sucked.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Well, I didn't use the word "boosts" anywhere so I'm not sure where the quote comes from?

Comebacks are frequent in Dominion. That's how the map is configured. Kills and successful assaults stop reducing Nexus health after a certain threshold and when that threshold is met the only way for that team to reduce Nexus health is to hold more objectives than their opponents. That's it. Hold more and you can't win if you don't. Period. The enemy team can still reduce the health of your Nexus by those alternate means and if things start to fall apart late your entire early lead really doesn't mean shit. Kills are less gold than SR and everyone gets big passive gold and exp. That keeps everyone relevant even if they are behind.

Now, it's nowhere near as bad as it was when the map launched and there were +MS +Cap Speed items to be bought. Holy fuck was that retarded. And I'm not even complaining about the map itself. I went and gave it an honest try again a couple weeks ago after hating it from the start and while I'm still not a fan I think it's just fine. What I'm complaining about are the combination of queue times and the new restriction that games (even matched games) must last seven minutes on a map for IP/Exp where a five cap ends the game sooner than that. Actually letting my opponent have breathing room on that map is a terrible, terrible idea as big comebacks are common occurrences.
Sorry, when using the term "boost" I meant it as a synonym for "artificial comeback mechanics", not that you actually used that word.

Very interesting concerning the death timers and limitation on Nexus health for champ deaths. To be honest, I have played roughly 1000 game of Dominion and never even noticed this lol.. For death timers it always seemed they reduced as the game went on, but if they really adjust based on score that certainly is a big comeback mechanic. For points lost due to champ death, I wasn't aware there was a limit, but I can say that in comparison to held towers the loss of Nexus health due to death is extremely minor.

I personally love Dominion, I simply can't stand summoner's rift anymore. It was just too rigid and slow. The former due to the "meta" and the latter because of the laning phase. Dominion is non stop action, has just enough strategy to make it interesting, and though a good team comp is important it's far less rigid than what you are forced into with SR. I just wish they'd come out with ranked already, but thank god they're finally starting to nerf some champs in Dominion. Kassadin and Yorick were just stupid good and Nidalee going AP and chucking spears from the bush all day is just retarded on that map. The queue times for teams are 20+ minutes which is ridiculous, though my wait time is usually 2 or so minutes for blind-pick. I heard though if you are plat/diamond you can be waiting 5 minutes..