League Of Legends

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
There's always Dominion and Vs. Bots available.
Ughh, as someone that primarily plays Dominion, I can't stand the SR players that just treat it as a place to try out a champ for the 1st time, or think it's totally OK to troll and build AP Miss Fortune or go AFK for 5 minutes. It's basically a guaranteed loss. It actually seems to get worse the better your hidden Dominion Elo gets-- currently I usually get matched with a team of golds/plats while the opposing team has no ranked players. Ironically, the non-ranked opposing team are regular Dominion players, while sometimes the ranked players just want to fuck around or don't understand Dominion tactics/strategy, which basically translates into a loss as winning 4vs5 is almost impossible in Dominion.

Please, if anybody wants to try out a new champ or experiment with builds, please do it in a bot game.. Really hoping that Dominion ranked happens one day.


Bronze Squire
Ughh, as someone that primarily plays Dominion, I can't stand the SR players that just treat it as a place to try out a champ for the 1st time, or think it's totally OK to troll and build AP Miss Fortune or go AFK for 5 minutes. It's basically a guaranteed loss. It actually seems to get worse the better your hidden Dominion Elo gets-- currently I usually get matched with a team of golds/plats while the opposing team has no ranked players. Ironically, the non-ranked opposing team are regular Dominion players, while sometimes the ranked players just want to fuck around or don't understand Dominion tactics/strategy, which basically translates into a loss as winning 4vs5 is almost impossible in Dominion.

Please, if anybody wants to try out a new champ or experiment with builds, please do it in a bot game.. Really hoping that Dominion ranked happens one day.
That would probably be the only thing to solve your issue you are running in to. Honestly, if it isn't ranked in some form or fashion (this goes for even when I play with friends) I feel that the game doesn't really matter so if I am in the mood I may mess around with stupid builds. Can't do it in ranked and bots are a joke as I want to stomp another player with a dumb build and make them feel bad so...that leaves what you describe...just my opinion on it though.


Bronze Squire
Yup, last game for C9 doesn't look good so far....I am hoping their team fights end up better.

edit-Ya, so much for that idea, they got ripped. Why the fuck would you not ban out kass? Are you fucking kidding me?


Got something right about marriage
I don't the kass pick was the problem, Meteos kept trying to farm in lanes instead of helping get an advantage in a lane after that first early double kill. As a result FNC always knew where he was the entire game and they could just roam and pick people off. The whole team just kept getting caught as well.

Really disappointing, was hoping C9 would make it to at least the semis.


Bronze Squire
11/0/7 2nd game and 6/2/8 the 1st. You also gave xpeke a champ he is KNOWN for playing. You can look at it whatever way you want I suppose but what I do know is that the 2nd game he didn't have kass and they lost....so I dunno.


2 Minutes Hate
Fucking I can't read this thread due to spoilers.

Who hear mains mid lane? What are your top 3 champs? I'm curious what you guys pick. From the stats I see (lolking elophant whatever) I see Zyra playing mid, but I never see her there. Is this because those sites see her as mid even when she's played as support?


Lord Nagafen Raider
3rd game pretty much came down to that level 1. Lee sin getting 2 early kills, as well as Leona + Varus getting two assists, plus the level advantage in their lane was huge. Zyra can't compete against a Leona if the leona gets quite far ahead because if one single E lanes the zyra melts. This happened a few times in that game. Also, with Lee getting the kills he was able to keep up in gold with meteos (casters pointed out that like ~15min in the game Cyanide was still only ~300gold up on Meteos).

I still think they should have banned out Kass instead of Ori. That or just not have banned out Aatrox since Cyanide didn't seem to be playing at the top of his game.


Vyemm Raider
sucks that C9 is in and out so quickly. I felt the same way with S2 and TSM. they get into quarterfianls, lose 2 games and done. We got to see so much from the teams in group stage, but so little from the teams that skipped it. I wish there was a smaller elimination tourny for the group stage, then a larger round robin for the higher ranked teams.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd just like if Fnatic, Gambit or C9 got far in the bracket just because I'd rather one of those teams win it all rather then the koreans. I still think it'd be better to have another group stage with these final 8 teams, where the top 4 go to a bracket stage.

Could either make it an 8 man group where the top 4 advance (1st vs 4th, 2nd vs 3rd, when brackets start) or have it another two groups of 4 teams each and the top 2 advance. Having only one Bo3 for all these quarter final teams does kinda suck, especially since you don't get any games to warm up on really.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It honestly doesn't even seem like advancing right to the QF is worth it. If you're confident in group stage you have 8 games to work out the nerves and get comfortable, see what's working for you and build some momentum.


Tranny Chaser
I don't know, automatically reaching the quarterfinals of the world championship seems alright to me.

edit -

I absolutely cannot win any game where my top lane is dead 1v1 before I can do both buffs and run there. If the top lane is dead while I'm finishing red my Nexus might as well explode on the spot.


Trakanon Raider
Seems like at some point Gambit had to go all in, but instead they let the blinds bleed them down to the felt.


Bronze Squire
Fucking I can't read this thread due to spoilers.

Who hear mains mid lane? What are your top 3 champs? I'm curious what you guys pick. From the stats I see (lolking elophant whatever) I see Zyra playing mid, but I never see her there. Is this because those sites see her as mid even when she's played as support?
Correct, the sites count her as a mid (she may even still be labeled that way in league) but she is a high value support who is played very often.

The top 3 I like are Zed and Fizz with a toss up for the final between Orianna and Ahri.


Potato del Grande
Fucking I can't read this thread due to spoilers.

Who hear mains mid lane? What are your top 3 champs? I'm curious what you guys pick. From the stats I see (lolking elophant whatever) I see Zyra playing mid, but I never see her there. Is this because those sites see her as mid even when she's played as support?
I main mid. My top 3 are Ryze, Kassadin and i'd say Gangplank when I had my crit runes but maybe i'd put Anivia in 3 now.

I've only seen Zyra mid like 3 times in ranked out of, I think, 600ish games (not sure how many i've done exactly).

Edit: I bought Jayce yesterday and wow he's a monster, I like him.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Free Elise, hooooooo



Tranny Chaser
edit - beaten to it, weak

Managed to get Ronne Gold 5 tonight on a four game win streak and LPs decide to be jerks while doing it. It went +24, +24, +2, +1 putting my smurf at 98. My win/loss is mostly butt and I was well prepared for this to occur but it is still annoying to be handed big points in every win to then get hit with the super taper. I should have just been getting like +16 and it would have all worked out. I'd be two wins from a promotional series instead of thinking I was one win away while I was actually five away.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
C9 were dumb not to ban Kass, then they throw it away at level 1 in game 3. I thought they were smarter than that. Even game 1 was sloppy with them getting caught from brushes a ton.

Gambit let me down too. As it stands Fnatic is the last hope to avoid having another Asian champion. I hope they can pull it off.

I really dislike the tournament setup. So many meaningless games during the last day of Group stages and yet a team like C9 only gets 3 games vs only 1 opponent. I had a bad feeling this would happen. I hoped C9 would beat Fnatic because we already saw Fnatic play vs a bunch of other teams but we haven't seen C9 at all. It will be interesting to see how Gama Bears and Royal do as well. It is very likely both those teams will lose too and will be in the same boat as C9. Hopefully if 3 of the 4 teams all get knocked out there will be a bigger uproar and something will change for S4. As it stands right now, any crying about it is being seen as "C9 fanboys".

Funny thing is... Royal plays another Chinese team (OMG). How fucked up is that... they come to Worlds to play a team they already played all season long. Royal beat OMG 3-1 in the Final for their Regional Playoffs but a lot of people still give OMG a good chance to win here.


Who hear mains mid lane? What are your top 3 champs? I'm curious what you guys pick. From the stats I see (lolking elophant whatever) I see Zyra playing mid, but I never see her there. Is this because those sites see her as mid even when she's played as support?
Those websites don't truly know where a champ is played. They just have each champ tagged with a position and go with it. Zyra is a viable mid lane. I've seen it many times and have seen some very dominant performances. I expect her current results to be as support, though.

I still like to rock the Diana. She has almost no counter and offers a lot imo. Her shield was nerfed a while ago which I think made her played less but actually Najin Black Sword used her in Worlds yesterday so she is still hanging around rarely in the competitive scene. I actually wonder why teams don't pick her up to counter some of the mid picks. She can hang with Ahri/Fizz/Kennen/TF/Zed pretty well imo. Basically she doesn't really get countered by assassins. Even Kassadin is manageable since she can auto-attack during the silence and she has dashes to catch him. I usually build all the tanky items if I can't get ahead: Zhonya, Abyssal, Rylais. If I'm going against heavy AD I'll even build a Frozen Heart. If I am dominating my lane I'll get all the large AP items: Zhonya/Rabadon/DFG/Void Staff. I tend to not favor the Nashor's Tooth build very often, it requires sticking on a target and aa'ing which is tough in this meta where there's tons of CC and mobility. I just rather assassinate my target.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can't help but root for Koreans because of Faker. Mechanically he is the best player I've ever seen.
I agree with this. I wouldn't mind SKT winning it all because I do think Faker and Impact are both pretty boss mode. To be honest though I haven't really been that impressed with a lot of Faker's plays besides maybe 1 or 2 games. His Riven play has been mediocre so far and he had some awesome plays on Gragas but overall just wasn't that impressed. Seems his Ahri is where he shines (as least so far in this tournament).