League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
So just got plat! went from bronze to plat this season. Best thing was I got it in one Gold 1 to plat 5 promo series. Offer is out there for anyone that needs gold. I'll duo with you since I made my goal and no way in hell I'll make it too diamond before the season ends.
I wouldn't mind some help getting into gold from Silver I when my bro-in-law isn't online.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone ever try Syndra Zilean bot lane? If not, go get a partner and play some normals. Throwing bombs is hilarious.


Vyemm Raider
man, just had the most intense game. i'm coming off a bit of a losing streak. back into s4, gold just may not be possible this season. even lost a 5v4 when we knew they were down to 4 from the start. was really not wanting to play league lately. then had 2 great games today. 1st, jungle zac where i did really well. i look at the graphs and at the end of my game if i'm the tank, and i see i took the most damaged while giving out the 2nd most, i know i did my job.

but the 2nd game, nasus top, my fav, was just exhausting. started vs a nunu, which i haven't seen in awhile and still out sustains just about anything. lucky my jungle shiv has great ganks and i don't fall to far behind. our mid ryse though gets straight up raped by their fizz. incredibly so. they have a corki and support annie, and even the annie is getting fed. there's so much magic damage on their side its nuts. our trist mentally checks out and just afk farms lanes and dies more to ganks. ali support says he's gonna afk. me and shiv continue to try our hardest. i continue to build my normal spirit visage and iceborn gauntlets. i also get merc treds and a banshees veil. we're down 20 kills and an inhib, really surprised it wasn't more. then we start getting kills, even trades. no matter how hard they try, they can't kill me. at one point, we kill 4 of them and there's 2 of us, so we push down mid turret, hoping to get our 2nd turret. their corki tries to defend, i wither, ghost, and chase him all the way to his inhib and get the kill, meet the team at 2nd turret, and take down inhib turret. team is pumped and stops raging. another good team fight, we push down bot lane and get 2 inhibs, they come out to defend 1 by 1 and die, killed the nexus.

after, hands were shaking. enemy team was raging. 'report this guy, report that guy', typical silver banter after the game, cause a loss always means someone needs to be reported.


Potato del Grande
You will get to play a new set of placement matches for season four. You'll almost certainly do better.
If I had it i'd bet $100 that I get trolled to shit in my provisionals and have to crawl out of bronze again.

Edit: Maybe I won't tho, and I know all the knew heroes now so there won't be any learning curve like I had with S3 (tons of champs new from when I left before)


Tranny Chaser
Dude, you'll do better. You'll also know some people that you can do your placements with from here if you are really worried about it.


Wizardhawk I added you in game (Nestlehot). I crawled out of bronze 3 or 4 and am in silver 2 now. Maybe we could try duo and go for gold, I do a pretty good support and can adapt pretty well to play styles.


A Man Chooses....
I have 96 points in silver 1 again and now my interweb is acting up, MUST BE STRONG AND WAIT.

I just want to get gold so I can work on laning. I think farming 900 stacks with nasus top and killing everyone will get me to plat.


Golden Squire
My main is Nasus in the jungle. Not sure why people like him top so much given that Nasus has excellent objective control and strong ganks. Plus I feel like Jax, Renekton, Shen, etc. are stronger picks top lane anyway.


A Man Chooses....
I've been jungling him, it's just those games where people fight all the fucking time he isn't great because he can't farm. Whereas top you can control how your lane functions.
My main is Nasus in the jungle. Not sure why people like him top so much given that Nasus has excellent objective control and strong ganks. Plus I feel like Jax, Renekton, Shen, etc. are stronger picks top lane anyway.
Nasus is a very good top in certain lanes. Anyone that isn't cant push him back off the creeps or kill him just outright loses if the Nasus is a proficient Q farmer. You're right about Jax and Renekton being good early Nasus counters. Shen lose hard to him though unless he gets some good ult kills/assists. Basically if someone is running a farm champ top or a champ that can't out damage his passive (nidalee, shen, etc) then Nasus is a good top pick. I did my jag with Nasus jungling in silver and it really falls off in solo queue because he just basically farms the jungle and takes dragon. Which is nice, but you can't count on your lanes to go keep things close especially if the enemy team has a gank heavy jungle. I also wouldn't classify his ganks as strong. They aren't shyvanna level bad where exhaust is almost a must on her but they are pretty easily avoided because he brings no real lockdown. Proper lane positioning nullifies whither.


Bronze Squire
As far as the person looking for AD malz (been awhile since I ran him) but from everything I remember is you build him similar to how you use to build urgot. A little bit of AD then tanky. Big thing with him is getting 2 voidlings up then watch as they destroy someone.


Tranny Chaser
I'm trying to play some more games tonight just to play and not only does the game feel completely stagnant but the banning phase is entirely pointless


Lee Sin


That doesn't even count champions like Blitz and Thresh or champions that I despise like Tryndamere or Shen. There is just nothing going on. The bans are pointless and there hasn't been a full big patch with a bunch of changes in months.


Tranny Chaser
Patch 3.10a had the Phage/Trinity changes, a moderate Zac nerf, and not much else and was two months ago. It was going to be the last little bit of stuff before Worlds.

Most of my annoyances stem from the current environment having solidified after Worlds. Watching people stream and playing my own games the amount of innovation and champ variety is piss poor. I was expecting this next patch to happen much sooner than has been the case.