League Of Legends


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
He was hilariously OP on PBE for a while. Augmented rockets could oneshot pretty much anyone, but they nerfed it fairly hard.


Lord Nagafen Raider
He has some pretty high damage potential, but you can't pick him vs. any team that can make his turrets meaningless, which is... a lot. People are focused on his R-W nuke but his R-Q does terrifying amounts of damage 1v1 if it doesn't explode instantly.

The Zed changes are meh. Makes him weaker to knockbacks. Makes him less flashy for sure with his W slowed. I can understand what they were getting at with trying to add some time to react to his shenanigans, but he felt so perfect to play it kinda sucks. I feel like the Aatrox nerfs are just gonna shelve him in favor of Trynd or Olaf (if these Olaf buffs were enough), even at the top level you rarely saw Aatrox defining the game like those champs frequently did, and hurting his early game is not gonna help his case any.

Ahri changes are barely even nerfs with her Charm buff, and she will be a bitch to play against still. Right now her Q is bugged where it deals double damage (i.e. hits 4 times) and the end of its range, so there's that to have fun with right now if you can. I like the Kassadin Riftwalk changes but his Q lost so much damage and he lost those MR gains which sucks as well. Jinx nerfs are probably justified and fine with me (as someone who played a bunch of Jinx).

Sivir felt underwhelming on the PBE but they buffed her a little since I tried her, not sure how much it matters though. I think she's probably decent but not competitive. I like all the little QoL and minor tweaks they did. I dislike the Kindlegem getting more expensive (wasn't in live patch notes, but was on PBE and is live apparently) and feel like that's a bigger change than it may look like at first.

All in all, a pretty sizable patch for being right before the Season 4 changes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yaaaaaaaaaaay. Finally got my Underworld TF skin. Was so sad when I wasn't able to get that last year so I'm pumped. Now I'm debating about picking up Officer Vi and Lollipoppy. I don't play Poppy like...at all but that skin man. So troll. Vi is pretty much my favorite jungler at the moment but the skin really isn't all that great imo. I do like the police sirens when you Ult though. Also when I'm crushing in a game with her I can tell other players they have the right to remain silent and troll them with Police shit.

Only had time for 1 game. Both teams had Heimers, which they didn't seem any special. There was an enemy Sivir who was carrying pretty hard, yet they still lost because their Fiora lagged out and we ended up taking control after that. It might have just been OP because Sivir + Barrier + Spell Shield + AP Janna Shields is really hard to break lol.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Sivir shield is bugged or something right now and will block like 1-5 spells randomly in rapid succession.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I couldnt help myself and bought the Vi & Zyra skins, I really want the Brand skin (even though I never play him)... Too bad it's 1800 RP... It's such an awesome skin though. I have a feeling Ill play him within the next year and be really disappointed if I don't buy it. I also kinda want lollipoppy for the lolz.

I was only able to squeeze in 1 game during my lunch break and I played Vi with the new skin. Fun game. <3 Vi. Nobody played any of the changed champs which was weird. No Heimer, no Sivir, no Ahri, etc. I was really debating playing Sivir instead of Vi because I always liked Sivir. Maybe next game (gotta wait though, damn work!).

Edit: Also regarding some of the changes: I watched SaintVicious video about the patch and he actually made some decent points this time. Basically Aatrox will probably be shelved in competitive play. Ahri won't change much, in fact, landing her Charm makes her even more deadly. Zed will still get played but has more counterplay now. And he thinks Heimer's kit looks deadly.

Link:Saintvicious League of Legends Patch 3.13 rundown - YouTube

edit 2: Introduction to Jungle changes has been posted by Riot.
The Hunter's Call: An introduction to jungle this preseason : leagueoflegends

(Some) Preseason jungling changes:
Here are some of the changes we are planning.

. We'll be adding an extra camp near blue buff and the wolf camp.
By adding another camp, players can add some diversity to jungle routes and farm more resources. The extra camp creates further tradeoffs between ganking and farming the jungle because it'll now be more challenging to keep the jungle clear. Besides that, the camp adds one more lever for us to balance area-of-effect vs. single target junglers.
The additional camp also equalizes the number of camps on the north and south side of the map, bringing the blue and purple sides of the map a little more into balance.

. Jungle monsters will scale with champion levels
Monsters will now have a 'level' that'll be determined each time they spawn. This level will scale according to the average level of champions in the game. Bonus experience will be doled out if jungle monsters are a higher level than the champion killing them.
By introducing dynamic scaling and varying rewards on monster kills we're aiming to encourage jungle farming as a viable playstyle. The varying rewards will act as a comeback mechanic and an incentive for allies to leave monsters to players who are a bit behind in the game. With the extra camp, poaching becomes less detrimental to junglers and remains a feasible way for laners to claw back an advantage in their matchup.

. More gold flow options for junglers
No specifics today, but we're looking to pour a little more gold into junglers' pockets. We're exploring the idea of tying additional gold income to things like jungler-specific items instead of Smite. This idea and having more reliably scaling monsters should increase gold flow for junglers.


2 Minutes Hate
I really want the harrowing Nocturne skin and the Fiddle skin.

Edit: Zombie Brand looks awesome too, but I don't own Brand and the skin is 1820RP.


2 Minutes Hate
For those playing Heimer, how are you seeing him built? I'm thinking Heimer would be interesting top.

Thinking the core would be Chalice, Rabs, Sorc Shoes and Zhonyas. Which was always pretty standard on him. Then I think you need another CDR item which could be Morellos or Spectral Wraith or Spirit Visage.

I don't know how weak he is, but Lhiandrys might be good on him since the turret beams proc on hit effects now supposedly. The extra hps should help with the mpen. Rylais could be another good choice here too.


Tranny Chaser
Heimerdinger's passive no longer heals towers. Champion unplayable.

I've played a bunch of Heimerdinger at each of the different points in his power swings and this current version feels pretty good. He's got a bunch of interesting buttons and lots of choices in a given situation. His turrets are really,reallyfrail right now so the days of the unstoppable encroaching siege are not coming back but in exchange for that he picked up the base stats that were really keeping him from being anything other than a shit pile. He's got better attack damage, ten more movement speed, and more armor.

What Heimer really does is perfectly encapsulate why I hate Zyra and by Zyra I mean Morello. Her goddamn plants benefit fromeverything.They spellvamp. They apply Torment and Rlyai's. Their damage is augmented by Banner of Command and was augmented by the old Aegis. Shaco's Jack in the Boxes don't do any of that. Not a thing. No vamp, no Torment, no Rlyais, no Banner of Command, and they didn't get increased damage from the old Aegis. Heimerdinger's turrets in their current form only apply things on their little nuke. Zyra's plants are the kind of shit you get when someone designs their prestige class or uses too many supplemental books in DnD. And when you call Timmy on it they defend every bit of it to the last. BUT SHE NEEDS ALL THESE CRAZY INTERACTIONS THAT LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE GETS.

But so far I like what I'm seeing with Heimer. He's complex enough right now that it's not going to be immediately apparent whether or not he's undertuned or overtuned.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
You definitely need CDR on him. I don't think top lane would be good for him though. His turrets are still easy to eliminate and Heimer seems to be pretty squishy still.

Chalice seems to be the 1st core item. You shouldn't need another CDR item if you're getting blue buff and/or buying blue pots.

I'm not sure what you would want after that tbh. Probably typical AP stuff... if you need defenses then build Rylai/Abyssal/Zhonya. If you want dmg then go Rabadon/Void/DFG
Throw in a Frozen heart or Spirit Visage if you're really falling behind and need more defenses.

That's just my guess tho. Liandry might be okay? Does he have any slows in his kit? I know he has stun... Probably can't get Liandry without Rylai first. On-hit build could be interesting (similar to Zyra's burning bush build)... Consider Banner of Command and Lizard Elder item if you want to experiment with that route.


<Gold Donor>
Level 15 now, so I am starting to get matches where people actually play Solo Top, Jungle, Mid & ADC/Support on Bot. This was my first game playing Taric as a true support, I was with Ashe and man it was fun.

Not sure how I really did but I think it went well because we won and Ashe lead the team in everything. Here is a SS of my Game Stats ...



Blackwing Lair Raider
I think I would do rylais as one of his items. Heimers perenial problem is he is a freaking slow poke and it looks like that is still the case. The more snares you can land the longer you can kite people around your turrets and the better chance of surviving. Have to see how he plays without the default free 20% CDR on if you want the second CDR item to cap him out although chalice+cdr boots may be enough.


Tranny Chaser
Heimer's turrets do not apply Lizard Elder. Fuck Zyra.

Also of note is that Heimerdinger gives some of the absolute best leashes you can get. If you start with turret and run to the buff you can get all three down by 1:30 and just hang out for a little bit. That is especially important for people that start at a buff that doesn't have the ADC + support helping. Top lane is a wood chipper and missing even a single creep from leashing can lead to being beaten to level 2 and getting all-inned. It also means jungle Heimer works pretty well but I'm not sure what his ganks are going to look like.


2 Minutes Hate
You definitely need CDR on him. I don't think top lane would be good for him though. His turrets are still easy to eliminate and Heimer seems to be pretty squishy still.

Chalice seems to be the 1st core item. You shouldn't need another CDR item if you're getting blue buff and/or buying blue pots.

I'm not sure what you would want after that tbh. Probably typical AP stuff... if you need defenses then build Rylai/Abyssal/Zhonya. If you want dmg then go Rabadon/Void/DFG
Throw in a Frozen heart or Spirit Visage if you're really falling behind and need more defenses.

That's just my guess tho. Liandry might be okay? Does he have any slows in his kit? I know he has stun... Probably can't get Liandry without Rylai first. On-hit build could be interesting (similar to Zyra's burning bush build)... Consider Banner of Command and Lizard Elder item if you want to experiment with that route.
Top is entirely reliant on his new base stats and movement. I think if you can get into an early armor with Seekers and then 3rd or 4th item Spirit Visage for the additional hp5 you might have some kind of sustain. The build probably has a too long of a windup.

Then, if you can play it well enough, well placed turrets might be able to prevent a dive from an opponent. This gives you some kind of effective tankiness, but with turrets being squishy who knows. But since top usually gets bruisers/melee your turrets could survive longer instead of a ranged mage mid.

As far as the burning bush route, it really depends how often that beam goes out (it doesn't seem very often from what I've read) but maybe it is reduce by CDR?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
What I've seen is as you describe: The turret basic attacks do not apply on-hit, the laser attack does.

Laser is fired every 12 seconds and is affected by CDR. Max CDR means laser fires ever 7 seconds.

7-12 Seconds is a long time imo. Probably not a good idea to go full on-hit build but Rylai+Liandry seems viable.

The Ultimate turret fires the laser beam more often but im not sure what the precise cooldown is.

Also sounds like Heimer isn't mana starved anymore so it's more likely to start Morellonomicon than Athene's... I guess it's preference.


2 Minutes Hate
Hmm 7 second beam is pretty meh for on hit stuff. How long does the beam take to fire off after placement? is it immediate or a full duration?