League Of Legends


2 Minutes Hate
That's a good player against a bad player considering Lee Sin should dominate Nasus if he knows how to play in the slightest. 500 at 28 is beyond freefarm, it's fed.
Not really. Nasus just has to sit under tower and QQ to victory. Use a defensive build and a dorans shield start. You just need to be good at last hitting, keep vision up and not get ganked/tower dived.


Vyemm Raider
Seems a lot have caught on to Eve. Seeing her insta banned a lot now and I am undefeated with her so far any game I've been able to pick her. She seriously benefits from these changes more than any other champ in the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not really. Nasus just has to sit under tower and QQ to victory. Use a defensive build and a dorans shield start. You just need to be good at last hitting, keep vision up and not get ganked/tower dived.
Yea I've lost my lane bad as Nasus and had 500 stacks before the 30 minute mark. That's what I love about Nasus, even if I lose my lane, I get fed eventually when people get bored of camping me top. Never hit that 1,000 stack mark but I don't play him exclusively or anything.

Edit: lol, watching Oddone stream. He basically just solo'd the game as jungle olaf. Enemy team tried the 2-1-2 with taking their buffs but I think they fucked it up. Either way Oddone too stronk. Hasn't even built a jungle item.


2 Minutes Hate
Well olaf doesn't really build jungle items. You just stack dorans until you can go defense.

The 2-1-2 strat really requires you to occupy your own buff and the opponents buff. If you just sit in top lane and duo push like bot lane you'll lose because the enemy jungle will just feast all day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea that's basically what happened. They took their blue buff but then tried to punish renek 2 vs 1 and Oddone came top, murdered them, and took their stuff. Then murdered mid. He was really just a murderbot


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's also why I like 1-2-2 better, way easier to control both buffs and dragon. If you have no jungler, your mid is gonna get fucked 8 ways to Sunday since the enemy jungler can come from literally every direction without fear. You can't even put enough wards down by yourself anymore to prevent it.


Potato del Grande
How would you guys jungle Eve? I haven't played her since way back in the day with her original kit but i'm thinking I might abuse her while i'm in silver now for a bit.

Does scan trinket really reveal Akali? Description on the item says "reveals and disables stealth traps and totems"


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think just the third tier one does? You can get it at 9. I'm not sure, I haven't gotten to play myself much at all


Lord Nagafen Raider
How would you guys jungle Eve? I haven't played her since way back in the day with her original kit but i'm thinking I might abuse her while i'm in silver now for a bit.

Does scan trinket really reveal Akali? Description on the item says "reveals and disables stealth traps and totems"
Anything that reveals should show Akali when she's under her W.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's also why I like 1-2-2 better, way easier to control both buffs and dragon. If you have no jungler, your mid is gonna get fucked 8 ways to Sunday since the enemy jungler can come from literally every direction without fear. You can't even put enough wards down by yourself anymore to prevent it.
Only problem with doing it in mid lane is you really have no way to zone out or punish the solo guy at middle, so his farm shouldn't be that bad and he'll eventually start to outlevel the duo. Plus without a jungler your top lane can push constantly, get the early level 2 and force enemy top lane under their turret the whole time, most likely falling behind which would make tower diving not that bad of an option. Either way, I think not having a jungle isn't a viable strat. It's cool that people are trying it out but I don't think in solo or competitive play it'll last that long.


Vyemm Raider
That build is ok but 28/2 is the way to go for sure. Pure damage. Full offensive runes except armor yellows. Flat AD reds, flat QP quints, flap AP blue's. I prefer ignite but flash is also good.

League of Legends - Preseason

I max E first for even more burst damage.


Lord Nagafen Raider
/shrug, just says Relic on here, so I'd think Targon might remain unchanged. Still though, it'll make double relic to get massive amounts of gold not as strong. I suppose they both could get Targon but that's still a ~900gold investment for the non-supp duo so who knows if that'd be worth it.


Potato del Grande
Well I build targon every game now when i'm ADC and me and my brother did a duo top with targons the other day. Last game I did in ranked I was sivir, had ~2k gold given to Nunu by the time I sold it to get my 6th item and my nunu support ended up being the 2nd highest gold total in the game by over 1k (on both teams, me being #1).

I would argue with how good it is, if Targon is still every 30 seconds then it's still definitely worth going for it unless you are losing lane bad and absolutely must buy items to stay alive.


Tranny Chaser
I'm really disappointed the first move on the PBE was such a gigantic nerf. There are a whole mess of different ways to reduce the effectiveness of that item other than doubling the cooldown. That level of nerf that quickly is absurd. How could they have not seen this coming? In less than an afternoon it changed the entire game.