League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
I just don't get why a company that is making money hand over fist, gives a fuck if people are streaming other shit. Like how fucking greedy can people be? Blows my mind really. I get it's a company and it needs to produce profits but like, are they trying to take over the fucking world or something?


Potato del Grande
Man, some of you guys are making Wizardhawk lookgood. I am impressed.
That's because while I might sometimes express myself poorly or have opinions that almost nobody agrees with, i'm not a complete fucking moron


Potato del Grande
While Penance doesn't help the cause, saying Riot is good for the Esports scene is only partially right. They're good for THEIR esports scene, so ifwe are all going to accept that we can only have baseball OR football OR hockeythen sure. The dumbest thing was when they tried to get teams that had LoL teams to not have any other teams.

At least they are trying to move the esports scene to a more serious level, but god damn they are douchebags about it.
So are you implying the MLB, NHL or NFL wouldn't have an issue with their stars playing all 3 sports simultaneously?


Molten Core Raider

Also, re: Runepages, people have gotten to Challenger (and obviously high Diamond 1) with the default 2 pages, so those are a smidge overrated. If you're good enough you can get where you belong.
With a champion pool of 1-5 champions to get them there.


Bronze Squire
I am seriously confused at what the problem is. As others have mentioned they are trying to make it a legit sport like NFL etc where all the shit functions the same way. Players are expected to behave and act in a certain way and if they do not then their money gets taken. I have seen people get fired at work for posting dumb shit on facebook or they do something stupid outside of work but still in their uniform. It really is all very similar, a business.


Potato del Grande
I think people have already touched on the problem. It's a bunch of kids (even if they might be adults) getting a taste of how the real world works and they're crying because now they have to follow rules to keep making their money.


When I was 19 I worked for a local Pepsi franchise in my home town. We were warned not to go to any establishment that served coke. Made pretty good sense to me. How do you sell pepsi if you wont even drink it yourself. athletes get busted all the time for wearing competitors clothes, even down to the college level for christ sake, Nike throws tons of money at U of O and not to long ago they had a huge thing about not wanting to wear Nikes and Uncle Phil was like, get fucked then. Guess what, they stuck to wearing Nike. Why is this even a hot debate? Adults deal with this ALL THE TIME.


So are you implying the MLB, NHL or NFL wouldn't have an issue with their stars playing all 3 sports simultaneously?
Some athletes do, and they get paid for it. I think if Blizzard/Steam/whoever else was also paying these guys to play and stream then RIOT would not have had grounds to ban anything, however RIOT is the only company paying them as far as I know so it makes good sense they are in the position to stamp it out now.

EDIT: I think I confused myself with Athletes playing a different sport but at different times... I guess I cant think of any that played 2 at the same time, sorry


Tranny Chaser
NFL players are members of a players association that negotiates everything. Riot acted unilaterally and they didn't do a very good job at it.


Trakanon Raider
People or groups that make the biggest strides in their respective fields tend to be assholes to a certain degree.

Out of curiosity, why do you hate Riot so much? I know you used to play league and I believe you play DoTA2 now... so why care what Riot is doing with what are effectively their own employee's. Especially since a stipulation that prohibits assisting a competitor is pretty common place across all types of industries.
Here you go, since you asked nicely CV. I am not a pro writer and it might definitely get a little ranty, but I just tried to lay out my points. This was done while playing Hearthstone, haha.

Warning: wall of text that may rustle jimmies of people who love Riot.

Pretty much correct on my history, played WC3 Dota in 2004 and that lasted a few years, joined the HoN/LoL craze, preordered LoL, played on and off for a few years. Now I play Dota 2. I mostly play the games my friends play, but we have always liked Dota the most.. though during the HoN/LoL years they went to HoN and I went to LoL by myself. I really did enjoy the game. When I stopped playing, it was during the time of a new champion being added every 2 weeks, maybe 3 every once in awhile. It was impossible to keep up without paying real money. Yeah yeah, everyone on this forum is "lol you don't have to buy champs or rune pages or blahblahblah". Well I like to be optimal, I didn't buy every new hero, but there was some that I did. After a while I just got fed up with the business priorities of Riot. The game had NO features whatsoever. They started doing tournaments without a spectator mode and it was garbage looking and cumbersome. It was all $$$ from skins and champs, nothing for the game... except skins and champs. I put probably $100 (pre-order, champ pack, rune pages, etc) into the game, I don't regret it because I had fun.

There are a few reasons I dislike Riot, but first I'll throw out why their latest piece of work is poorly implemented. I completely understand the whole branding and promoting, I have no problem with that at all. I have a problem with how carelessly it was written up. If Riot really cared about esports, they would be serious with their contract. They listed a PS3 exclusive game, a dead game on their list, and 2 random MMOs. I can only assume three things; whoever wrote this is a complete moron, tencent has a lot of sway with Riot and throwing their muscle around, or they are attacking specific streamers who they noticed playing certain games. A second killer is they must have not let their professional "employees" know what was happening. Guardsman Bob, one of the most popular (at least in my time) is not a part of the LCS, but is apparently under this contract as well, though he never knew it until they took his stream off their page and he had to plead to get put back on. This guy was HUGE back in the day, this guy helped League gain popularity (regardless of whether League made him or he made League, he had tons of followers) and now they treat him a nobody.

Riot has some people who work for them that has gotten their hands dirty in the esports/Dota community already. Pendragon was well known in the Dota scene for handling the Dota-Allstars website. He joined up with LoL which was great and I really enjoyed having him in both communities. Then he shut down the Dota Allstars website and said it was transferring servers.. but it stayed offline for years until he released the database. Pendragon was great for a long time, but it seems Riot made him dirty. There was speculation that Riot was using the Dota Allstars website to make their own champions since tons of people would post ideas for new heroes. Who knows really. Just fyi for anyone who is new-ish to League or never played Dota. Guinsoo was part of Dota since nearly the beginning, he made it popular. Guess he is good at what he does!

They do not want to promote e-sports, just LoL. This is an obvious "duh", but they are dicks about it. Telling teams that if they had a League team they couldn't have any other teams in different games. Ninjas in Pajamas is an easy team to look at and see Riot's jimmies get rustled. Arguably the best CS team in the world, but you would never know it because Riot is too scared to let anyone know other games exist. Promoting League is one thing, but trying to destroy competition is another, competition is healthy. Riot makes truckloads of money, they don't need to control the whole market.

Lastly, Riot has tons more employees than they used to and from what I can tell, they still are slow as ever adding some needed features to LoL such as replays. I said this years ago with spectator mode and I'll say it again, they could care less. If it doesn't directly make them money, why bother pushing it out? It'll probably happen someday, most likely after HL3 is released...

Riot just remind me of asshole companies like Monsanto who will do anything to get what they want, saying "well that is how you have to be to get ahead" is not an argument, its an agreement. I'm pretty anti-corrupt businesses, less profit, etc.

I have no problem with Riot trying to expand e-sport and promote their game, but this is just a blunder on their part. There is a way to do it properly and this was not it, along with some mistakes in the past it just feels like more of the same. Sure, people who have played League for a year might remember all sunshine and rainbows, but I don't.

League was (and obviously still is to many people) a fun game. I have no hate towards the game, just the company itself.


Tranny Chaser
You've now edited that post three times, each time making it trollier than the last. It's at 11. There's nowhere else to go.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, had one of my better Shaco games in a long time tonight. 15/1/17 in about a ~30min win. I did the whole start that I mentioned earlier in the thread, (was an enemy xin in jungle) went to his red...and waited...15 seconds. Nothing. Hmmm okay, so I immediately go top lane, get first blood, go back to his red, he's now doing it (I assume he went blue > wolves > wraiths > red) kill him, get red, go mid, kill ryze. I ended up getting like a 6 or 7 minute tiamat. We had a Leona + Lucian bot lane and the Leona was really great because anytime I would come bot she'd either R>E>Q or Flash Q>R and we'd always get a kill if not 2.

Best part was, the whole game I'm like "gj bot!" "gj top!" "Shaco sucks if the team sucks!" "You guys crushed your lanes!) Ya know, Sucking maaaad dick. End of the game I got +3 teamworks lol. Just getting that early level 3 from the small wraiths honestly makes Shaco fun again. Before doing double camps then spending like 1/2 your hp and an extra 15-20 seconds to do a full small camp blew ass, but now knowing you just need the 3 small wraiths...my love for Shaco has returned.


Tranny Chaser
My last Shaco game we started out down 11 kills, 2 dragons, baron, the enemy team had Nasus, and our bot lane duo didn't speak English.

And then Vayne killedeveryone.And did it again, and did it again. I was able to create diversions and cause mischief and even split pushed my way into a free inhib but the story of that game was how fair and balanced Vayne is. She decided to throw everyone in her backpack and drag us to the Nexus and that was it. Holy fuck that character. Shaco seems like quite a bit of fun right now. Stealth is just better in S4 even if he's still sorta pukey overall.

Support Ziggs though. If you don't have the most gold on your team you aren't trying hard enough. Goddamn I love that character.



Tranny Chaser
Sold my Sightstone for a Zhonyas.

Really salty about the one after. Lost because my team absolutely positively would never send 5 people at any objective for the entire game when the enemy team had Rengar. He's got free engages for days in S4 and people were splitting off over and over and over and over. If someone wasn't just flat out getting caught and murdered en masse than it was Rengar getting free engages on everyone else.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Warning: wall of text that may rustle jimmies of people who love Riot.
You played LoL when it was still in its infancy and Riot was a pissant of a company. You get mad because their priorities were to flesh out the micro-transaction side of the business rather than focus on other features. A brand new company trying to become successful financially is unacceptable.
You continue to hate Riot because now they are the industry giant, and everyone must hate "the man", and also Riot is still releasing in-game features too slowly.

So basically you wanted spectator mode (which has been in game for over a year now) and replays (which have been in beta for almost a year now), what else is bothering you so dearly that you have this passionate hate toward Riot? You are one of those people that hate any big corporation? It wasn't long ago when Riot was the fledgling company that people rooted for, now they are too successful? Do you refuse to use products of Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc? I think your hate is simply because you are a person that dislikes whatever is mainstream and you struggle dearly to try and make a case otherwise. You are a tryhard trailblazer. You attempt to brag how early you got into the LoL scene, as if to say "I played it before it was cool", now that LoL is mainstream you abandon ship and make up petty excuses to hate the game. Being a trail blazer doesn't make you a cool kid anymore, this isn't high school.

TL;DR: My jimmies have been rustled.