League Of Legends


Trakanon Raider
So servers are down and I'm trying to get my fix in so I'm watching Azubu tv and its a NA tourney thing? Fnatic vs cloud 9 ? Is this a replay and if so then how long ago? Trying to see what patch they're playing on

Edit people are banning Mundo so I'm guessing its recentish


Trakanon Raider
Yup, these 'Muricans are looking pretty good. Seeing their adc's are rushing blood + shiv for the lane sustain / pushes, may try that out vs IE / vamp / half ass Shiv build. I didn't see much use of pink wards during the first game and I'm still watching to see if they find their place in season 4. For 100g I still think they're nice to have in your own jungle mid - late game when you can protect them/keep them refreshed


Tranny Chaser
From Purple I think putting a pink bot lane in the bush behind your turret is a stellar move. You can drop one there really early and it lasts forever. The odds of someone just wandering by are low. When it reveals an enemy player you know shit is about to go down.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
That last video I thought you were gonna penta.
Hah.. That would have been sweet. I didn't have my IE yet and the enemy team had too much peel (trundle pillar slow ftl). Best Ive done is a Quadra officially. I have unofficially penta'd once, it was all 1 fight and I killed all 5 enemy members but the time between 3rd and 4th kills was just a lil bit too delayed, probably like 1-2 seconds off from a penta

From Purple I think putting a pink bot lane in the bush behind your turret is a stellar move. You can drop one there really early and it lasts forever. The odds of someone just wandering by are low. When it reveals an enemy player you know shit is about to go down.
Good idea. I may start doing this.


Tranny Chaser
He started out on a team with TreeEskimo that imploded and somehow went on to be a popular. Force of personality I guess?


Vyemm Raider
So is there anyway to just not burn out on the fucking toxic community of LoL? I spent a fortune this christmas just gifting shit away to people, but for some reason Riot can't dedicate a team to doling out punishments? Hell, report someone in WoW and a GM will look into it; I've gotten a few people banned that way. Really not sure why someone should get a second chance to be an absolute asshole.
Don't play with friends. Treat LoL as a single player game with "smart" AI. Every game you lose is your fault for not being a better player. Focus on improving and try not to give a shit about individual games.

Play more. If people are complete assholes, hit the ignore button in game and focus on yourself. Watch replays of your games. What went wrong?

Basically, player Toxicity is an issue at every level of this game. There is nothing you can do to change it. Have fun and don't let it drive you crazy.


Tranny Chaser
Every game you lose is your fault for not being a better player. Focus on improving and try not to give a shit about individual games.
Those are two opposing ideas. Every game you lose isnotautomatically your fault. There are factors outside of your control so don't worry about them and focus on your own performance.
Worst advice Ive ever seen. The more people you play with, that have a similar mindset and skill as you, the less chance you have of getting a toxic player, and the easier it is to respond and deal with if you do.
Depends on what you want out of the game. If you're content doing norms then yah group with a couple of your buddies. If you want to play the serious side of the game then you have to play solo or duo by default. Either that or you get really lucky and find 4-6 other people that are at your skill level who you like and can do fives with.


Tranny Chaser
That sucks. One minute you are playing vidya games and the next minute your house is full of cops and guns are being pointed at you.


Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a huge reddit thread about it if anyone is curious. Essentially some jackass or group of jackasses was DDoSing whatever Phantl0rd was playing because he had the most viewers on Twitch and they wanted to get their name out. They hit battle.net, League, Club Penguin (not sure because of PL there but who knows), some other shit too I think.

Servers down? Discuss here. : leagueoflegends


Depends on what you want out of the game. If you're content doing norms then yah group with a couple of your buddies. If you want to play the serious side of the game then you have to play solo or duo by default. Either that or you get really lucky and find 4-6 other people that are at your skill level who you like and can do fives with.
Duo still implies you are playing with a friend, which still goes against the advice earlier of play by yourself. Even having that one more person to talk to, be a part of a game with, good or bad, can greatly help you to enjoy the game more, and not get affected by the rage inducing toxicity nearly as much.