League Of Legends


Mr. Poopybutthole
In terms of champion proficiency or mechanical play sure, higher ranked players are better than lower ranked players.

In terms of decision making, attitudes, or morale? Same shit. Exactly the same shit.
I think it's the opposite. I don't think mechanical skill difference is that huge (although there is a difference) - I think it's almost all decision making.

People are assholes at all levels, though.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't know why they removed Madred's, saying it was a 'noob trap' (it was), and then put Hurricane in the game. It is technically less of a trap than Madred's but not by that much. They really need to rework that item, it has a neat effect and absolutely retarded everything else. I don't get riled up when people troll, when they afk, when they disconnect, when they yell at me, but goddamnit, seeing someone buy a Runaan's thinking it's a good idea angers me up something fierce.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wow, I've won my last 10 games (5 ranks, 2 normals, 3 doms). Fk yea! I absolutely love when I actually get to play jungle in ranked. Been really digging Fiddle & Elise lately. Elise has always been really good but lately I've been playing her jungle more often. Fiddle, with the new Spectral Wraith, is pretty damn good because even without blue you can still keep your mana high enough while jungling. If you get countered at all though.....ughhhhh. But, Flash + Ult + Fear pretty much guarantees kills since you can do it from really far away, weird places lol.

I'm 10lp in Plat1. Lol. I was already plat one but I had a terrible like 0-7 ranked night or something where I was waaaay too drunk and got demoted to plat2. Now, back to play 1 and slowly gaining that LP.

Finally got a game where I was able to jungle Eve. It started off a lot rougher than I remember but once I get 6...ezpz. I swear nobody buys pink wards, even up in plat 1. I specifically remember the thresh buying 2 total, all game. One for their tri-bush ~10minutes in and another ~30minutes in for baron. Nobody else ever bought one. Just so much fun to be eve, flank around them at middle and land a 4 person ult, blow your load, then zhoynas while your team comes in and cleans up haha.


Trakanon Raider
Sadly, I just confirmed that you can still win 0 LP with a win. What's a brother supposed to do


Golden Squire
Keep winning until you are unclamped. I'm on a 12 game loss streak and went from skipping a division to being halfway back to where I was.


Trakanon Raider
I get the clamping thing, but its just kind of like , "really?" when I'm in silver 1 and play 75% gold players. I get it, you don't want people to sneak in that go on streaks or catch a few breaks, but fuck man, I'm 30 games over .500 or so. They can clamp my balls with their mouth


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So I spent this lovely weekend reinstalling my whole system but in the process I managed to optimize LoL & Streaming with OBS.
Reason for the reinstall is I had a HDD failing so I replaced it with a 500GB SSD.
Anyway, previously I had SLI disabled due to some issues but since reinstall I enabled it and all problems are gone. I'm now getting ~400 FPS in LoL without streaming. While streaming I get ~320+ fps.
Im using OBS and found a plugin that makes streaming League much more efficient. It's called "Scene Switcher" for OBS. Very nice and easy to use. So now I can easily use Game Capture which has bumped up my FPS a ton. For some reason I can't use 64bit OBS though, I get an error, I think it's gfx card related.

Anyway... yea, if you want to stream LoL get the plugin.


Tranny Chaser
Lately I think I'm playing less the game of League of Legends and more the game of Exploit How Players Behave.

edit -

I really wish picks were one at a time. I'm pretty sure I lost the last game entirely because we couldn't figure out who was jungling. I know it would take a bit longer on average but it also addresses pick order problems.


Tranny Chaser
Picture two people walking towards each other and as each tries to get out of the other's way they still find themselves about to collide.

And then there are the people that are half afk or don't communicate. And then the people who insta-lock out of position and it's just too bad for everyone else.


In terms of champion proficiency or mechanical play sure, higher ranked players are better than lower ranked players.

In terms of decision making, attitudes, or morale? Same shit. Exactly the same shit.
Attitudes and morale? That doesn't change. Decision making, game knowledge, and mechanics are what change as you scale upwards. The difference between having a team full of plats and a team full of golds is frightening.


2 Minutes Hate
Because when it's slow at work, my mind wanders. If I had unlimited time to play LOL I'd like to mess around with Swain, Malz and Viktor more.

Viktor because he's fun to play and the Creator Viktor skin is amazing. Unfortunately he isn't very good in the current meta. Might be a sleeper Tier 2ish support champ but other champs do things better. I think he's worth testing as a support though. Might not actually be terrible with some CDR and augmented W. But Annie will still be better.

I'm convinced with a few changes Swain could be really excellent as a tank but they are forthcoming. Game needs more spell vamp though and he would become a magical Mundo. Unfortunately in a world where Shyvanna exists, he will be outclassed in the top lane and there are so many better picks mid. DFG->E->Q->W->Ignite will still wreck face with Lhiandrys and Rylais. Game needs more pimp cane.

As far as Malz, I think there might be something with his kit with his W for tank shredding. With CDR and Black Cleaver, your Voidlings will shred the shit out of a tank. Your W does %%hp damage, but also scales with AP that goes against your voidlings. To play him top, he needs more mobility/tankiness and that doesn't exist.

It's too bad Riot didn't make some new items for S4 outside the Support/Jungle stuff. I think Malz's kit would really be interesting to play, but he requires too much to do things with. He's fun as hell to play though.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Because when it's slow at work, my mind wanders. If I had unlimited time to play LOL I'd like to mess around with Swain, Malz and Viktor more.

Viktor because he's fun to play and the Creator Viktor skin is amazing. Unfortunately he isn't very good in the current meta. Might be a sleeper Tier 2ish support champ but other champs do things better. I think he's worth testing as a support though. Might not actually be terrible with some CDR and augmented W. But Annie will still be better.

I'm convinced with a few changes Swain could be really excellent as a tank but they are forthcoming. Game needs more spell vamp though and he would become a magical Mundo. Unfortunately in a world where Shyvanna exists, he will be outclassed in the top lane and there are so many better picks mid. DFG->E->Q->W->Ignite will still wreck face with Lhiandrys and Rylais. Game needs more pimp cane.

As far as Malz, I think there might be something with his kit with his W for tank shredding. With CDR and Black Cleaver, your Voidlings will shred the shit out of a tank. Your W does %%hp damage, but also scales with AP that goes against your voidlings. To play him top, he needs more mobility/tankiness and that doesn't exist.

It's too bad Riot didn't make some new items for S4 outside the Support/Jungle stuff. I think Malz's kit would really be interesting to play, but he requires too much to do things with. He's fun as hell to play though.
Viktor is sleeper OP imho, you just need a good team to enable him to make best use of his awesome AOE dmg and CC. I do crazy well with him in Dominion, and he's considered a pretty mediocre pick with all the assassins being chosen. His dmg output is just too insane to pick him as support imho.. If anything, you go augment Q and make the enemy team chase you as your ult+ team melts them. Augment Q, morellominicon, Rylais, furor boots, Liandry's and you are the hit and run king..


2 Minutes Hate
I'll have to play more Viktor to get a better feel for him. But I think maxing his W might be worth something to play with as a Support and zone the fuck out of your lane.