League Of Legends


Vyemm Raider
So infinite crisis is having a week long event where all hero's are free to play. The game is practically a copy & paste of league but with unique feeling hero's that have all been rather fun and rewarding to play. Highly recommended.


A Man Chooses....
Yi is still easily counterable. I'm like 5-0 against them so far. You just go kick their ass in their jungle or you smash them first in team fights while they try to flank.

But oh.. if you get rolling on Yi. It's disgusting.


I love Yi jungle now with feral flare. The way he really becomes OP is if you bring teleport with you and teleport into a lane that just got a kill with or without your help. You can easily take two turrets lvl 8ish+. Game changer.


A Man Chooses....
Think I've got Xin figured out. 5-1 now in ranked with him. He can solo an Aatrox two levels above him who is superfed =D


if you see master yi on the other team, go malphite. its stupid. 50% minus atk speed ahoyyyyyyy


Lord Nagafen Raider
I honestly hope Riot is smart enough not to nerf all these Feral Flare champions and just nerf that item instead. I can just see it now, Yi, Xin, Shyvana changes just because of how strong they are with FF.


Tranny Chaser
Riot has never needed an excuse to nerf melee carries. Successful melee carries always get nerfed.



Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
The answer to Yi always has been and still is CC, just like most melee carries.
The "just CC him/her" seems to be the universal answer to any champ that is proclaimed OP. "CC" is a counter to pretty much everything and if it's the only answer available then indeed there is a problem. Not saying Yi is OP, just saying that the "CC him" response to any OP champ seems superfluous.


Tranny Chaser
Not all champions are equally vulnerable to crowd control. If Annie Flashes in and mashes her face on the keyboard using CC on her is of limited benefit but Katarina needs to pick her moments carefully or she'll do nothing and die. Master Yi needs to land multiple auto attacks and only has Go buttons.

There's nothing really to worry about Master Yi though. If he gets anywhere near decent and/or starts winning too hard at lower Elo he'll get nerfed. Everytime Yi has ever been good anywhere he's been nerfed. Riot nerfs successful melee carries 100% of the time.


A Man Chooses....
So was it the BorK addition that did it for you or did you just need to figure out his timings? So many people use his charge/w/ult at the wrong time.
Blade is good for sure. I think figuring out how and when to ult and being willing to waste flash and use e to secure first blood consistently are the major things. What sucks is I have like a 65% winrate on Vi, but now she can't 1v1 everyone(noct, xin, etc all can solo her once they get flare). So now I just play Xin or Kha every game. Khai s still dumb, and Xin just gives no fucks.

Other thing I've noticed is like half the players are foreign late at night, even on NA servers. Which makes for some interesting games.

Yi went 0 for 3 in Euros today.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Ive been permabanning Yi now. SoloQ just can't handle him. He *always* seems to get fed off someone. I went Tryn jungle and the new flare item makes Tryn sooo good. It's probably better than top lane Tryn. Even still, enemy Yi got fed and my team couldn't survive the team fights long enough.

I have been spamming Soraka Mid the past few days. I am 9-2 in the last 11 games with her. She's kinda OP. The worst matchup I've experienced so far has been vs a Pantheon mid. I went 2-0 vs Fizz yesterday and she destroys most other APs. She doesn't scale well vs melee, especially if they have stuns. If she can kite then she's golden.


A Man Chooses....

So yeah, if you aren't feral flaring you're doing it wrong. Every time we win when I'm on Kha or Vi even if I counterjungle the hell out of the other guy and bully him around he still ends up way ahead money wise. If you have a bad early game to a ff jungler just forget about it. The flat percentage gold increase is so much better than the 40 gold shit on the spirit items it's not even funny. I can take 70 seconds to powerfarm if the opportunity presents itself, or I can go gank and fight for three minutes and do two camps that whole time. It lets you play "correctly" rather than feeling like you have to do something via the conservation stacks, and it really doesn't matter if you don't actually get the flare til 20 minutes because the base item is so gold efficient anyway. Hell it's worth it to me just to be able to ditch the ward trinket and pick up the scanner at 6 minutes every game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sorry if I missed it but what's the basic build order & skill order for Xin that you're using?

I assume FF > Bork > Tanky?

I also assume E > Q > W? Starting 1 point in each? WEQ? Although a QE level 2 xin gank mid is pretty brutal.


A Man Chooses....
FF, mobis, BORK if I am fed, just the cutlass if not, then I get at least a giants belt, then finish bork or tanky from there. I go q, then e if I can level 2 gank somewhere or w if not, then the third skill, then max E first for the cdr(getting two dashes in a fight is massive when ganking or skirmishing), q then w. Best thing about Xin is how opportunistic he is. He jungles at max hp and I just use q and w to clear camps so mana isn't bad, you can gank at 2 easily when people don't expect it, you brawl like a mother, and your single target is great so when you invade you just plow through their jungle taking the big creeps in like 10 seconds.

Best thing about him is if you have a gank opportunity and you're willing to burn flash it's almost guaranteed first blood. I got a riven 3 kills in like the first eight minutes last night and the game was completely over. With the FF junglers it's also like old Nasus jungle because as soon as you get wriggles you grab a scanner and a pink and ninja dragon pretty easily. I tried to play Zac last night against a Nocturne and it was completely laughable. You can't skirmish 2v2, you can't clear as fast, you can't invade. You are just completely outclassed. And I say that as someone who has a 60% winrate on jungle Zac this season and is my most played champion.
Only thing I feel should be added to Gilg's write up is that your skill order is dependent on the game. If its a lot of escape heavy or cc filled enemy lanes then yes you do max E > Q > W. However if the lanes are fairly easy to gank and you see a lot of dueling happening with the enemy jungle then go Q > E > W for extra 1v1 power.


A Man Chooses....
First Yi smash in Euro challenger series. 7-1-9. I think he ended with like 25% more gold than anyone on his team. Lots of Xin today too.

Tonight I'm going to Feral Flare Vi and Kha and see how I like it. I honestly think the income might be worth it.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
First Yi smash in Euro challenger series. 7-1-9. I think he ended with like 25% more gold than anyone on his team. Lots of Xin today too.

Tonight I'm going to Feral Flare Vi and Kha and see how I like it. I honestly think the income might be worth it.
Vi actually scales well with atk speed if you max W first, should work very well. I'm not so sure about Kha though.
Its kind of a waste on kha. I can't find the reddit thread that did the math but conservation actually gives more gold the feral flare if you manage your stacks correctly, so for any jungle champ that isn't auto attack reliant (wu, panth, kha) you still want to go for the lizard elder.