League Of Legends


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea I think Tryndamere posted in the foh league thread regularly during the beta too. Or someone did anyway. It's been a while~ Gamer cred though, yo


Lord Nagafen Raider
Curse, not Riot.
Ahhh that makes sense. I guess I remember you posting about cursevoice before...if I would have just looked back in the post history lol.

Lyte who's the riots player culture guru does lurk and post here occasionally Sidian. So we do have a Rioter!
That's the guy. Yeah, he's the PR / Tribunal guy iirc.

Either way, back to Plat2 Promos.. 1-1 so far...will I get back to plat 2!!!! Mmmmmmmm. Ps. fuck you all for being afk/ignroing me in Rerolled chat. I want to duo!


lost 1-2 in plat2 promos. Won next game, back to plat 2 promos....(11/5 yi) lol, Yi so fucking broken if you don't ban him. I was 1/2 a sec from a penta too...damn Q didn't come up fast enough :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
Lyte's team does customer interaction stuff too; his team was responsible for Team Builder I believe. Best thing to happen to LoL for those of us who got scared away from Ranked.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Hmm, got to plat2 promos again, went 2-0, on my 2nd game I was Yi jungle, we won, yet after the game it had the "waiting for stats" button up, so I hit cancel and went to requeue. "SidianTheBard cannot join a game because SidianTheBard is currently in a game" Hmmm, wtf. It apparently still thinks I'm in the last game. Even quickfind kassadin shows I'm still in the game and if I try to spectate it, it says I'm out of game. So either League is now bugged for me or something happened to the servers? zzzz. Either way, back to plat 2 baby!! (unless this fucks up and doesn't count somehow?)

Smite/TP Yi going FF>Bork>IE/LW>Tank item is still broken as fuck in soloqueue.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yup, woke up this morning and that last game I played didn't count. Le Sigh, still 1-0 in my promos.

(that or secretly I was just too drunk and completely made that last Yi game up in my head...)


A Man Chooses....
Yup, woke up this morning and that last game I played didn't count. Le Sigh, still 1-0 in my promos.

(that or secretly I was just too drunk and completely made that last Yi game up in my head...)
This happened to me yesterday, only eventually it let us reconnect, then crashed for everyone again, and arbitrarily assigned a loss to my team despite us being significantly ahead. Their stupid fucking system is smart enough to determine there aren't enough people connected to give IP/XP, but not smart enough to make the game not count for LP/Leaver punishments. It's ridiculous.

Looks like you guys got one of the nastier drophacks used on you. That one can sometimes drop everyone but the drop hacker and you're dc'd long enough that they can finish the game solo.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone tried Gragas support? Watched Oddone bust it out (he took Lemonnation's build) and it looked fun.
Its okay, seems highly situational depending on the lane matchup and who the enemy jungler is. I've seen three of them over the last couple of days. One smashed a morg/luc lane. The other two got dumpstered by graves lanes/leona and cait/thresh lanes.


<Gold Donor>
Sej is my new support, she is solid in lane phase. Late game with all tank items she becomes a Raid Boss.


A Man Chooses....
Seriously, this Nidalee shit has got to stop. She goes 2-1-3 in a 35 minute game, thinks she's done well, picked fourth after we had a nocturne and a leona. What the FUCK? It's like these people just do not understand how the game works.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Here are two more. Please reply with an edited list if you take one.



A Man Chooses....
So much for feral flare....

Unofficial PBE Patch Notes for 4/28/2014 - Vladimir Change, Feral Flare, Madreds Lantern Changes - News - Reign of Gaming

No longer gold efficient at all, still takes 30 stacks to transform. Combine this with the nerfs they're doing to jungle gold and exp and we're going to go right back to utility junglers. I hate this yoyo shit they do saying jungle should be able to do X, then when they make it capable of doing X they immediately nerf it back to only being able to do Y. I say that as someone who prefers to play tanky initiator junglers, but fuck if it wasn't nice to be able to carry a game by farming my ass off and ganking efficiently. So much for that.


<Gold Donor>
I think the Feral will still be viable and now it allows you to help lanes instead of afk farm for 15 mins. According to that link once you have it you do 300% to Jungle Camps and you get a heal, so you gank mid clear Wolves and Wight to heal up then gank top ... sounds great to me.


A Man Chooses....
It's the same as it is now except they changed the wording (300% to monsters now rather than 33% to champions). The only thing they did was blatantly nerf the item itself and it's components as far as their gold value and give you stacks on kills and assists. It is just a smashing nerf of the item's inherent statistics in exchange for getting ONE stack on a kill or assist while you're stacking it up. If they want you to pressure lanes instead of farm while getting flare it should give two stacks per assist and three per kill or something, it's still going to be more efficient to farm and it's a major straight nerf to the item's inherent statistics otherwise. I'm just surprised Riot didn't overreact and nerf the FF junglers into the ground before they nerf the item itself like they usually do.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Doesn't do damage to champions and the health on hit doesn't scale? Yup, that item is dead. GG Feral Flare Junglers. Back to Khazix, Elise, Panth & Vi every game.