Lena Dunham got RAPED........BY A REPUBLICAN!

Looks like shes canceling book tours now, and getting quite a bit of backlash. There is a twitter movement to get her show cancelled. Doesnt matter. She will just get a job on The View with Rosey and spew bullshit to the 5 people that watch the show.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It's amusing to see a SJW get a taste of her own medicine. Make up bullshit stories to sale books then have your faux edginess blow up in your face. As is so often said on this board, play stupid games and win stupid awards.


Millie's Staff Member
Lena Dunham: Sexual abuse or sexual exploration?
this line cracked me up. they went to a feminism site looking for somebody to absolve Lena and this is what they got instead.

So, what IS normal?

Is it normal for a 7-year-old to look at her 1-year-old sister's vagina? Is it normal for sisters to share the same bed until ages 17 and 11? What about one bribing the other with candy for a five-second kiss on the lips?

Lachrista Greco, of a group called Guerrilla Feminism wrote, in a Facebook post: "Do I think what Lena Dunham did to her sister was sexual assault? Yes. And to those of you who have defended her heinous actions, YOUR voice is silencing to many commenters who openly discussed their own experiences of incest, sexual assault, etc. ... It's NOT NORMAL. It's NOT OKAY."


Buzzfeed Editor
I am not exposed to the american news media, so this might explains that, but, reading this thread, I have a hard time understanding what could elicit such high degree of rejection. Is Dunham omnipresent in the media and giving her opinion on anything and everything? Because from my point of view she is just a writer/director/actress in a popular show I did not see that is described as the anti Sex In The City. Liking the show or not, agreeing with what she says or not, I don't get what is worth getting so upset about. Are people afraid that because of her success all future actresses will also be somewhat stubby? I am pretty sure that's not a clear and present danger.
She is currently going through a "media blitz"--I'm pretty sure Europe has an equivalent for companies, not sure about your celebrities though. U.S. celebrity culture is very different. It's very likely, that the whole "republican rape thing"; was a tailored release from her PR rep. It was meant to get "eyes on" for conversations about her book. This is what PR companies do; say something extreme to draw media attention to the name, then release the stuff they want. Unfortunately, the stuff they wanted to highlight was defamatory in nature, and now she can't get out of the news. This is a problem with a poorly handled blitz. (Where I work, people lose jobs for this.)

If I had to speculate? Her show isn't doing well, and this is part of a concerted PR campaign. I could be wrong, this could be just about her book release and wanting to boost it's sales. However, it's pretty obvious the whole "republican" thing was meant as the hook; the rest of this stuff is a snowball effect that got away from her publicist (She wasn't helping at first by going off the chain.)

Anyway, yes, being in Europe, your level of care will be different; because depending on her name recognition/notoriety (Even short term) in a local region will affect the coverage of her "scandal". (And spending marketing dollars in a region? Directly influences that.)
Her book is #42 in Amazon's top 100. All this publicity couldnt even get her book above "The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Influence" , and "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims". The comments on her book are pretty descent.



<Gold Donor>
While I get the point you are making, #42 is far and away better than most authors ever even dream of seeing, and it is shitty that she's getting even that far and making that kind of money for it (I realize she probably didn't write it).


As she is a professional award winning writer I don't know why she would hire a ghostwriter, especially for her own biography. The time spent doing interviews with a ghostwriter would just be better spent writing the thing herself.


Millie's Staff Member
i bet she wishes she had a ghostwriter now to blame. i am assuming she did write it herself. smug assholes like her would not allow some lowly ghostwriter to tell her epic life story. and yeah top 40 out of 100 bestseller is fucking great for a writer. writers are just happy to be published.


Potato del Grande
When I was a kid my mother had me and my sister in the same bath, maybe 6 and 4 or something (I don't remember). It never occured to me that I should do anything with genitals. WTF. I wasn't even aware of that stuff until like... 10?

The parents must have caused this with their crazy painting etc...


<Gold Donor>
As she is a professional award winning writer I don't know why she would hire a ghostwriter, especially for her own biography. The time spent doing interviews with a ghostwriter would just be better spent writing the thing herself.
Ah, my bad. I know next to nothing about her beyond this thread, so I assumed she was just some typical celeb that doesn't actually write their autobiography.

Of course, that begs the question, did she win awards for actually authoring books, or just screenplays for her show (and possibly others)? Huge difference from what I understand.

When I was a kid my mother had me and my sister in the same bath, maybe 6 and 4 or something (I don't remember). It never occured to me that I should do anything with genitals. WTF. I wasn't even aware of that stuff until like... 10?

The parents must have caused this with their crazy painting etc...
I believe the first time my mom ever put my sister and I in the same bath (I would have been 4 or 5 to her 1 or 2), I pooped in it and blamed it on her. Good times, good times.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
When I was a kid my mother had me and my sister in the same bath, maybe 6 and 4 or something (I don't remember). It never occured to me that I should do anything with genitals. WTF. I wasn't even aware of that stuff until like... 10?

The parents must have caused this with their crazy painting etc...
And the only place a 1 year old would put stones or pebbles is in their mouths. One year olds are not capable of removing their diaper to insert stones into their baby vaginas.

Lena is either a liar or she did a very bad thing.


Buzzfeed Editor
I'm very suspicious about how the pebbles got in there. First, it would be pretty unusual for a 1-year-old to do that.
This is absolutely not true. Baby girls spend an inordinate amount of time playing with/learning about their genitals. That includes sticking things up there sometimes. Lena Dunham is a ridiculous person, but some people here are acting just as bad as her.


Unelected Mod
I think its absolutely hilarious that someone that went around trumpeting an obvious bullshit rape charge to get publicity, is now having to cancel events because of a bullshit sexual assault charge.

Of course, the "paying for kisses" shit is what I find really disturbing. That shit is fucked up.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Imagine a guy writing what Lena wrote.

People would screaming for him to get castrated and executed.


Unelected Mod
Imagine a guy writing what Lena wrote.
Heh, I didn't think about it that way before, but yeah, if a guy wrote that he had paid his little sister for kisses, shit would have totally hit the fan.

Though to be fair, she is getting a lot of pushback about this. Maybe this will cause her to reevaluate her SJW crusades.