

Silver Baronet of the Realm
Main actor is holding this show up. Anyone see the part where they said they removed the hard drives and held up power supplies?


The Scientific Shitlord
Main actor is lots of fun to watch. It's true. Didn't make the Dexter connection with martial arts guy. Good catch. If they bring Doakes in somehow I am going to watch this show forever.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I enjoy this show quite a bit too, even though it doesn't seem to be getting much love ratings-wise last I heard. I'm not a huge fan of Dexter's sister though, but she's fine as an actress, so good enough. As said, the main guy is clearly the best part.


Life's a Dream
My biggest complaint about the show is the stand alone episodes. I don't like having the full story in 1 show. It's almost always better if they do 1 large story over an entire season and handle various aspects of that story on an episode to episode basis. But also leave each with suspense. Think of Game of Thrones and The Wire, for example.


Life's a Dream
I gotta say, last night's episode was a home run, in my opinion. It definitely had its "silly" moments, but it was very well done. Absolutely no complaints. That episode also showed me that I haven't minded that each episode is a stand alone story. Granted, I was hoping for a much larger story, but the way this is told is doing a good job none the less.


Vyemm Raider
i love the ferris bueller episode last night... esp with the breaking of the 4th wall bit. he was PERFECT!

notice the entire first part was a clone- almost action by action of FBDO- the hair, the holding the hand up, the towel wrap etc...until the taser

liked how he named the guys after chars in the show- complete with their names flashing up, esp abe froman the sausage king of chicago part, the fbi girl hallucination wearing sloanes jacket, etc.

then the show ended with,, what are you doing here, the show is over go home....


Life's a Dream
Absolutely. I really enjoyed it. I like that they aren't taking this series too serious. It's definitely a fun watch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My only somewhat gripe is if I know I need to take this drug and know that the side effects without help from a person of dubious nature will be fatal I would be spending a lot of my NZT time researching NZT and trying to find the stabilizer myself. Clearly it can be done and they already mentioned a bit of what it is doing which he should recall if he wants to to narrow that down.


My only somewhat gripe is if I know I need to take this drug and know that the side effects without help from a person of dubious nature will be fatal I would be spending a lot of my NZT time researching NZT and trying to find the stabilizer myself. Clearly it can be done and they already mentioned a bit of what it is doing which he should recall if he wants to to narrow that down.
Well, he mentioned this in last week's episode. I believe he concluded that the resources required to create a stabilizer is way beyond his means.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, he mentioned this in last week's episode. I believe he concluded that the resources required to create a stabilizer is way beyond his means.
They were beyond said dubious characters means as well thus he went and beat the stock market silly using his giant brain and made the money to fund his research. Long term somebody that smart should realize the same thing and work that on the side to build up the funds for his researching. When he is on NZT he should be fully aware his current position is totally untennable and yet he seems to devote little effort for levering himself into a more stable situation.


Vyemm Raider
I Liked last episode when they were looking into her dad how- the entire SETUP was...
to find that guy from the drug company so that...they(bradley's "fixer") could kill him because had had done research on NZT


<Gold Donor>
They were beyond said dubious characters means as well thus he went and beat the stock market silly using his giant brain and made the money to fund his research. Long term somebody that smart should realize the same thing and work that on the side to build up the funds for his researching. When he is on NZT he should be fully aware his current position is totally untennable and yet he seems to devote little effort for levering himself into a more stable situation.
I don't disagree with you, but in the setting of this show, Finch even googling Cooper + NZT shuts his fucking house down, so it is pretty clear that they have a level of surveillance on him that is pretty extensive, including probably finding out if he sets up secret bank and trading accounts. I mean yeah, on NZT eventually you should be able to figure a lot of things out, but what if the black handler dude is always on NZT too? And maybe a couple of other guys Finch doesn't even know are monitoring him? If Cooper has pretty much unlimited access to the pill and the antidote, and Finch is somehow vitally important to his overall plan, why not spend the man- and pill-power to make sure he doesn't do exactly what you're suggesting? They pretty much have his balls in a vice at this point. Any advancements he makes are going to have to be extra stealthy and slow, at least until he learns more about what he's dealing with.

Don't get me wrong, I'd be working towards that goal myself, more than they've shown in the show, but I'd also be scared shitless wondering if anything I did was going to get me (or someone in my family) murderized.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Out of all the new fall shows this is probably my favorite until Jessica Jones or Lucifer in Jan. Also liked seeing Andre Arlovski in the one episode


Vyemm Raider
The 2 new shows i like and watch this year are limitless and blindspot, of the two, i like limitless more- it doesn't take itself too seriously and i like the humor.


Trakanon Raider
They were beyond said dubious characters means as well thus he went and beat the stock market silly using his giant brain and made the money to fund his research. Long term somebody that smart should realize the same thing and work that on the side to build up the funds for his researching. When he is on NZT he should be fully aware his current position is totally untennable and yet he seems to devote little effort for levering himself into a more stable situation.
Im a little late to this discussion, but one thing they've hinted at in both the movie and this show, is that NZT does not effect everyone the same. Depending on how your brain is wired, you excel at different things. Sen. Morra took NZT and understood the stock market/business world/politics/etc.. how the whole world fit together, cause and effect. Finch wouldn't necessarily be as good at it. He's great at analyzing data and deductions, so he'd be better then the average person, but just because Sen. Morra did something, does not mean everyone who takes NZT can do that thing. Look at the Russian thug in the movie, he got better at the things he knew in his own world, he wasn't ready to be a stock broker though. Or, Rebecca's dad became a fantastic painter.

Plus, as someone else stated, Morra has a headstart on him and way more resources. Morra is permanently on NZT as well, with a lot more preparation then Finch in his plan. Finch isn't going to outsmart him.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This show is so fucking goofy but awesome. reminds me of when i first started watching Psych

It doesnt take itself serious which is perfect, shit better not get canceled