Lost Ark Online


Trakanon Raider
Tonight was an amazing showing as we had 2 groups full clear Argos in under 30 minutes, as well as a great rotation on hard modes. A special thanks to BoozeCube BoozeCube for taking charge of group 2.

The guild is now level 11 (so well ahead of the pack) and I'd love to add an additional 2-4 folks so that we can have two static groups running. For those that originally rolled on West (I know, it must seem daunting) but if you enjoy the game, consider re-rolling a toon over here -- we can help support materials to get a main Argos ready.
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Molten Core Raider
Guess I'm done with the game, been in queue for 2 hours at 10am server time. That's about as long as I usually play.


Trakanon Raider
Guess I'm done with the game, been in queue for 2 hours at 10am server time. That's about as long as I usually play.

Yeah it's pretty dumb. I now start this shit when I wake up around 7AM to get in que so that by the time I get ready and skim through emails for work I'm usually in. I stopped bothering to login in the evenings because of it though.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
While I do feel bad for you log jammers who went West coast on dogshit servers. There has yet to be a queue ever on Regulus on U.S. East go sucks to sucks all those who didn't want to chill with the forum bros.
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<Silver Donator>
Would you look at that, they're actually announcing stuff ahead of time for once. No mention of a powerpass for destroyer though, they've said on the forums they might not give a powerpass cause it's back to back classes and shit but if they don't I won't bother checking it out unless I'm super bored, fuck doing T1/T2. Rest is basically no surprise, which is good, cause them going "haha no valtan there's still too many shitters in T2" would have been pretty bad.


It would have little to no impact. People had to buy $50 boxes of D3 and would lose thousands in ban waves. Just to spend thousands more in accounts because they were making that much money.

I watched several friends bot SC from paragons coming out all the way thru reaper of souls. They never got touched.


Trakanon Raider
The West bot situation and queues is completely unacceptable and fucking retarded. The fact that people here are quitting because of it (when our tolerance for stupid is higher than most places) highlights this.

So I feel bad when I say that there's about 50 posts from me before launch talking about East being the superior place to roll and that anyone (including those on the West coast) should roll Regulus as the server selection would be the best place to play even with a high ping. Well, I feel a little bad but given the amount of complaints people had at launch scared that the server would be queue heavy when it turned out to be the perfect balance of good population and no queues, I do get to gloat about this one.

While my perspective is obviously quite pro LA, this patch is a huge deal and a great sign. We're effectively getting;

1- Valtan (normal & hard) to provide actual meaningful progression content to work towards as a guild.
2- A new class (with the re-work, Destroyer is actually fun to play imo).
3- The balance changes (there's a few extra 'I told you so's from me when I said we'd get them with Valtan in May).
4- Quality of life improvements (at last!!)
5- Challenge Guardian raids (more content and extra mats)

Not sure how anyone can look at these patch notes and think that it's anything short of being pretty much exactly what was needed.

Friendly reminder: We are still looking for 2-4 additional folks that want to play with the guild. If you're re-rolling from West, hit me up and I'll carry you through any of the content you need and assist with materials.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The new guild stuff sounds a bit promising. I like the idea of guild competition. Also curious to the quality of life improvements. Unless they give a pass, probably not trying destroyer as I only have so much time in a day. I enjoyed lastnights raids as they were fast and well done.
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Trakanon Raider
The new guild stuff sounds a bit promising. I like the idea of guild competition. Also curious to the quality of life improvements. Unless they give a pass, probably not trying destroyer as I only have so much time in a day. I enjoyed lastnights raids as they were fast and well done.

Was nice to have you for the raids. While I'm not a huge fan of the GVG islands (complete transparency: whale guilds will dominate these since they're not equalized) I do think that we have a strong guild make up for these and participation provides additional materials. It's going to be a fun time to play with the guild for sure and having folks like you (that have been progressing steadily and come to raid from time to time) is great. Hoping more forum folks jump onboard.


Trakanon Raider
If they ever offer cross region transfers I'd consider moving, but I don't even want to see a character creation screen again for months let alone level anything else up even if every mat to 1415 was handed to me. Also summer is coming and that's when I play outside =O

Hyped for the QoL and balance changes most out of everything in that patch though.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Glaivier, wardancer, and scrapper all 1370 now. Not as pro as some of you lads, but it feels good.
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Trakanon Raider
Burned through my weeklies on all chars so I decided to do the excavating maps I've been crafting for S. Vern. Overall I had worse RNG than Punika where I profited around 18k when material and mastercraft boxes were lower price. I'll make roughly 12k profit off this set of maps with the front loaded cost of 27k to craft so overall a pretty good gamble again.

I got fucked by 2 DCs that ate two of my maps which were definitely going to be masterwork craft boxes. ;] Overall I would say just do Punika as there wasn't much of a difference in the small stuff and it's slightly cheaper in craft costs. Again I don't think any sort of +gooder tools or dog does anything to help with rates or it's so marginal you would never notice. What you get from the chests are pure RNG. This is definitely the last time I do this until they release another tier =D



Vyemm Raider
Not sure why at 1395 I suddenly got blah on doing the honing failure spam all over again. Even with all the mats given it was very reminiscent of going to 1370 and chugging through heaps of mats for minimal gains.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure why at 1395 I suddenly got blah on doing the honing failure spam all over again. Even with all the mats given it was very reminiscent of going to 1370 and chugging through heaps of mats for minimal gains.

If it makes you feel better I burned through almost 900 bound leapstones yesterday to get fifth alt to 1370 and it is still not 1370 <_< #4 got there in like 500.

It does suck a dick burning through greaters though when they are the most expensive and the most limited to be given, c'est la vie and all that.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
By the way is there a place for more complete and better build info aside from maxroll? It seems these are all decent starter build guides but some of them seem like total trash aids, or aren't very informative while some have ok tripod and gem suggestions others are lacking very badly in this area. I am sure there has to be some korean ones that are a lot more informative. As mentioned before the info that had been given here in the U.S. on almost every site about Lost Ark has been close to complete fucking trash since day one.


Trakanon Raider
By the way is there a place for more complete and better build info aside from maxroll? It seems these are all decent starter build guides but some of them seem like total trash aids, or aren't very informative while some have ok tripod and gem suggestions others are lacking very badly in this area. I am sure there has to be some korean ones that are a lot more informative. As mentioned before the info that had been given here in the U.S. on almost every site about Lost Ark has been close to complete fucking trash since day one.

Go to loawa and search by class / class engraving to see what KR players with top gearscore are doing. Keep in mind that anyone running an Esther weapon (massive P2W moneysink) will probably have some curveball skill equipped to proc the weapon effect so usually best to ignore those players.
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Molten Core Raider
Amazon must have done something server side, last night and now this morning the queues are completely gone.
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