Man of Steel


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you want to compare to Marvel, Daredevil, Elektra and Ghost Rider 1 and 2 were better.

Hell, Ang Lee's Hulk was better, for that matter.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Obvious trolling is boring trolling. You did better before you made it obvious.
The more I think of it, I absolutely hated it. I didn't hate the movies I listed. Superman was so different than what I've ever read in the comics. And I'm a DC fanboy. I guarantee my comic book collection is larger than any of yours. In the movie, he was dark and gritty, and a coward. Dad says to hide his powers, and that's what he does, even letting others be hurt around him. Superman's always had great relationships, but one would be pressed to make a case for why Lois and he even give a shit about one another.

They should have called thisExtreme Superman, because action and special effects were all that it had.

As some reviewers said, it's like a bunch of teenage boys made this movie. Or some others:

Miami Herald: "What went wrong with Man of Steel? The early teasers promised Terrence Malick. The finished film is more Michael Bay."

Richard Roeper of the Chicago Sun Times: "A mostly underwhelming film, with underdeveloped characters and supercharged fight scenes that drag on forever and offer nothing new in the way of special-effects creativity."

Rex Reed: "Redundant, unnecessary and a colossal waste of talent and money, you can pretty much sum up Man of Steel in the scene in which a lady police officer watches with her mouth wide open as Superman tosses aside tanks like Tinker Toys. "What are you smiling about, captain?" asks another cop. "Nothing, sir - I just think he's hot." "

Roger Moore of the Movie Times: "If every generation gets the Superman it deserves, Man of Steel suggests we've earned one utterly without wit or charm."

Anne Hornaday of the Washington Post: "Snyder tries to up the spectacle ante with ever more explosions, crashes, thermal blasts, topological realignments, gunfire and mano-a-mano fistfights. But the result is a punishing sense of diminishing returns and a genre that has finally reached the point of mayhem-induced exhaustion."

Joe Williams of the St. Louis Post: "A soulless, overblown bore."

I guess these guys are trolling also. This movie was a soulless piece of garbage.


Doer of Things
I agree that I and II were better...but wtf are you smoking even putting Returns in that list...

Edit: Already posted that I really did not enjoy the movie...but Returns was just god damn awful.


I'm too lazy to look back and see what anyone else thought about this movie. But basically - the worst superhero movie I have ever seen. I was really looking forward to it, and avoided all reviews and spoilers beforehand. About 1/5 of the way through the movie I contemplated walking out. I never walk out. It was that bad.


Mr. Poopybutthole
because the script was shit. That or he is shit. I can't decide which.
It was also down there with Green Lantern and Catwoman as the lowest rated DC movies in almost two decades.You have to go back to Batman and Robin in 1997 to find one rated lower. Since then, the comic book companies have been upping their ante with Iron Man and Nolan's Batman trilogy. It definitely set DC back, and the superhero genre, in terms of being taken as quality movies.


<Gold Donor>
I guarantee my comic book collection is larger than any of yours
Maybe...but maybe not. How many long boxes you got bro? And I'm not counting digital of course because that all comes down to who has wasted more hard drive space (pretty sure I'd win that one, but I have only read a tiny fraction). You might have me beat on physicals because I haven't bought one in close to 20 years.

Hey, did I mention that I loved this movie? I'm sorry you guys didn't.

EDIT: Nice edit above on throwing Green Lantern into the mix of worst DC movie in two decades just as I was about to correct you. Although 26% really isn't "down there" at a similar rating as Man of Steel either. But you're looking for negs, so I'll leave you to it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe...but maybe not. How many long boxes you got bro? And I'm not counting digital of course because that all comes down to who has wasted more hard drive space (pretty sure I'd win that one, but I have only read a tiny fraction). You might have me beat on physicals because I haven't bought one in close to 20 years.

Hey, did I mention that I loved this movie? I'm sorry you guys didn't.
Let's just say that there was a time when I spent way too much on comics and leave it at that. Cause I'm going to say I have five longboxes, you'll say six, etc.
I'm not going to disagree with the Superman/Jesus allegory, because it has clearly been there many times throughout his history, but sometimes things go a little too far. For example, someone mentioned the scene where Superman backs out of the hole in Zod's ship and then flies away, and briefly does a "crucifix" pose. That's just a cool way of floating backwards out of a hole into space. Did you want his arms down at his sides? Or over his head? You'll notice when he was waiting for the army he had his arms folded part of the time there too, because just floating with your arms at your sides doesn't look all that heroic.

Ok, so you don't believe my reasoning there, fine. Then how do you explain Zod doing the exact same pose when he finally learned to fly? Is Zod Jesus too? Or maybe it was just another cool way to float there without looking lame.

People read too much into things sometimes.
No it was a straight up Jesus reference , he is just lectured on how he can be the saviour of the human race then told to go save them by Jor-El, queue jesus pose.Also you all are insane , fucking hate to be you and not enjoy this movie. Its a good movie , its not fucking a masterpiece that it could of been. But no one wants that shit after Avengers and that shitstain that is Ironman 3. They want shit blowing up and most of the public knows Superman is a bad ass and hence the massive destruction. Could of it been better , of course it can , just as any movie can be better. But still is a great start then what Returns was. Ill be happy with this and enjoy them while you all cry on how you wanted to walk out and were disgusted.

Beef Supreme_sl

Superman I, II, III, IV and Returns were all superior.
Superman 1 and the Donner Cut of 2 were good movies. Man of Steel was better.

Where is all this misplaced Snyder hate coming from? FFS, Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen (especially Watchmen) were fantastic movies and Man of Steel is no less. It's a phenomenal movie, and I can't wait for the second one.
Superman 1 and the Donner Cut of 2 were good movies. Man of Steel was better.

Where is all this misplaced Snyder hate coming from? FFS, Dawn of the Dead, 300 and Watchmen (especially Watchmen) were fantastic movies and Man of Steel is no less. It's a phenomenal movie, and I can't wait for the second one.
Hehe people on this board hated Watchmen as well , you just unleashed the herd with that one.


Unelected Mod
Where is all this misplaced Snyder hate coming from?
This thread has been taken over by the trolls, its no longer really a discussion about what we liked or disliked. It is instead why some people have to be hipsters and hate on it. Should make a Prometheus forum and move Araysar and the other movie forum trolls to it.