Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trakanon Raider
Hey, hopefully the girl made a killing on her house sale since the Phoenix housing market has bounced back some.


Karazhan Raider
Because those are loverboy songs Err. And loverboy has always sucked


Bronze Squire
Man, what drives me nuts about my wife getting ready isn't how long she takes, I'm used to that. What drives me crazy is she'll say "I'm ready to go" which means I'll take the 30 seconds I need to get out the door and yet she finds at least 10 minutes more of shit she needs to get done.

This is especially true when we are on a clock. She knows it drives me crazy when we are late so she'll ask me what time we need to leave and amazingly enough adjust her 'the normal shit I need to get done to be ready' schedule accordingly. But right at the time I said we NEED to be on the road by is when she'll say she is ready, then she'll do her running around trying on 13 pairs of shoes and getting her purse together and whatever other shit she still wants to do, and 10-15 minutes later, when we are now running behind she won't understand why I'm mad and will be like "what, I was ready to go on time, you can't be mad at me!"


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It takes like a month to sell a house, so this was planned like a week into dating! Oh Onoes!


Karazhan Raider
Man, my wife has absolutely no problem leaving on time. If she is just getting dressed and putting on makeup it takes her about 15 minutes and she is always ready to leave well before we need to. Usually she is waiting on me to finish my pregame deuce


Trakanon Raider
My girl used to pull that "I'm ready to go but need ten minutes after for whatever reason" until I kept calling her out on it since all I do is need to put shoes on 99% of the time. Now she doesn't alert me until she's at the door with her purse in hand.


Lord Nagafen Raider
EDIT: Dammit, someone already posted the ATHF line.

Onoes, did I read correctly? She sold her house to move in with you halfway across the state after dating for two months? That is the most Onoes post I could have hoped for. Keep doing your thing, homie.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Random story: I took up running post-divorce and it turns out I'm not terrible at it. I met a local running club at a recent race and hit it off with them, so I went to their meeting yesterday... and I'm 99.9% sure I messaged one of the girls there on OKC about 6 months ago (with no response). It's likely she doesn't recognize me because 6 months ago + I shaved my beard recently. She looked pretty close to what I expected from her profile. Runner's body, somewhat butter face.

Small world, I guess.


Trakanon Raider
It takes like a month to sell a house, so this was planned like a week into dating! Oh Onoes!
Nah, here is the timeline.

Mid-February - Met and hit it off like crazy at a Ren fair type thing, she was married, exchanged Facebook info (no sex or anything, just got along really well)

End of February - She contacts me to tell me she is going to talk to her husband about divorce, and she hopes that when she is single we can go out and see what happens. She talks to her husband and finds out he's been talking to a girl online for months and also wants the marriage to end.

Early March - We have been talking every day, and skyping every night for a week or so, I drive up to spend the weekend with her in Phoenix. At this point she has already filed for divorce, and her and her husband are no longer sharing a room or anything. They are in the process of prepping their house to sell, along with most of their stuff.

End of March - Most of their stuff is gone, she is driving up every weekend to spend with me. She's been offered a job that she can work long distance from, and has decided to move to my town (her mom actually lives in the same town as me, so the initial plan was for her to move into her moms house). She gives her current job notice and takes the new one.

Beginning of April - Her husband leaves for California. Her father is a realtor in Phoenix, so they start the process of selling the house. They only bought the house 2 years ago, and her father thinks she may lose up to 15k selling it, after realtor fees and closing costs, so that's not great, but she moves forward. She moves into a friends spare room so the house can be shown and starts the process of getting it listed, everything she plans on keeping is packed into her garage, house is empty and cleaned.

Mid April - Her new job sends her to Denver for a convention thing, so she can meet a bunch of people from the head office in New York, she has a great time. We start talking about her moving down, and she says something about living with her mom, and I throw out a "Lets be honest, I expect you to be at my house 99% of the time anyway, you'll probably just end up storing stuff at your moms mainly.", which she agree's with, and then questions why she is even going to her moms to begin with. I agree, and we just decide that she should probably just move in with me.

End of April - Her house gets listed, and sells within 20 minutes, she accepts the first offer she gets. It's better than what she was asking, so in the end, after everything, she will maybe lose 3k tops. Her ex-husband will split the loss as well, so super minimal.

First weekend of May - I drove up and met the rest of her family in Phoenix, packed up a couple of trucks, and moved her into my house. Everything is going perfectly, she's phenomenal.

We head back to Phoenix tomorrow, as she Graduates ASU Thursday with her MBA.

I think that's about it? She's easily the smartest girl I've ever been with, and she's a nerd. We've been playing board games and video games together, hiking, and going out in general. She's a bit of a hippie in the sense that she's vegan and super into everything being organic and natural, which is something I don't care about at all. She's also pretty much never watched any tv or seen many movies, something I'm pretty hugely into. That's about all we have discovered for differences so far, and they are things that aren't bad at all. I'm enjoying trying vegan foods, and she's enjoying me showing her some of my favorite movies.

We have another trip planned to Phoenix in a couple of weeks to see the Kids in the Hall reunion show (she didn't know who they were, this is all me), and I'm going with her next month on a work trip to San Francisco, where we are going to stay a few extra days to just hang out and explore.

Ohhh and she loves my kids. She has always wanted to be a mom, but her Ex didn't want children, and due to some medical issues with her lady parts, she's highly skeptical she could get pregnant, or even carry a baby, anyway. Since I've had a vasectomy as well, no children are happening. She has expressed that this is everything she has ever wanted, but she has also expressed a sadness for not being able to have her own kids as well. I told her that she's actually lucking into the perfect situation, as right now we have a week with the kids, and a week for ourselves. This lets us travel, or just be adults without having a constant responsibility to be parents. She's mentioned that after thinking about it, this really does seem like the ideal situation, and she couldn't be happier.

But yeah, anyway, tons of fast life changes, and who knows, it might not last, but it certainly feels real right now. P.s. She knows I don't want to remarry, and she doesn't think she does either. It probably helps that her mom lived with her step dad for a dozen or so years and they never married, but where happy and content until he passed away last year.

So yeah. Color me EXCITED.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
ROFL she got divorced and moved in with another guy within 3 months. Rolling on the OFL. I'm sure this chick is the posterchild of mental stability.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Divorced, sold a house, changed careers, found a new man and moved in with him. All within 2-3 months.

Hold on to your butts..

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Nah, here is the timeline.

Mid-February - Met and hit it off like crazy at a Ren fair type thing,she was married, exchanged Facebook info (no sex or anything, just got along really well)

End of February - She contacts me to tell me she is goingto talk to her husband about divorce, and she hopes that when she is single we can go out and see what happens. She talks to her husband and finds out he's been talking to a girl online for months and also wants the marriage to end.



Trakanon Raider
Sometimes things just work out like that. /shrug

But yeah, I know it sounds crazy, so I expected this.


Trakanon Raider
How long until Onoes becomes vegan himself and starts rubbing a crystal on himself for his deodorant?