Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Phaezel reminds me of a beautiful 20 year old couple i met in catholic marriage camp that when asked how they were going to manage disagreements said they were confident they'd already worked through them all.


A Mod Real Quick
My wife plays WoW occasionally, I could never ever play with her. She's slow, has no situational awareness at all, very tunnel visioned on quest/mobs. I watch her play and just sit with a O_O look the whole time. Thankfully she has no interest in raiding, so I didn't have to carry her stupid ass like a lot of husbands do.

That's love.


<Gold Donor>
My wife does not have hobbies in the broad sense of the word. The times when not working are spent watching shitty reality TV and playing some shitty wheel of fortune or scrabble game on her phone. I have tons of hobbies that regularly I shift my attention to. Anything from my photography, gaming, woodworking, down to building and collecting ecig atomizers and mods.

She is messy, does not clean up after her self, and when she does the ADD kicks in and she cant do a good job of it and does it 1/2 ass. She hates the TV that I like, which is sci fi shit, history channel crap, fantasy type shit, and she has no imagination. She thinks Im a big nerd and laughs at me all the time.

But she is pretty smart, we can have good deep conversations about crap, she shares the same viewpoints about many things with me, like politics, spiritual, even some conspiracy type shit that we both laugh about. She deeply loves and cares for our kids, she respects me and what I do and the decisions I make. She accepts and loves me for who I am. I can tell her everything and she can tell me everything, in this way we are closer than any of my friends. We lean on each other when we are down and boost the other when they are down. We can both sit down, share some beers and just talk about shit for hours. She can be a strong woman when need be and totally submissive to me when I need her to be. Plus the sex is great after 15 yrs. In fact its only getting better in some ways now that we both know what the other likes and dislikes.

That to me is what makes the relationship great. Its not what you do with each other from day to day, fuck, I could not stand a woman that wants to do everything with me at all times, including my hobbies. Im sort of a loner and have been all my life and I definitely need my alone space where I can do the shit I do. And she knows this and respects it.


Got something right about marriage
Noodle, smearing vasoline on your wife's butthole because she's got some butt issues and needs help... that's love. Carrying your wife through raids because you're so addicted to your video game habit that you're trying to force her to play just so she doesn't nag you about playing for 6 hours a day... that's just sad.


<Bronze Donator>
To be fair, that game indirectly encouraged tunnel vision when played at the highest level(raiding). Managing your rotation and cooldowns, information from the ui, and what fires not to stand in, all very at odds with each other.


A Mod Real Quick
Noodle, smearing vasoline on your wife's butthole because she's got some butt issues and needs help... that's love. Carrying your wife through raids because you're so addicted to your video game habit that you're trying to force her to play just so she doesn't nag you about playing for 6 hours a day... that's just sad.
No man you misunderstood - it was love that I refused to carry her through raids. I couldn't live with myself.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Listen bros... women aren't very good at anything. They also aren't very fun to hang out with, well unless they're naked that is.


<Bronze Donator>
Of any of the girls in my past only one of them played MMOs and she just liked "exploring." Yeah. That didn't work out.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There was a token MMO addict gamer gurl on my server around when TBC launched. The typical "I'm a girl. Hey guys I'm a girl. Did you hear I'm a girl?" So one guy from my guild took a bus from Canada down to Souther California where she lived after some hot and heavy whispers. So when he got there it turned out she was a tub. Shocking, I know. But such a tub that even he (who is also a tub) couldn't force himself to fuck her. So they just hung out and played WoW together for like 12 hours a day while he visited and never fucked. He said she had to of been at least 300 pounds. I was dying the entire time. The server knew she was big because her face was fat and she never posted pictures below the neck. But he said what he saw he was not prepared for (Illidan style.) I think the bus ride was like 12 hours long too. Maybe even more.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yo, a_skeleton_03 just made an HTML table to tell you what's up Phaz. You gonna let him do that to you?
a_skeleton_03 is the same guy who snagged nudies off of his wife's friend's HD because he felt entitled to do so (/implication.jpg) and traded Vicodin for nudes from the Meagan Fox of Ohio. I am not terribly worried about any relationship advice he might have because I am fairly certain he has worse problems than most of the people in this thread and his health scare kept his relationship together. He is also, in typical a_skeleton_03 fashion, putting words in my mouth that I never said. I never said everyone had shitty relationships, nor am I so myopic that I feel like every relationship has to mirror mine. What I said, specifically, is that I don't understand how anyone can make that kind of commitment to someone and then not want to spend time with them. For all of his numerous flaws, a_skeleton_03 actually seems to have a healthy LT relationship these days (his habit of scamming friends nudies, tossing pills at hoors, and lack of interest in forplay not withstanding) by the sounds of it. Mrs a_skeleton_03 is probably overlooking a lot of bullshit because the good far outweighs the bad, which makes her a lot like my wife I guess.

And for you lone wolf guys, mkopec's description makes the most sense to me of a working relationship where there is a lot of separation, because at least its two people acting as equals and having good entertaining conversations when they ARE together. That makes real sense to me, even though its not how I am personally. What I don't understand are the guys who essentially really want a bangmaid and are then somehow surprised that they don't have fulfilling relationships. Or worse, they get bored and start letting their dick make dumb choices for them like Wormy did. Speaking of which, does anyone know what happened to him?


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah when my wife plays I just tell her to say she's a guy. She is completely clueless and doesn't understand it so I had to show her all the stuff on the internet about the way women are treated on the internet.

She is super naive.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If she sucks, I imagine she'll get treated way worse as a dude. From all the examples I've seen in gaming(especially MMOs), women are treated way better than dudes.


A Mod Real Quick
Well she played a Hunter and Monk, so really all she did was press 3 buttons and out dps everyone. No one had a clue.


Still a Music Elitist
Or worse, they get bored and start letting their dick make dumb choices for them like Wormy did. Speaking of which, does anyone know what happened to him?
wormie is a bitch. He came here "asking" for advice when he already had his mind made up. He just wanted us to agree with him and give him e-high fives. When he didn't get that response he went silent and came back to give us one update that they were now banging and said how he wasn't going to post anymore because some bros on the Internet were giving him a hard time.


<Bronze Donator>
Plus we never got pics of the doctor wife and the amazon girl to allow a proper determination to be made.


Got something right about marriage
That's true. Can't high five a bro when you don't even know what the broads look like


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
But come on, asking anyone to post pics of a loved one on this forum is pants on head retarded. Not going to happen.