Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Life's a Dream
This is a complete change of subject, but do any of you have a sober husband or wife while the other isn't? My wife drank as a person in high school, but some time in her college years decided she didn't like the taste anymore, and quit everything. I've tried giving her random things, and she never wants any of it. She'll take a sip here or there, and just say "eww, I taste the alcohol".

This isn't really a problem at all, but I'm aware of it. It does make me always want to find something that she can drink, though. I finally found a wine that she doesn't mind, but it has to be heated up. Sand Castle Winery's "Alpine". It has a really strong cinnamon smell and sweet flavor. In our entire time being married, it's the first alcoholic drink I've seen her actually try on her own.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I get annoyed at my wife because she is a boring drinker. Regular boring beer, white wine, lately she has been into fruity Mango-Ritas or whatever they are called that Budweiser makes. Meanwhile I am becoming a total cocktail and craft beer hipster and that scene is exploding in Chicago (and everywhere else, obviously, but cocktails especially here) and she doesn't even want to try anything else.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I get annoyed at my wife because she is a boring drinker. Regular boring beer, white wine, lately she has been into fruity Mango-Ritas or whatever they are called that Budweiser makes. Meanwhile I am becoming a total cocktail and craft beer hipster and that scene is exploding in Chicago (and everywhere else, obviously, but cocktails especially here) and she doesn't even want to try anything else.
So you hit the bar and get her a $2 happy hour miller lite and yourself an $8Quad | Une Année | Chicago, IL | BeerAdvocateor something. Sounds like a winning deal to me!


A Mod Real Quick
My wife never drinks, occasionally 1 or 2 bud lights (lol). I usually don't drink either, but I know when I get absolutely shitfaced she'll be there to drive me home and leave me on the bathroom floor.


I have the occasional cocktail when I'm out for dinner but my husband doesn't drink at all. Has never had a drink actually.


He was raised mormon. Even though he left the church as a teenager and is very against the mormon church, I guess some things just stick. He's not against drinking or anything, just no desire to do so.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Same here. I don't drink though I used to have a glass of scotch and a cigar with my roommate once a week before we got married. Outside of that atmosphere alcohol in any form just turns me off. My wife will have a mojito now and again when she goes out with friends and I'm completely cool with it... Just on a personal level I don't like it.


Got something right about marriage
Is he a recovering alcoholic?
Yes Tuco, he's a recovering alcoholic who "hasneverhad a drink".

As for the alcohol, I like to drink, and it's good social lubrication while dating, but I just can't drink much anymore. I get the worst goddamn hangovers on earth. The next day always feels like it might be my last day on earth.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yes Tuco, he's a recovering alcoholic who "hasneverhad a drink".

As for the alcohol, I like to drink, and it's good social lubrication while dating, but I just can't drink much anymore. I get the worst goddamn hangovers on earth. The next day always feels like it might be my last day on earth.
Sorry, I wasn't sure if 'never had a drank' meant 'neverhad a drink', 'never had a drink around me' or 'is a recovering alcoholic who doesn't drink'.


Life's a Dream
Tuco, you were somewhat right. While he has never physically drank alcohol, he does anal vodka tampons to get himself good and fucked up.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't know, seems like the burning sensation would harsh the buzz. Can't say I've ever tried(or wanted to), I've started eschewing alcohol on a pure calories standpoint. Donut vs cocktail, donut wins every time.