Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Millie's Staff Member
nygma wasnt really a villain up until he murdered that dude 2 weeks ago. just like hermione never straight up murdered anyone until this week


And even now Nygma is more of a anti hero then a villain in Gotham.
He stabbed that guy technically in self defense when the dude came at him, and He went there to protect the girl he likes from getting beat up again.


<Prior Amod>
The difference is Gemma is a professional nerd and has always been. She has 2 PHD's, a biochemist and she didn't join SHIELD for spy shit or nation stuff, it was the best way to find answers to her science questions. She and Fitz are seemingly the best emerging scientists in SHIELD and they seem to be the best surviving scientists, she's all about the science, her loins would melt at solving a math equation.

She is written as one of those cute little meek scientists, that couldn't hurt a fly, and when push comes to shove and they have to shoot "the big bad" to save their friend, they can't and their friend dies, and they have to live with it for the duration of the series, and when they find the big bad at the end, they have an epiphany, throw down their gun and say, "no, i don't have to kill you", then big explosion and the big bad dies from an external cause, the way her character is, she would throw down the gun and say "i'm better than this" or some bullshit.

nope, not ONLY did she plan to murder ward, she chose a weapon she could use, cuz she's probably really suck ass with guns, so you know, something up close and personal that will kill in 1 second and be an assured death. She knew how inept she was (cuz she is a scientist, lets be real) and compensated with the diviner disc.

All these other characters, suck ass emo syler, "wah i love watches"

or Ben Linus "wah, my daddy didn't love me"

could be evil, are evil, we knew they'd be evil, plus they're not nerds, just socially inept.

Gemma is a super nerd of the highest double PHD, and she wanted Ward dead, hell, she even saw how they dismantled Deathlok, and she was heartbroken and sad, but still said.

"hang on, i've got some murdering to do first"


Millie's Staff Member
The difference is Gemma is a professional nerd and has always been. She has 2 PHD's, a biochemist and she didn't join SHIELD for spy shit or nation stuff, it was the best way to find answers to her science questions. She and Fitz are seemingly the best emerging scientists in SHIELD and they seem to be the best surviving scientists, she's all about the science, her loins would melt at solving a math equation.

She is written as one of those cute little meek scientists, that couldn't hurt a fly, and when push comes to shove and they have to shoot "the big bad" to save their friend, they can't and their friend dies, and they have to live with it for the duration of the series, and when they find the big bad at the end, they have an epiphany, throw down their gun and say, "no, i don't have to kill you", then big explosion and the big bad dies from an external cause, the way her character is, she would throw down the gun and say "i'm better than this" or some bullshit.

nope, not ONLY did she plan to murder ward, she chose a weapon she could use, cuz she's probably really suck ass with guns, so you know, something up close and personal that will kill in 1 second and be an assured death. She knew how inept she was (cuz she is a scientist, lets be real) and compensated with the diviner disc.

All these other characters, suck ass emo syler, "wah i love watches"

or Ben Linus "wah, my daddy didn't love me"

could be evil, are evil, we knew they'd be evil, plus they're not nerds, just socially inept.

Gemma is a super nerd of the highest double PHD, and she wanted Ward dead, hell, she even saw how they dismantled Deathlok, and she was heartbroken and sad, but still said.

"hang on, i've got some murdering to do first"
yes all those descriptions fit edward nygma, he is a meek little professional nerd. he went to kringle's apartment to watch her place in the chance that the asshole cop might show up . he brought a knife in case he had to protect her/himself from him. this also fits walter white, chemistry nerd who is dying needs to make money to set his family up and he ends up in bed with tough drug dealers and ends up having to kill them. its been done before. hermione plotting to kill ward while a huge shift for her character is by no means groundbreaking territory.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really, Simmons is an example of the "Break the Cutie" trope. She was poisoned and almost died, one of her friends turned out to be a traitor, her best friend got brain damage in an attempt to sacrifice himself, the guy she had a crush on was turned to dust, etc. Basically, she's just had horrible things happening all around her and taking out Grant was the one way of her trying to get a tiny bit of control over it.

This is something the Whedons like to use, particularly with their geekiest characters: Willow in Buffy, Fred in Angel, even to some extent Topher in Dollhouse. Possibly also River, though I think Kaylee was more intended to fit this role had the show gone on long enough.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't really see it as murder and I doubt Gemma does either. Ward is a mass murderer and putting him down is a service to humanity.


Molten Core Raider
I don't really see it as murder and I doubt Gemma does either. Ward is a mass murderer and putting him down is a service to humanity.
Eh? Premeditated murder is murder in the 1st degree. The fact that Ward is a killer doesn't change that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean she may be using a line of thinking to fool herself just like you did, but like Nidhogg said, it doesn't matter how you dress it up, murder is murder.

I also don't see how he's any more of a mass murderer than May or Daisy or any other badass SHIELD field operative.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The point is not about a trial. The point is that Gemma murdered someone in cold blood, not knowing if it would blow the very important mission they were on, under flimsy excuses to hide from herself the fact that it was purely for vengeance.

She is a murderer, just like Ward. May may actually not be a murderer, since it seems likely all her killings were in the line of duty.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The point is she's now a strong and independent woman and that makes you cis scum uncomfortable so you have to lash out on the internet from your parents basement.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ward already attempted to kill her once. I just hope she doesn't get all emo over failing to kill him. His one last word has more potential to screw her up than her killing the wrong guy would. That guy was a human looking Ward puppet, which barely rates as a person.

In their line of work I would actively keep as few enemies behind me as possible, and the risk Ward creates is a lot more than any actual benefit they could get from him. I do like how much he screws up all the characters and would hate to see them really kill him off.


<Prior Amod>
dear lord, kill off deathlok first b4 you kill off Ward. I don't even like ward, deathlok is just that much worse.


<Prior Amod>
btw i will preface my deathlok hatred by saying that i'm a "90"s comics kid.

jim lee xmen
new warriors

Hell the best thing about deathlok wasn't even the action, it was him talking in his mind to the deathlok computer, and how even giving it orders was almost a "Q" (stark trek) like existence, that magic is gone, and now we have this travesty.