Master of Orion


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
1. You never go on auto in MOO2? Ever? If you are telling me you start, play through, and finish all combats manually, then you're a masochist.

2. You're saying you won't use a hybrid RTS/TBS system as a turn-based system because of... Well, I really don't know why, I guess "just cause". Using a hybrid system that always you to play turn-based, is totally different from a turn-based system how precisely?

3. We have no understanding of the goodness of the AI but you're going to call it retarded anyway. Now, on Friday we may find out the AI is indeed retarded, in which case you should start your own psychic hotline, but until then you've got no basis for your rant.

I hate cynical bullshit "everything sucks" posts like this. So yeah, I'm going to neg you.
1) Auto on inconsequential fights that one side is sure to win? Of course. Balanced fights where tactics matter? Not a chance. No one is arguing that, Sir Strawman.

2) How about every game in the series (including that abortion Moo3) used turn based only because that is how 4x plays? Every great 4x game has been a turn based single player dominated experience, from the beginning, except perhaps Reach for the Stars which had awesome hotseat MP but was still a turn based game. This is a massive change in the basic concept of core gameplay that the series has established and slapping the MOO IP on it to suck in idiots who are happy that a new title with voice acting is coming out. The fact that you are in that camp does not surprise me in the least. Look at the latest iteration of Civ for a good example of what happens when you fuck with core game concepts.

3) It is a known fact that gutting SP and putting in a MP emphasis is far easier than programming a meaningful tactical AI (again, I cite the latest offering in the Civ series, but you can look at the latest Galactic Civilizations for a better example here) because the latter requires far more effort and playtesting. This is true in any genre (see SF5 thread), not just 4x or even RTS. Getting big name voice acting, pushing in RTS battles, and showing off graphics smacks of turd polishing to me. It is the same dog and pony show we got in the run up to Moo3. So you call me cynical, but I consider it practical critical thinking. I am pretty sure there is a better chance of the Malaysian airliner turning up in Iran than this actually being anywhere near as good as Moo2.


Elisha Dushku
Getting big name voice acting, pushing in RTS battles, and showing off graphics smacks of turd polishing to me.
"Smacks"? In other words, you recognize your objections are currently completely baseless, but you're going to continue pushing them anyway. What makes your rant today particularly stupid is that actual player gameplay videos are only five-six days out; so instead of turning into the a rabid, foam-mouthed pseudo Utnayan, as you just have, you could have waited until Saturday, watched a couple of people play for a hour or so and (if it turns out the pausable RTS combat doesn't work as advertised) then mocked my white-knighting from the past few days. As it is now, you're tied into hating a game you haven't even seen even if it turns out to be objectively good. Way to win at life buddy.

Oh, and I particularly like the SP v MP objection today when WG has made visible improvements to the SP game:

For example the planet screen now shows the per-pop food/research/production. So the player can see at a glance the immediate effect of moving population around on the planet management screen. Clearly an improvement over MOO2.



Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Moo2 already did that per population shit in the planetary display. I know this because I actually played a game of it this weekend. It also had custom races, custom designed ships, no star lanes, and actual working AI. Things even that abortion Moo3 had. Did you even play Moo2?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Custom designed ships are cheating imo. When I was first learning to play I would turtle with a charismatic creative race, then roll out 3-4 doomstars with 200 heavy rapidfire gauss cannons and destroy the entire enemy fleet in the opening volley.


Elisha Dushku
Moo2 already did that per population shit in the planetary display.
Totes the same. Totes!

I think it's already been noted that custom ship design video comes out on Weds and custom races will be in the game in a few weeks after default races are balanced. But please don't let facts in anyway alter the reality distortion field that is your brain.


Elisha Dushku
Custom designed ships are cheating imo. When I was first learning to play I would turtle with a charismatic creative race, then roll out 3-4 doomstars with 200 heavy rapidfire gauss cannons and destroy the entire enemy fleet in the opening volley.
Nah. MOO2 AI cheats heavily on the higher levels, will build itself ships and buildings for free. So fair is fair.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Custom designed ships are cheating imo. When I was first learning to play I would turtle with a charismatic creative race, then roll out 3-4 doomstars with 200 heavy rapidfire gauss cannons and destroy the entire enemy fleet in the opening volley.
That tactic only works at lower difficulties and even then the Darlocks have to not exist. Besides, taking telepathic and making empty ships large enough to qualify for the mind control takeover was a far bigger exploit in the early game.

Anyhow, my point stands. RTS battles are a mistake and I will not even beta this game with that shit shoe horned into it. Breaking the formula so some sperg clicklords can micro their way to cheesy MP wins is a no go for me. The only time I have seen that drastic of a fundamental change work was Fallout 3 and beyond, and that is somewhat open to debate.


Golden Knight of the Realm
When you see someone tractor an enemy ship into an asteroid blowing it up, you'll change your mind young Jedi.
I saw that in Sots II and that game was still pretty poor. I would take better gameplay and worse graphics any day since I am not a micheal bay fan.


Elisha Dushku
I saw that in Sots II and that game was still pretty poor. I would take better gameplay and worse graphics any day since I am not a micheal bay fan.
Transformers is a fun movie even with Shia, and if you can't enjoy it you're a douche and a poser, but that's neither here nor there. We'll see how the combat goes in five days.

Edit: Beta Ship Design Screen



Elisha Dushku
With respect to the "Alternate Frigate" in the above. IIRC, there are at least three models for each ship currently. Standard, Alternate and Pixel Ship. You can see different themes in the latest video. Let's you Michael Bay up your ships a bit.


<Prior Amod>
Granted I haven't read this whole thread and I should have since it's only a few pages but I'm just now seeing it's real time combat? That may cause me to not buy.


Elisha Dushku
Granted I haven't read this whole thread and I should have since it's only a few pages but I'm just now seeing it's real time combat? That may cause me to not buy.
RiF. Reading is fundamental.

Live streaming of Alpha 3/early Beta gameplay tomorrow by various random non-WG people include the guy in the linked thread which should get to youtube ASAP so Phaz can dump on the game and/or mock my white-knighting after that, no need to wait until Friday:

Wednesday MoO Gameplay stream - Master of Orion - Conquer the Stars - Master of Orion Official Forum

Comments on the game so far: Resembles SD2, Alpha AI needs work in building its fleets.


Molten Core Raider
Moo2 already did that per population shit in the planetary display. I know this because I actually played a game of it this weekend. It also had custom races, custom designed ships, no star lanes, and actual working AI. Things even that abortion Moo3 had. Did you even play Moo2?
I don't think he played MOO2.

Seriously, just trying to read this thread now is TAD TAD TAD TAD TAD (Someone's valid point) TAD TAD TAD TAD (another valid point) TAD TAD TAD TAD TAD TAD TAD.

Fuck's sake. Let your foot dangle out your ass a while before you put it in your mouth the second time. Only freaks like FtM.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Granted I haven't read this whole thread and I should have since it's only a few pages but I'm just now seeing it's real time combat? That may cause me to not buy.
It's "somewhat" RTS. Besides my general principle of never ever getting into an early access again, it's probably what cooled me a bit in my enthusiasm. I'll see what that means before tagging the game "Not interested" in steam.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Custom designed ships are cheating imo. When I was first learning to play I would turtle with a charismatic creative race, then roll out 3-4 doomstars with 200 heavy rapidfire gauss cannons and destroy the entire enemy fleet in the opening volley.
HAHAH those sound like our old death egg designs. Big ball shaped ship with immense numbers of rapid fire cannons that would just wade in solo to an enemy fleet and rip them to shreds. I did not have quantity of ships but my quality was more than sufficient for the task at hand. I usually had the equiped with the item that let you blow up planets. To make sure random hordes of colony ships could not just keep resettling them. Just blow up all planets and then remake them as desired for expansion one at a time give the opponents nothing to colonize.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nah. MOO2 AI cheats heavily on the higher levels, will build itself ships and buildings for free. So fair is fair.
Yes MOO2 AI on higher levels was basically just unleashing cheat mode for the AI not really changing the AI that much just giving it so much free stuff that the challenge ramped up.


Elisha Dushku
(Someone's valid point).
Valid point? Oh you mean someone's feelz. Yes, there are a lot of feelz in this thread, you've got feelz, Tarrant has feelz, Phazael and Gavinrad have feelz. I've got some feelz too.

I've been gone and hadn't realized that feelz now count as valid points on the new, improved PC Principal approved rerolled forums.

I had previously thought someone saying the felt a game would suck was generally bullshit if it wasn't (at a minimum) based on reading up on the developer's design and intentions regarding the game, watching gameplay videos, and/or, better yet, actually playing the game themselves. I stand corrected and understand that feelz are feelz and don't need any evidentiary backup to be valid points, thanks for re-educating me in this matter Jait.

And Tarrant I apologize for being a dick. I had previously thought posting a comment that said, in effect, "I haven't read shit about this game but I feel it might suck" was a dickless move deserving of a dick response, but Jait has made me see that you simply needed to express your powerful feelz, and I should simply have listened and acknowledged those feelz .

Thanks to my re-education I now see that what I should have been praying for is MOO2 but with better graphics. Supporting any other changes to the engine, gameplay, lore or design is heretical and should be punished with ad hominem attacks on the developers and any supporters of such heresy.

God forbid, any developer should try any type new mechanics such as a pausable and slowable RTS tactical combat in a game where previously a large end-game battle could take an hour or more. Because similar pausable real-time combat system totes never worked in games like BG.