Mechwarrior Online


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So devs decided to do a surprise test today for a few hours, and currently all games are IS vs Clan - though looks like if you team up, that queue is mixed like normal. As you would expect, IS teams are getting stomped. Played 3 games so far, lost all three 3-12 - pretty frustrating. But hey, Clan are not OP!!!11!!!11

Just played another game, lost 2-12. I can honestly say I don't recall the last time I lost 4 games in a row. Lotta whining in games and on the forum (and here apparently lol). Done for now, I'll try back later. It's just a waste of time for IS right now.
They should make it like the actually Battletech universe and allow the IS team to have double the mechs for a fair engagement. That way you'll actually take out a start of Clan mechs before you get wiped out.


Double the mechs is a bit overkill but I do favor the 12 IS vs 10 Clan split that people seem to be pushing for on the MWO forums. Since their release Ive piloted mostly Clan mechs while leveling them up and yeah something will need to be done if they insist on Clan vs IS matches for CW. Rounding a corner and coming face to face with an Atlas used to make your stomach drop. Now I just alpha strike twice and move on...


Molten Core Raider
Atlases are the leasy worrisome 100 ton mechs I've faced. Either coring their cockpit or alpha striking their left chest to render them useless.


Silver Knight of the Realm
We'll see where they go from here. Although the data (small sampling that it is) pretty clearly shows a minimum advantage of 10% straight up. Larger when you factor in the trial mechs. If they don't change something, I don't know why anyone would run IS over Clan except for very specific mech (Raven 3L for instance).
Double the mechs is a bit overkill but I do favor the 12 IS vs 10 Clan split that people seem to be pushing for on the MWO forums. Since their release Ive piloted mostly Clan mechs while leveling them up and yeah something will need to be done if they insist on Clan vs IS matches for CW. Rounding a corner and coming face to face with an Atlas used to make your stomach drop. Now I just alpha strike twice and move on...
Was mostly a joke, but yah IS pound for pound mechwise just don't have a shot against a clan player.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Stackpole's stuff is pretty decent - didn't read much more than 4-5 of his books.


Well the clan wep nerfing begins tomorrow (sorta)!Weapon Balance Update

Hey folks,

It's time to address the whole PPC/Gauss combo, the PPCs themselves and an additional weapon that is in high need of tuning... the Clan ER-Large Laser.

The PPC Weapon System

First off. Reading through the feedback we know that both solutions are not favorable as it will significantly affect PPC behaviour. The problem is, we need to have a change to the PPC as it has been out of alignment in terms of what we wanted its role to be in the game. Yes it is meant to be a mid to long range weapon but right now it's a long long range weapon. We still want the weapon to be accurate but we also want to pull in its effective distance. By effective distance we mean full damage range. We could pull in the actual max range value but that would no longer allow the PPC to reach out to 540m at full damage levels.

With the overwhelming feedback of the firing mechanic being far too complex, we have decided to give the projectile speed change a chance. We will be watching its performance as time goes on.

The new values for the PPCs are as follows:
Inner Sphere PPC - Speed = 850 m/s down from 1500 m/s.
Inner Sphere ER-PPC - Speed = 950 m/s down from 1500 m/s.
Clan ER-PPC - Speed = 950 m/s down from 1500 m/s.

We have tested this internally and also have had some of the high competitive players look at it. The overall feeling is that it's about right but as I said, we will keep looking at tuning this if warranted.

What the speed decrease does is the following:
Highly desyncs PPC/Gauss projectile impact times when fired simultaneously. The long range target 'Mech will be able to torso twist damage across multiple components or if it's moving fast enough, possibly evade the PPC shot(s).
Adds much higher skill requirement to using the weapon. Beyond 600-700m, you will have to lead your targets in order to hit. If you want instantaneous hits at longer ranges,then moving to a gauss rifle is what you will want to do.
Brings the effective range of the PPC into the 600-800m range instead of out at 1000m+.
Fallback scenarios mentioned by the community:

There have been comments that people will switch to the PPC/AC10 combination. This works out fine as the long range damage efficiency is now at 450m.

The same holds true for AC/5s including dual AC/5 builds. The effective long range sits at 620m but at this point the speed of projectile is significantly different.

Overall, the PPC becomes a mid to long range (90m - 700m) weapon. While still able to deal damage out to 1080m, it's going to require a very skilled shot to pull off.

Next up, the Clan ER Large Laser.

The Clan ER Large Laser has been on the nerfing radar for a while. It is firing in almost heat neutral Clan heavy/assault builds. It also has a very long range with a relatively short beam duration. To fix this weapon and make it have the firing attributes we would expect it to have, the following changes have been made.
C-ERLL beam duration increased from 1.5 -> 2.0 seconds.
C-ERLL base heat value increased from 8.5 -> 9.0.
C-ERLL minimum heat penalty (number of weapons fired simultaneously that will trigger Heat Scale) decreased from 3 -> 2. This means you can fire 1 for free, but firing 2 or more will incur the Heat Scale penalty.
C-ERLL heat penalty (Heat Scale multiplier) increased from 3.0 -> 12.0.
What this has produced in testing:

The numbers sound drastic, but the only one that makes a noticible change is the beam duration increase. Holding a beam at long range is going to require high player skill to get full damage on target.

The amount of heat being generated by such a powerful and long range weapon is severely out of sync with the rest of the game. Testing this weapon on default loadout Clan 'Mechs showed that the amount of heat being generated is near negligible. The Heat Scale numbers make the weapon start to blip on the heat meter. It's not really high enough yet but we will start low and work our way up.

The limit of 1 Clan-ER Large Laser for free is assocated with the findings from above. Even with this new minimum heat penalty setting, firing 2 Clan-ER Large Lasers still makes the weapon just start to blip on the heat meter. As always, we will be monitoring this weapon system very closely as to its effectiveness on the battlefield.

In Conclusion

This post is to let you know that these changes are going to be quick patched into tomorrow's build. The servers will be down for a very short amount of time (minutes, not hours) and the change will be in place. We are going to run with these numbers and see how the game adapts and performs with these changes and will update as needed as we continue investigating the weapons and new Clan technology now in the game.

The ppc/gauss combo should be effectively done for, so that should settle down those Timberwolf/Direwolf killing machines a bit. The clan large laser adjustment will hopefully add some more diversity to the builds rather than just stacking large lasers (which Im guilty of myself). Might be a bit overkill on the ppc though, projectiles moving at almost half the speed and effective range cut by a few hundred meters will be a big impact. Either/or might have been enough but changes to speed and range makes that thing seem very unappealing.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Was reading some dev stuff earlier today - too lazy to go find links. They've announced what will constitute the first round of CW and it'll be... just what all us cynics said it would be - you can create and join guilds (or corps or whatever they are called). Doing so will give you a tag on your name, like any other game. And that's it - that's the whole first release, and there's only 1 more later this year. To call it underwhelming would be an understatement. Another dev release stated that they fully intend to limit you to using mechs of the side you're on - either IS or Clan. SUPER curious to see how that's going to work out for people that have spent significant coin on both IS and Clan mechs. Since there is no avatar/persona behind the mechs, it's not like you can have a IS toon and a Clan toon (absent completely separate accounts, of course).

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I havent played for a while but incurring ghost heat starting with the second C-ERLL sounds drastic, I dont like that change no matter where the weapon stands balance-wise.

Tbh one of the biggest failures of PGI is having some kind of blooming reticle that is affected by heat and movement. It's standard in modern shooters, fits the Battletech background perfectly, and it would solve a ton of issues they are struggling with since beta with regards to weapon balance and pinpoint dps projection with ppc and ballistics.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So that IS vs. Clan event? Turns out Clans won 90% of the games, and while the Clan sides tended to have a higher Elo, it was only an average of 90 points higher - not much. Expect changes.


Molten Core Raider
Wow, looks like I might have to modify my 4 ER LRG 2 ER MED laser Timberwolf. I had each arm grouped into a firing group of 2 to dissipate ghost heat, but having it afterj ust 1 laser is shot? That's really F'ing drastic, and it's not like we can switch to regular LRG lasers... you know the ones that actually put damage in one location instead of spread all over the mech because of the firing duration.

I'll try it tonight and see how it goes. Might need to dump my 2 ER MEDs just to add another heatsink.


So that IS vs. Clan event? Turns out Clans won 90% of the games, and while the Clan sides tended to have a higher Elo, it was only an average of 90 points higher - not much. Expect changes.
Looks like Russ Bullock went on a tweet spree after announcing that 90/10 split and confirms more clan changes and will go into more detail next week on them leading up to a 12v10 test event. Id prefer the star/lance split more than weapon nerfs. He also mentioned that weapon balance or team balance needs to be worked out before the second CW update later this year, implying that we might actually have meaningful battles in the near future.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
stacking large lasers (which Im guilty of myself).
Their entire balance is off on lasers, and always has been. We tried telling them early on before even Beta and no one wanted to listen.

Was reading some dev stuff earlier today - too lazy to go find links. They've announced what will constitute the first round of CW and it'll be... just what all us cynics said it would be - you can create and join guilds (or corps or whatever they are called). Doing so will give you a tag on your name, like any other game. And that's it - that's the whole first release, and there's only 1 more later this year. To call it underwhelming would be an understatement. Another dev release stated that they fully intend to limit you to using mechs of the side you're on - either IS or Clan. SUPER curious to see how that's going to work out for people that have spent significant coin on both IS and Clan mechs. Since there is no avatar/persona behind the mechs, it's not like you can have a IS toon and a Clan toon (absent completely separate accounts, of course).
Yeah that's really fucking sad.

I don't know about anyone else, but the only way I think I'd consider playing now is if they were to get all of the CW stuff added, weapons and mechs balanced, and THEN were to open up a completely separate "server" similar to an EQ emu server. Because as it is now, every time I think about playing and I tell myself that the entry barrier isn't an issue, I end up googling around and reading up on where the game is atm and I run into issues and think to myself"Well fuck, I'll check back in in another 4-6 months".


Silver Knight of the Realm
So that IS vs. Clan event? Turns out Clans won 90% of the games, and while the Clan sides tended to have a higher Elo, it was only an average of 90 points higher - not much. Expect changes.

90 fucking percent.

Yeah, it's not that clan tech is OP, it's the shit pilots in trial mechs...



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah all the people twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify these wins is good for a lot of laughs.


Molten Core Raider
With the ERLRG changes on Caldera I managed a 987 score with my 4 ER LRG 2 ER MED laser timberwolf, last player alive. Everyone "informing" me that I get ghost heat now and why am I using them. Top score in the game of course, the 2 second duration is complete garbage, but they just dropped the servers to hotfix the minimum for ghost heat back up to 3. My mech lives... and thank god. I immediately mechlabed into 2 ER LRG and 2 LRG PLS lasers fired oddly and felt terrible.

Now I just gotta cope with the worse heat and longer beam duration. Not a problem. I literally went from 0% heat on a cold map to 100% heat and shutdown when I alpha'd 4 ER LRG. Hewwww doggy.