Medal Masters - Mobile RPG/Collection


A nice asshole.
Ok kicked 3 people, you should be able to search guild and i'll be on the look out. Confirm ingame names please,. Insintric and Srichia (sp) correct? I thought i was watching for you but haven't seen. Holy fuck could they use a lesson in simple guild functionality; i can't even "invite" just leave it on approval required and i get spammed non stop with requests hah. I'm on the look out, i just fired up the guild quest (180 battles) so jump on if you can soon as possible so you can get some points.
I requested access. Name is Hatorade.


Molten Core Raider
Hate has entered the building! Trying to friend you as much as i can for battles but sometimes you aren't on there
Man i have like 25% of this guild quest done, lots of leadership levels up inc!

Edit- So a tip i figured out for today's quest for instance where its number of battles with a guild friend, i just found a boss battle that had 1/2 stam and spam that, its super fast, only 4 stam and i get pieces to upgrade my skill for a key member so its a double win.


what Suineg set it to
This game is awful right at the beginning but starts to really tighten up and makes way more sense tactically as you get more dudes with more options.


Molten Core Raider
Hate; yes i spent some but also much more importantly I A) pulled about a 36 hr straight session when it was released and have kept a fairly decent up time of 14-20 hours a day on the side (even though alot are cycling non-exp stuff) and B) I did lvl 40-50+ and most of 60's catching the exp dungeon. Its amazing sub 60, you basically get a lvl a clear so you don't have to burn gems etc. I've been locked out of spending cash since saturday haha, fucking Itune support can go fuck themselves. They still haven't fixed yet.

Make sure you are looking at characters you have alot of pieces of the character for and train their skills up. It takes a long time to get to a full team of max 5 & 6 stars so in the first few weeks a lvl 3-4 star with max skills which are much faster to train and get can be a huge difference. Mages, Spear guys, and some of the 3-4 star tanks all are common as you complete the storyline so you can train them to lvl 10 skill very easy. Thats an extra 40-50% damage easy from them and can really help out.

Also as i said, my leader skill on my chick is at like 37% HP & ATACK, by far the largest stat boost of any chracter ive seen so i highly suggest using her as your friend. I need 1 more day of guild quest, 2 max to get her to the 40/40 mark maxed. I have Napolean at 6 star with 2 awaking stars but short on some mats to keep working on him. Also mass farmed Jean's hard mode since it was half stam today to get guild quest points so I got her skill lvl 10+. An example of how strong that is, she starts with her skill of 4 seconds of invulnerability, and now i'm at 8 seconds. Thats fucking huge when she is upfront absorbing all attacks, extremely OP if you time it right by watching out for your oppotents gauges to about fill and hit with their big bombs.

Make sure if you guys are trying to get into the guild (Conquest) you message me your ingame name, so many people random try to invite so i have to keep deleting so i need to know who to look for. Not sure how guilds expand as there isn't any metric that I see but they do according to the loading screens so interested to see if that provides longer quests to allow more leadership points.


Molten Core Raider
Sebur and Flakk i approved you so you should be good to go, let me know anyone else if you are sending a request with your ingame name please. Deleted like 100 tonight, so fucking annoying.


Molten Core Raider
So arena is definitely interesting; while seems abit simplified you can really make a difference by having max chars (lvl 3 star restiction for this season, done shortly) plus picking the right comps and more importantly trying to play a group that counters the meta most people are trying to steam roll with since ele match ups make such a huge difference. Also the cards make a MASSIVE difference so it sucks because if you aren't willing to load your low lvls up with them (at least for this season) instead of giving to your higher ranked folks then you are at a huge disadvantage. Also the beta folks have the insane ones that make them just damn near unkillable.

I made it into the Master's rank which made me happy but its brutal and i cant figure out how the up and down ranking works, i made it as high as master rank 5 and lost a few matches to the top 2-3 dudes in the entire game and plumpted to master rank 18, won 5-6 in a row against higher master rank folks and only made rank up....

Good thing is masters gives some real solid gems, you get daily arena medals (like 30?) and the seasons seem short. At the moment i should get 200-300 gems when the season ends so thats hot.


Are pillage opponents matched by level range? If so, it's definitely possible to outlevel your power, and then you get bad pillage matchups =/ I'm suffering badly now at level 26 with power ratings under 10k. Pillage also charges you to find new opponents, but then sometimes the opponents you paid to find are online or protected =/

On the bright side, Venus with some buff cards can pretty much spam global charm...


Molten Core Raider
Pillage is all over the place, i've been ranking in the top 1-20 since day one and have got to the point now everything is cake but early on i spent alot of gold finding the right match ups. Also power numbers can be misleading; i've won 200 tokens from matches that looked horrible on paper but being able to pick your team to go agaainst them after you see their line up is awesome, you counter them alot if you have some flexiability in your line up.

Also, i figured out how to invite easier, if you say something in global chat i can click on your name and invite you as a friend! If anyone needs me as a friend hollar and set a time this evening and i'll make sure to be watching chat for you.My 6 star napolean is about to get his 3rd red star and is starting to hit like a truck but i usually have my Minerva up who is 5 star/5 red star with almost max leadership ability and unkillable almost.

Venus has eluded me so far
I'm not spending any more gems on pulls until there is a promo though, i have plenty of other stuff to get to 6 star at this point. I'm curious to see what the new arena season will look like, praying for higher star limit so i can bring the pain. Just need a few more mats and i'll have dual 5 star/5red star tanks; Jean's invuln is over 8 seconds now so she eats up so many of the other teams attacks its awesome. Once i get a few more people up i want to switch to a Napolean lead comp with just her as the front line so she can fully soak up the damage instead of splitting to my other 2 front liners i usually run. 4 ranged + invuln tank should rape.


Molten Core Raider
Man that medal box shit could be a hell of a money grab if you aren't lucky. That being said, holy fuck if i read the ability right Arthur is a god damn beast. 50% HP reduction to front line based on current health? I got lucky enough and pulled one fairly early; i'm going to put a 40% initial ability cool down on him and go drop the beast mode tanks up front in the first 10 seconds or so of fighting by 50%. Come get some!


Molten Core Raider
Arthur is solid but not as OP as i was hoping; i am running double initial cool down on him trying to maximize the amount of damage his ability does (try to burn a big tank with def down). If you have Venus USE HER, she doesn't have to be evolved really high to make a big difference, try and get any of her cards to level skill up as it makes her charm longer. Short cool down, i double initial cooldown her to try and get cc's out before the other team in arena.

In masters rank arena, fell down to 15 (fuck match making, played the same top 3 people in the game over and over) and made it up to Master Rank 7 again now, 400 gems if I can hold out a few more days to stay in top 10 which is pretty nice. Need 3-4 more damges of awaking/evolv and should have my team in awesome shape. If any new comers let me know your ingame name and apply to guild "Conquest". I run the guild quests typically right at 1 MST when they refresh.


Arthur is solid but not as OP as i was hoping; i am running double initial cool down on him trying to maximize the amount of damage his ability does (try to burn a big tank with def down). If you have Venus USE HER, she doesn't have to be evolved really high to make a big difference, try and get any of her cards to level skill up as it makes her charm longer. Short cool down, i double initial cooldown her to try and get cc's out before the other team in arena.

In masters rank arena, fell down to 15 (fuck match making, played the same top 3 people in the game over and over) and made it up to Master Rank 7 again now, 400 gems if I can hold out a few more days to stay in top 10 which is pretty nice. Need 3-4 more damges of awaking/evolv and should have my team in awesome shape. If any new comers let me know your in game name and apply to guild "Conquest". I run the guild quests typically right at 1 MST when they refresh.
I''m not nearly so far along, but for pillage is the theory sort of Tank and healer of same color, and then each of the remaining 2 gets a different color?


Molten Core Raider
I don't recommond healers personally unless you have their skill extremel high. Heals just don't scale well enough and are to long of cool down to be effective instead of having someone who can CC and do immense damage. I'd take Venus 10 X over a healer if you have. Try and bring at least 2 forms of CC preferably quicker cool downs. Also make sure to add +% defense and +% offense cards, they make a HUGE difference. Double stack them (use prism slot, so for instance your tank should be running a double + defense yellow card and attackers double slot attack even if its lower tier. Initial cool down cards are great as well for pvp, i run my Napolean with a 45% initial reduced and my Arthur & Venus with double initial cool downs as the skill is their main value.


I don't recommond healers personally unless you have their skill extremel high. Heals just don't scale well enough and are to long of cool down to be effective instead of having someone who can CC and do immense damage. I'd take Venus 10 X over a healer if you have. Try and bring at least 2 forms of CC preferably quicker cool downs. Also make sure to add +% defense and +% offense cards, they make a HUGE difference. Double stack them (use prism slot, so for instance your tank should be running a double + defense yellow card and attackers double slot attack even if its lower tier. Initial cool down cards are great as well for pvp, i run my Napolean with a 45% initial reduced and my Arthur & Venus with double initial cool downs as the skill is their main value.
Alright, I'll start making some adjustments. Thanks.

On another note, evolving clears awakened stars...j...f...c...


Molten Core Raider
Ya, it gets insane at 6 star, i have 2 6 stars at 5 awaking/6 normal star and the 6th awaking costs so many damn materials its nuts.

Those prism purple cards are so huge and so damn rare, people who get lucky and pick up get a HUGE boost. I'm in top 10 master arena rank, think i might quit for this week as reward is like 400 gems for being in top 1 masters.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Debating on doing a 3rd 10 pull since I'm back up to 300 or so gems. Kind of just want to use them for quality of life stuff like 5th barracks, inventory space, black market, etc. Not sure I've got any real end game team to build around though so kinda want to chance it. Either way probably best to just wait for the next event.


Ya, it gets insane at 6 star, i have 2 6 stars at 5 awaking/6 normal star and the 6th awaking costs so many damn materials its nuts.

Those prism purple cards are so huge and so damn rare, people who get lucky and pick up get a HUGE boost. I'm in top 10 master arena rank, think i might quit for this week as reward is like 400 gems for being in top 1 masters.
Is there some place to find a ranking for the option cards? Just a bit confusing as a noob to know if I should be using +damage, +crit damage, + element damage, attacke speed, etc in red slots for dps. Or is straight up def is better then damage reduction for a tank. Things like that.