Medal Masters - Mobile RPG/Collection


Trakanon Raider
Strange, it's say's i have already applied to the guild. Similar to the first time i tried to join a couple weeks ago. I think it hates me.


Molten Core Raider
Sounds like they are getting their head out of their ass a little bit and making some changes and adding guild competition here in the near future and a hero dungeon with 4 lvls of difficulty (hell lvl = get sigfried). Hoping they raise the level cap abit, 60 stam seems so little.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, having to use 20 stamina per material farm run gets old fast. Either they need to boost stamina recovery or up the level cap.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Spent like 900 gems I had banked on that damn Yggrdasil box and came up empty. Got some good pulls though. William Tell, Lancelot, etc...


Trakanon Raider
I'm just banking my gems. Yggrdasil just doesn't interest me. The 4 star awakened heroes are nice if you don't already have them.


Bronze Squire
I still have yet to pull a god damn minerva. I know I am way far behind ya'll cause I still can't beat some of the story missions on hard with a perfect clear or at all some of them.


what Suineg set it to
Yea finally get one and I get two four stars out of same ten pull. Time to slog my way thru the awakening ugh.


I still have yet to pull a god damn minerva. I know I am way far behind ya'll cause I still can't beat some of the story missions on hard with a perfect clear or at all some of them.
I'm in the same position. That bitch is a game changer. The arena going on now is pretty much a write off for me. I dont know why but I only have 6 or 7 women heroes in total and only a couple ones that are useful/been worked on. And almost every team I face has a Minerva to beat me down lol


Bronze Squire
Yup I actually wait until the high level ones in our guild like Fangz etc put her as a leader so I can get some shit done lol.


Molten Core Raider
Yygdrasil isn't bad but unless you are going to invest in the pieces to get her skill up to at least 10 honestly she isn't worth it. Fairly fast ability; heals in this game aren't very powerful sadly (good but fairly weak compared to damage out put) but at 50 mana cost with the current way mana works its a fucking bitch to use her efficiently at the top levels.

I am bouncing between being the top 2-7 players in all of arena at the moment using her sometimes but you have to build a really specific team with her. I'm running a unique team now that I haven't seen a single person run so happy to break the meta. I go Morgan lead since almost every top 10 player runs a high skill Venus that if you get caught in one round of charm basically in a charm loop (fucking nerf this shit already you idiots; completely limits 90% of the diversity of the game).

So I got
Morgan - LS to stop all CC (also this is OP as it stops weaken/posion etc so tanks are a bitch to burn). Also I run her with double initial CD (more later)
Jeane - Max def cards on her and lvl 20 skill (11seconds) on invuln means she doesn't go down very easy and 30 mana isn't to bad for the ability.
Yssdravil - I put a purple damage card + normal damage card on her and got high skill so she actually hurts plus all top 10 teams run 2-4 water units for dps protected by Jeane or Minivera. Also run +6 skill card for blue to maximize double damage cards and the fact she basically doesn't auto attack at all (1 time 5 secs...)
Krehmlin (sp) - My secret weapon! Little 4 star beauty, for 1 mana she reduces Cool down by 4.4 seconds for team (have her at skill 12 I think at 7.2 seconds). I run her double initial cool down so she does it fairly earliy
Fill - This is my biggest challenge, I need mana pretty much but also now that I don't run Minerva as my LS the loss in attack means I don't completely burn people as much so I need something with a lot of mana to help finish the matches. I run cleo sometimes but her KB is timed poorly against my morgan freeze so it doesn't KB them. I've tried a few different folks but tis a challenge not going to lie.

My Krem & Morgan have almost identical cast times out the gate, 80% of the time Morgan goes first with AE freeze, then gets it almost fully refreshed while Yggr drops the bomb.

Here is one thing some people don't catch on why Morgana is SO good even at 5 star. Not only does LS immune all purple cards basically (on hit) and 90% of people's cc her ability is one of the only "rain" abilities. Rain abilities will make other people's abilities not cast but still eat their mana! Usually they are froze so it doesn't matter BUT a lot of teams run Morgana LS so they are protected; instead they cast through her rain and loose the ability!

Anyways; I can't wait for this arena to be over as its not very diverse. They NEED to fucking nerf Venus; make her charm only hit males, boom still viable as shit but not completely OP (or have charm break on Ability but not normal hit). Also they need to nerf Morgana so she doesn't immune posion, weakness.

Not sure what next week's arena is but I am already preparing the most ass rape squad of archers that I can't imagine any back line living against regardless if its top in the world. Trying to think of what may counter it outside of extremely early damage to back line but its shaping up pretty good.

Napolean = LS of 102% damage increase (lose 50% health doh!); I have arena master and attack on him but actually went with a purple prism attack speed since his auto attack is SO FUCKING SLOW so he gets the most out of the card actually. His ability is at lvl 11 so does global 210% BUT he is only 1 of 3 people to have that "rain" component so it will shut down teams casting abilitys during that time and waste their mana/cool down so double win

Kremlin - She can get to casting her ability before just about any global damage can be done in the game with double CDR (1-2 exceptions but we will see). Napolean has such a huge CDR but she will help that hit fast plus he basically is the hardest hitting person in the game right now with my setup.

William Tell - I never used him before BUT as I learn more at master's, damage is not the only thing. He has a fast ability with global knock up which Morgana can't immune. SO he gets 102% attack increase from Nap LS, and more importantly (have to test timing some still) he should have a global knock up before anyone gets any abilities off. Huge disruption and most back line people are exposed in knock backs momentarily and they can't handle napoleon dropping 10k+ hits on their ass

Tank - Still deciding, doesn't really matter just need to stay alive long enough to let me start my ability chain

Last spot is still up in the air; I'm wanting archer but torn. If mana looks to be an issue I may go Mary. I have her with attack speed/prism attack speed and mana theft so she hits SO fast and mana is solid. Looking at fights that have huge front lines, with the attack buff from Nap LS she will actually hit alright plus insane speed. Also I'm farming her ability skills as a top priority at the moment as it can get up to like 11 seconds of double attack speed. That is insane and no one realizes it or uses her. In any setups where its an actually sustained fight, Mary is going to be top tier because she basically doubles your attack dps and mana regen capabiltiies. With out Nap LS I am not sure how effective her damage will be with double attack speed but her job is to be a mana battery more then anything.

Really enjoying the mechanics of the game; hopefully content starts rolling out some and the idiots nerf Venus. They need to be careful on nerfs clearly with money invested in some cases but when an entire fucking meta of 30+ characters is being determined by 2 people 100% of the time then you need to make a change.


Trakanon Raider
Good post Turbo.

I tend to run Morgana in my arena squad. Not that i ever get much father than rank 2. I have yet to figure out what to do with my Kremlin yet as i don't have a good team to stack around it. I'm just now finishing up my Jeanne awakenings but need some good cards for her. I have a real problem obtaining purples. Only have one on my Richard so far.

I have yet to get the two heroes i would like to have in my team pool - Minerva and freaking Venus. So annoying to see a good squad have a Venus and know I can't even face them. Morgana just isn't strong enough to use outside of Arena for me.


Molten Core Raider
Few random tips for people

1) Upgrading skills is VERY impactful but ranges greatly character to character. Make sure you look at the hero records to see what a max level character for each star has for stats and skill scaling

2) Watch for the map changes to see where 1/2 stam goes, multiple ones on hard and normal can exist but they tend to be first few maps (fuck you!). ANYTIME you see 1/2 stam that drops hero pieces of a key person for you OR 6 star that you have and may evolve these need to be priority over everything as far as stamina usage goes. They are only on useful places ever so ofton so make sure to spam them until you get lvl 10-15 at least on skills. Makes a big difference when skills are doing 50-100% more damage particular on spamming gods. Key ones that are common are Jeane (GET THIS, 11 sec invuln = amazing), Leo (useful, at least get lvl 10-15), Richard (same). Those are the common 3, rest are low tier folks that are fairly common in your travels. Also if you see a Robin 1/2 stam fucking bust that bitch out, burn a gem or two. I didn't realize it the first time I saw and have hardly ever seen since. Robin is arguably the best archer (depending on how you use him) and usually a double attack stacking archer since his attack speed is solid so you will have maximum attack potential thus scaling his fairly fast refreshing ability is a TOP priority

3) Guild quests; get in one. You can mass spam a few of the quests that most people don't take advantage of and get a lot of guild points to train leadership skills. Leadership skills make a HUGE difference so you need a few key ones maxed asap. If you get a few q-passes save them for when a guild quest says special dungeon X _. Just spam you q-passes and burn a few gems if you don't have 2-3 max LS's to use in certain situations, its the best use of your gems I assure you. Also if its take a guild friend to a fight, you want to go the single boss round of the lowest stamina map and spam it. The only exception is if you have a 1/2 stam map further out. This works perfect for Jeana, I had her skill to 20 at 3 stam a map with like <30 second fights and got mass guild contributions & pieces for her skills

4) Critical leadership skills; depends on who you have but core ones you want to focus are Richard for 60% attack (water), Robin for 60% attack (earth), Tristan for 60% attack across the board, and Minerva (40% attack & HP but does not apply to her). These are huge and completely change fights. Minevera almost always should be your go to in pvp unless you need Morgana for immunity from Venus charms. I can beat mid tier Venus's that don't have 100% chains (you need skill 17 for infinitive loop) because my Minerva gives me a lot of sustainability and packs a punch with the buff.

5) Pillaging; take advantage of the above leadership skills. Elemental advantage damage plus a 60% attack leader blows people up hard core. Even if your hero is less quality, if you see a team who has 2 red tanks and a 3rd red dps, load up a less effective blue team and you have a huge advantage especially if you have Richard at 60% etc. Also if you are at all serious about the game and keep an eye on it, don't be afraid to spend your gold searching for good opponents. The gems per day for finishing in top ___ is nice particularly for F2P since you pretty have equal shot at them. Just remember, getting a sweet 200 soul stone win is the same as having to win 20 10 stone wins; we are playing with a finite amount of pillages you can do in a day and gold itself is about useless at this point since card packs are so shit so spend the gold to find a good opponent. My rule of thumb is I never go under a 20 stone opponent and I keep searching for 100+ until it costs 2k gold a turn, then I am less selective.

6) Double stack your stat cards; at the moment the game is fucking horribly balanced when it comes to cards. 10% of the cards are 30-70% more effective then similar sub types. For instance, max crit card gives 5% crit where attack is 40%. Even without knowing exact crit chance/attack speeds you can do the math pretty easy. Now throw in the attack buffs from LS's and in match attack increase buffs (hector, lancelot, gawian). Attack wins by a land slide. I need to test more but I also almost believe the 80% damage to __element damage doesn't compare due to the way damage is calculated (if it has anything for defense then low base attack X high damage modifier = low damage still). I'd basically put 2 attack red cards on all damage dealers unless you have mana issues. The only main exception is a mana battery where you put mana theft (4-5 mp per attack, 40% chance). Put 2 attack speed buff cards on him and watch the mana fly (see item 7). Defense is the same; double defense on almost everyone, the way the game handles defense even a low tier defensive card trumps top tier dodge, hp, bubble, flat damage reduction card. Other exception is going double initial cool down cards on global CC members (cleo, medusa, Morgana, etc). The faster you get a global CC out the less damage you take and better chance of killing one person before they come out. It also doesn't let them use abilities so if they were about maxed it delays them using all the while you are using abilities and gaining time to use another. CC is king my friends as long as you have at least one bad ass damage dealer.

7) Yeti...enuff said. Yeti is the most OP mother fucker around. He has top 2-3 attack speed in game but he is a wizard, wizards do splash damage so it hits all targets in front line. So damage is good if you build him damage but the real trick is to give him attack speed red, and mana theft blue. Insane mana regen from it, now if you have a purple "on hit" ability he is awesome for that (I have mine with a frozen one and frequently freeze the front line). If you don't have on hit you can give him a second attack speed card

8) Try and put any prism cards that scale with hero level on your lvl 60's. 50's make sense in certain situations (max MP one for instance) but you are missing out. For instance, if you had the attack one (1% per hero lvl). Putting it on a lvl 60 gives 60% attack vs the red card which gives wasting that on a lvl 50 where you hardly get any more then 2 red cards is not smart. Use your "on crit effect" cards on your lvl 5 high attack folk (mary, van heislenk, yeti are the best 3). If you get a defensive purple, you NEED to put it on Minerva. Makes her so fucking tanky with a second yellow defensive card + her skill. I've killed a team in master arena in 15 seconds flat but her and spent the next fucking 30 seconds 1v5 before I could kill. Jeane is also a great choice but you lose some of its effectiveness due to high uptime on invuln

9) might not get the best draws etc but you can't be wish washy in this game, pick a path and commit to it because what ever strat you are going for takes a fuck ton of time to get all the pieces in place so you can't be changing your mind mid way. As I mentioned in the previous post, 3 days ago I had come up with what I feel is going to be a strat that only 1 person on the server can shut me down on and I've been building it since even though next arena is still 3 days out. I can only pray they don't ban archers next round haha. I would love to see a venus targeted ban so we can get away from that bullshit but not a full blue ban since my strat leverages napoleon and morgan for significant skill shut down due to rains.

Anyways, hope that may help a few newer folks trying the game. It has its charm, if the develop it and progress I'm happy that I left Brave Frontier for it (BF is pretty damn well put together in hind sight but at the end of the day I wanted something with a fresh start).

Good luck~


Very good information, Turbo.

Does your guild have room? Level 72, daily player. Should have my first 6 star (Richard) in a couple days. Jean and Robin about a week later. Getting tired of my guild failing to complete guild quests within 1 days time. I think you've seen me in chat: Sriracha (finally moving away from Eriel).


Molten Core Raider
Sure, put in a request and i'll add. Today is the first day ever we didnt finish in 1 day (usually finish in the first few hours as i plow through them) as i picked the 120 arena wins with 10 points a piece (had no good options). So that won't be an issue.


what Suineg set it to
I got a william tell 4* awakened from a pull for my triple archer comp... dude is god tier. That global with knockback is amazing.